description: 'Regular expression of branch names for which a deploy action would be attempted after a successful build and test; leave empty to not deploy. Reasonable value is ^(master|release/.*|feature/*)$',
string (
defaultValue: '${DEFAULT_DEPLOY_JOB_NAME}',
description: 'Name of your job that handles deployments and should accept arguments: DEPLOY_GIT_URL DEPLOY_GIT_BRANCH DEPLOY_GIT_COMMIT -- and it is up to that job what to do with this knowledge (e.g. git archive + push to packaging); leave empty to not deploy',
booleanParam (
defaultValue: true,
description: 'If the deployment is done, should THIS job wait for it to complete and include its success or failure as the build result (true), or should it schedule the job and exit quickly to free up the executor (false)',
booleanParam (
defaultValue: true,
description: 'Attempt stable build without DRAFT API in this run?',
booleanParam (
defaultValue: true,
description: 'Attempt build with DRAFT API in this run?',
booleanParam (
defaultValue: true,
description: 'Attempt a build with docs in this run? (Note: corresponding tools are required in the build environment)',
description: 'Publish as an archive a "dist" tarball from a build with docs in this run? (Note: corresponding tools are required in the build environment; enabling this enforces DO_BUILD_DOCS too)',
when { expression { return ( params.DO_BUILD_WITH_DRAFT_API ) } }
steps {
dir("tmp/build-withDRAFT") {
unstash 'prepped'
sh 'CCACHE_BASEDIR="`pwd`" ; export CCACHE_BASEDIR; ./configure --enable-drafts=yes --with-docs=no'
sh 'CCACHE_BASEDIR="`pwd`" ; export CCACHE_BASEDIR; make -k -j4 || make'
sh 'echo "Are GitIgnores good after make with drafts? (should have no output below)"; git status -s || if [ "${params.REQUIRE_GOOD_GITIGNORE}" = false ]; then echo "WARNING GitIgnore tests found newly changed or untracked files" >&2 ; exit 0 ; else echo "FAILED GitIgnore tests" >&2 ; exit 1; fi'
when { expression { return ( params.DO_BUILD_WITHOUT_DRAFT_API ) } }
steps {
dir("tmp/build-withoutDRAFT") {
unstash 'prepped'
sh 'CCACHE_BASEDIR="`pwd`" ; export CCACHE_BASEDIR; ./configure --enable-drafts=no --with-docs=no'
sh 'CCACHE_BASEDIR="`pwd`" ; export CCACHE_BASEDIR; make -k -j4 || make'
sh 'echo "Are GitIgnores good after make without drafts? (should have no output below)"; git status -s || if [ "${params.REQUIRE_GOOD_GITIGNORE}" = false ]; then echo "WARNING GitIgnore tests found newly changed or untracked files" >&2 ; exit 0 ; else echo "FAILED GitIgnore tests" >&2 ; exit 1; fi'
sh 'CCACHE_BASEDIR="`pwd`" ; export CCACHE_BASEDIR; make -k -j4 || make'
sh 'echo "Are GitIgnores good after make with docs? (should have no output below)"; git status -s || if [ "${params.REQUIRE_GOOD_GITIGNORE}" = false ]; then echo "WARNING GitIgnore tests found newly changed or untracked files" >&2 ; exit 0 ; else echo "FAILED GitIgnore tests" >&2 ; exit 1; fi'
sh 'echo "Are GitIgnores good after make check with drafts? (should have no output below)"; git status -s || if [ "${params.REQUIRE_GOOD_GITIGNORE}" = false ]; then echo "WARNING GitIgnore tests found newly changed or untracked files" >&2 ; exit 0 ; else echo "FAILED GitIgnore tests" >&2 ; exit 1; fi'
sh 'echo "Are GitIgnores good after make check without drafts? (should have no output below)"; git status -s || if [ "${params.REQUIRE_GOOD_GITIGNORE}" = false ]; then echo "WARNING GitIgnore tests found newly changed or untracked files" >&2 ; exit 0 ; else echo "FAILED GitIgnore tests" >&2 ; exit 1; fi'
sh 'echo "Are GitIgnores good after make memcheck with drafts? (should have no output below)"; git status -s || if [ "${params.REQUIRE_GOOD_GITIGNORE}" = false ]; then echo "WARNING GitIgnore tests found newly changed or untracked files" >&2 ; exit 0 ; else echo "FAILED GitIgnore tests" >&2 ; exit 1; fi'
sh 'echo "Are GitIgnores good after make memcheck without drafts? (should have no output below)"; git status -s || if [ "${params.REQUIRE_GOOD_GITIGNORE}" = false ]; then echo "WARNING GitIgnore tests found newly changed or untracked files" >&2 ; exit 0 ; else echo "FAILED GitIgnore tests" >&2 ; exit 1; fi'
sh 'echo "Are GitIgnores good after make distcheck with drafts? (should have no output below)"; git status -s || if [ "${params.REQUIRE_GOOD_GITIGNORE}" = false ]; then echo "WARNING GitIgnore tests found newly changed or untracked files" >&2 ; exit 0 ; else echo "FAILED GitIgnore tests" >&2 ; exit 1; fi'
sh 'echo "Are GitIgnores good after make distcheck without drafts? (should have no output below)"; git status -s || if [ "${params.REQUIRE_GOOD_GITIGNORE}" = false ]; then echo "WARNING GitIgnore tests found newly changed or untracked files" >&2 ; exit 0 ; else echo "FAILED GitIgnore tests" >&2 ; exit 1; fi'
sh """cd "${params.USE_TEST_INSTALL_DESTDIR}/withDRAFT" && find . -ls"""
sh 'echo "Are GitIgnores good after make install with drafts? (should have no output below)"; git status -s || if [ "${params.REQUIRE_GOOD_GITIGNORE}" = false ]; then echo "WARNING GitIgnore tests found newly changed or untracked files" >&2 ; exit 0 ; else echo "FAILED GitIgnore tests" >&2 ; exit 1; fi'
sh """cd "${params.USE_TEST_INSTALL_DESTDIR}/withoutDRAFT" && find . -ls"""
sh 'echo "Are GitIgnores good after make install without drafts? (should have no output below)"; git status -s || if [ "${params.REQUIRE_GOOD_GITIGNORE}" = false ]; then echo "WARNING GitIgnore tests found newly changed or untracked files" >&2 ; exit 0 ; else echo "FAILED GitIgnore tests" >&2 ; exit 1; fi'
sh """cd "${params.USE_TEST_INSTALL_DESTDIR}/withDOCS" && find . -ls"""
sh 'echo "Are GitIgnores good after make install with Docs? (should have no output below)"; git status -s || if [ "${params.REQUIRE_GOOD_GITIGNORE}" = false ]; then echo "WARNING GitIgnore tests found newly changed or untracked files" >&2 ; exit 0 ; else echo "FAILED GitIgnore tests" >&2 ; exit 1; fi'