problem: appveyor with libsodium change the current directory and break the build

Solution: do git pull without changing the current directoy
This commit is contained in:
somdoron 2019-06-12 00:33:59 +03:00
parent 0a696d8774
commit ee6755ff1d

View File

@ -122,8 +122,7 @@ install:
if not exist "%LIBSODIUMDIR%" (
git clone --branch stable --depth 1 --quiet "" %LIBSODIUMDIR%
) else (
git pull
git -C "%LIBSODIUMDIR%" pull
- cmd: if "%WITH_LIBSODIUM%"=="ON" msbuild /v:minimal /maxcpucount:%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% /p:Configuration=%Configuration%DLL %LIBSODIUMDIR%\builds\msvc\%MSVCYEAR%\libsodium\libsodium.vcxproj