Submitted: Nick Leverton ( leveret ) - 2010-04-19 07:44:10 PDT
Details: The recent codebase merge has removed a significant API call
which is used by several pupnp devices such as mediatomb and gmediaserver.
UpnpSetVirtualDirCallbacks() has been replaced by individual routines to
set each callback. Essentially this means that 1.6.7 will in fact be a majo
bump and 1.6.6 devices can no longer link against it. Could we have the call
reinstated please, perhaps as a wrapper around the individual calls ? As
it is, all distros will have to patch their 1.6.x apps, rebuild and re-link them.
The other removed API calls and external variables don't seem to be used
by any of the apps I have copies of, but UpnpSetVirtualDirCallbacks is
important for maintaining compatibility within 1.6.x.