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#ifndef UPNP_H
#define UPNP_H
* Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Intel Corporation
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
* without specific prior written permission.
* \defgroup UPnPAPI UPnP API
* @{
* \file
#include "ixml.h"
#include "upnpconfig.h"
#include "UpnpGlobal.h"
#include "UpnpInet.h"
* \todo Document the exact reason of these include files and solve this
* include mess in an include file like UpnpTime.h
#ifdef WIN32
#include <time.h>
#elif (defined(BSD) && BSD >= 199306)
#include <time.h>
/* Other systems ??? */
#define LINE_SIZE 180
#define NAME_SIZE 256
#define MNFT_NAME_SIZE 64
#define MODL_NAME_SIZE 32
#define SERL_NUMR_SIZE 64
#define MODL_DESC_SIZE 64
#define UPNP_INFINITE -1
* \name Error codes
* The functions in the SDK API can return a variety of error
* codes to describe problems encountered during execution. This section
* lists the error codes and provides a brief description of what each error
* code means. Refer to the documentation for each function for a
* description of what an error code means in that context.
* @{
* \brief The operation completed successfully.
* For asynchronous functions, this only means that the packet generated by
* the operation was successfully transmitted on the network. The result of
* the entire operation comes as part of the callback for that operation.
#define UPNP_E_SUCCESS 0
* \brief The handle passed to a function is not a recognized as a valid handle.
* \brief One or more of the parameters passed to the function is not valid.
* Refer to the documentation for each function for more information on the
* valid ranges of the parameters.
* \brief The SDK does not have any more space for additional handles.
* The SDK allocates space for only a few handles in order to conserve memory.
#define UPNP_E_OUTOF_HANDLE -102
* \brief Not enough resources are currently available to complete the operation.
* Most operations require some free memory in order to complete their work.
#define UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY -104
* \brief The SDK has already been initialized.
* The SDK needs to be initialied only once per process. Any additional
* initialization attempts simply return this error with no other ill effects.
#define UPNP_E_INIT -105
* \brief The description document passed to \b UpnpRegisterRootDevice or
* \b UpnpRegisterRootDevice2 is invalid.
#define UPNP_E_INVALID_DESC -107
* \brief An URL passed into the function is invalid.
* The actual cause is function specific, but in general, the URL itself
* might be malformed (e.g. have invalid characters in it) or the host might
* be unreachable.
#define UPNP_E_INVALID_URL -108
#define UPNP_E_INVALID_SID -109
* \brief The device ID/service ID pair does not refer to a valid service.
* Returned only by \b UpnpNotify, \b UpnpNotifyExt, \b UpnpAcceptSubscription,
* and \b UpnpAcceptSubscriptionExt.
* \brief The response received from the remote side of a connection is not correct
* for the protocol.
* This applies to the GENA, SOAP, and HTTP protocols.
#define UPNP_E_BAD_RESPONSE -113
#define UPNP_E_BAD_REQUEST -114
* \brief The SOAP action message is invalid.
* This can be because the DOM document passed to the function was malformed or
* the action message is not correct for the given action.
* \brief \b UpnpInit has not been called, or \b UpnpFinish has already been called.
* None of the API functions operate until \b UpnpInit successfully completes.
#define UPNP_E_FINISH -116
* \brief \b UpnpInit cannot complete.
* The typical reason is failure to allocate sufficient resources.
#define UPNP_E_INIT_FAILED -117
* \brief The URL passed into a function is too long.
* The SDK limits URLs to 180 characters in length.
#define UPNP_E_URL_TOO_BIG -118
* \brief The HTTP message contains invalid message headers.
* The error always refers to the HTTP message header received from the remote
* host. The main areas where this occurs are in SOAP control messages (e.g.
* \b UpnpSendAction), GENA subscription message (e.g. \b UpnpSubscribe),
* GENA event notifications (e.g. \b UpnpNotify), and HTTP transfers (e.g.
* \b UpnpDownloadXmlDoc).
#define UPNP_E_BAD_HTTPMSG -119
* \brief A client or a device is already registered.
* The SDK currently has a limit of one registered client and one registered
* device per process.
* \brief The interface provided to \b UpnpInit2 is unknown or does not have a valid
* IPv4 or IPv6 address configured.
* \brief A network error occurred.
* It is the generic error code for network problems that are not covered under
* one of the more specific error codes. The typical meaning is the SDK failed
* to read the local IP address or had problems configuring one of the sockets.
* \brief An error happened while writing to a socket.
* This occurs in any function that makes network connections, such as discovery
* (e.g. \b UpnpSearchAsync or \b UpnpSendAdvertisement), control (e.g.
* \b UpnpSendAction), eventing (e.g. \b UpnpNotify), and HTTP functions (e.g.
* \b UpnpDownloadXmlDoc).
#define UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE -201
* \brief An error happened while reading from a socket.
* This occurs in any function that makes network connections, such as discovery
* (e.g. \b UpnpSearchAsync or \b UpnpSendAdvertisement), control (e.g.
* \b UpnpSendAction), eventing (e.g. \b UpnpNotify), and HTTP functions (e.g.
* \b UpnpDownloadXmlDoc).
#define UPNP_E_SOCKET_READ -202
* \brief The SDK had a problem binding a socket to a network interface.
* This occurs in any function that makes network connections, such as discovery
* (e.g. \b UpnpSearchAsync or \b UpnpSendAdvertisement), control (e.g.
* \b UpnpSendAction), eventing (e.g. \b UpnpNotify), and HTTP functions (e.g.
* \b UpnpDownloadXmlDoc).
#define UPNP_E_SOCKET_BIND -203
* \brief The SDK had a problem connecting to a remote host.
* This occurs in any function that makes network connections, such as discovery
* (e.g. \b UpnpSearchAsync or \b UpnpSendAdvertisement), control (e.g.
* \b UpnpSendAction), eventing (e.g. \b UpnpNotify), and HTTP functions (e.g.
* \b UpnpDownloadXmlDoc).
* \brief The SDK cannot create any more sockets.
* This occurs in any function that makes network connections, such as discovery
* (e.g. \b UpnpSearchAsync or \b UpnpSendAdvertisement), control (e.g.
* \b UpnpSendAction), eventing (e.g. \b UpnpNotify), and HTTP functions (e.g.
* \b UpnpDownloadXmlDoc).
#define UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET -205
* \brief The SDK had a problem setting the socket to listen for incoming
* connections.
* This error only happens during initialization (i.e. \b UpnpInit).
#define UPNP_E_LISTEN -206
* \brief Too much time elapsed before the required number of bytes were sent
* or received over a socket.
* This error can be returned by any function that performs network operations.
#define UPNP_E_TIMEDOUT -207
* \brief Generic socket error code for conditions not covered by other error
* codes.
* This error can be returned by any function that performs network operations.
#define UPNP_E_SOCKET_ERROR -208
/*! \brief The operation was canceled.
* This error can be returned by any function that allows for external cancelation.
#define UPNP_E_CANCELED -210
* \brief A subscription request was rejected from the remote side.
* \brief An unsubscribe request was rejected from the remote side.
* \brief The remote host did not accept the notify sent from the local device.
* \brief One or more of the parameters passed to a function is invalid.
* Refer to the individual function descriptions for the acceptable ranges for
* parameters.
* \brief The filename passed to one of the device registration functions was
* not found or was not accessible.
#define UPNP_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND -502
* \brief An error happened while reading a file.
* \brief The file name of the description document passed to
* \b UpnpRegisterRootDevice2 does not end in ".xml".
#define UPNP_E_EXT_NOT_XML -504
#define UPNP_E_NO_WEB_SERVER -505
#define UPNP_E_OUTOF_BOUNDS -506
* \brief The response to a SOAP request did not contain the required XML
* constructs.
#define UPNP_E_NOT_FOUND -507
* \brief Generic error code for internal conditions not covered by other
* error codes.
/* SOAP-related error codes */
/* @} ErrorCodes */
* Opaque data structures. The following includes are data structures that
* must be externally visible. Since version 1.8.0, only an opaque typedef
* is visible from the outside world. Any operation on these data types
* must be done using the appropriate interface functions.
* This policy has the great advantage that it is now possible to change
* the internal implementation of these data structures without breaking
* the API.
#include "ActionComplete.h"
#include "ActionRequest.h"
#include "Discovery.h"
#include "Event.h"
#include "EventSubscribe.h"
#include "FileInfo.h"
#include "StateVarComplete.h"
#include "StateVarRequest.h"
#include "SubscriptionRequest.h"
* \name Constants and Types
* @{
enum UpnpOpenFileMode
* \brief Returned when a control point application registers with
* \b UpnpRegisterClient.
* Client handles can only be used with functions that operate with a client
* handle.
typedef int UpnpClient_Handle;
* \brief Returned when a device application registers with
* \b UpnpRegisterRootDevice or \b UpnpRegisterRootDevice2.
* Device handles can only be used with functions that operate with a device
* handle.
typedef int UpnpDevice_Handle;
* \brief Holds the subscription identifier for a subscription between a
* client and a device.
* The SID is a string representation of a globally unique id (GUID) and should
* not be modified.
typedef char Upnp_SID[44];
* \brief Represents the different types of searches that can be performed
* using the SDK for UPnP Devices API.
* By specifying these different values to \b UpnpSearchAsync, the control
* point application can control the scope of the search from all devices
* to specific devices or services.
enum Upnp_SType_e {
/*! Search for all devices and services on the network. */
/*! Search for all root devices on the network. */
/*! Search for a particular device type or a particular device instance. */
/*! Search for a particular service type, possibly on a particular
* device type or device instance. */
typedef enum Upnp_SType_e Upnp_SType;
* \brief Specifies the type of description in \b UpnpRegisterRootDevice2.
* These values control how \b UpnpRegisterRootDevice2 interprets the
* \b description parameter.
enum Upnp_DescType_e {
/*! The description is the URL to the description document. */
/*! The description is a file name on the local file system
containing the description of the device. */
/*! The description is a pointer to a character array containing
the XML description document. */
typedef enum Upnp_DescType_e Upnp_DescType;
#include "Callback.h"
/* @} Constants and Types */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
* \name Initialization and Registration
* @{
* \brief Initializes the Linux SDK for UPnP Devices (IPv4 only).
* \deprecated Kept for backwards compatibility. Use UpnpInit2 for new
* implementations or where IPv6 is required.
* This function must be called before any other API function can be called.
* It should be called only once. Subsequent calls to this API return a
* \c UPNP_E_INIT error code.
* Optionally, the application can specify a host IPv4 address (in the
* case of a multi-homed configuration) and a port number to use for
* all UPnP operations. Since a port number can be used only by one
* process, multiple processes using the SDK must specify
* different port numbers.
* If unspecified, the SDK will use the first IPv4-capable adapter's IP address
* and an arbitrary port.
* This call is synchronous.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist
* to initialize the SDK.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INIT: The SDK is already initialized.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INIT_FAILED: The SDK initialization
* failed for an unknown reason.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_BIND: An error occurred binding a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_LISTEN: An error occurred listening to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: An error ocurred creating a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INTERNAL_ERROR: An internal error ocurred.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpInit(
/*! The host local IPv4 address to use, in string format, for example
* "", or \c NULL to use the first IPv4 adapter's IP address. */
const char *HostIP,
/*! Local Port to listen for incoming connections
* \c NULL will pick an arbitrary free port. */
unsigned short DestPort);
* \brief Initializes the Linux SDK for UPnP Devices (IPv4 or IPv6).
* This function must be called before any other API function can be called.
* It should be called only once. Subsequent calls to this API return a
* \c UPNP_E_INIT error code.
* Optionally, the application can specify an interface name (in the
* case of a multi-homed configuration) and a port number to use for
* all UPnP operations. Since a port number can be used only by one
* process, multiple processes using the SDK must specify
* different port numbers.
* If unspecified, the SDK will use the first suitable interface and an
* arbitrary port.
* This call is synchronous.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist
* to initialize the SDK.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INIT: The SDK is already initialized.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INIT_FAILED: The SDK initialization
* failed for an unknown reason.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_BIND: An error occurred binding a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_LISTEN: An error occurred listening to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: An error ocurred creating a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INTERNAL_ERROR: An internal error ocurred.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_INTERFACE: IfName is invalid or does not
* have a valid IPv4 or IPv6 addresss configured.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpInit2(
/*! The interface name to use by the UPnP SDK operations.
* Examples: "eth0", "xl0", "Local Area Connection", \c NULL to
* use the first suitable interface. */
const char *IfName,
/*! Local Port to listen for incoming connections.
* \c NULL will pick an arbitrary free port. */
unsigned short DestPort);
* \brief Terminates the Linux SDK for UPnP Devices.
* \li Checks for pending jobs and threads
* \li Unregisters either the client or device
* \li Shuts down the Timer Thread
* \li Stops the Mini Server
* \li Uninitializes the Thread Pool
* \li For Win32 cleans up Winsock Interface
* \li Cleans up mutex objects
* This function must be the last API function called. It should be called only
* once. Subsequent calls to this API return a \c UPNP_E_FINISH error code.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_FINISH: The SDK is already terminated or
* it is not initialized.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpFinish(void);
* \brief Returns the internal server IPv4 UPnP listening port.
* If '0' is used as the port number in \b UpnpInit, then this function can be
* used to retrieve the actual port allocated to the SDK.
* \return
* \li On success: The port on which an internal server is listening for IPv4 UPnP
* related requests.
* \li On error: 0 is returned if \b UpnpInit has not succeeded.
EXPORT_SPEC unsigned short UpnpGetServerPort(void);
* \brief Returns the internal server IPv6 UPnP listening port.
* If '0' is used as the port number in \b UpnpInit, then this function can be
* used to retrieve the actual port allocated to the SDK.
* \return
* \li On success: The port on which an internal server is listening for IPv6 UPnP
* related requests.
* \li On error: 0 is returned if \b UpnpInit has not succeeded.
EXPORT_SPEC unsigned short UpnpGetServerPort6(void);
* \brief Returns the local IPv4 listening ip address.
* If \c NULL is used as the IPv4 address in \b UpnpInit, then this function can
* be used to retrieve the actual interface address on which device is running.
* \return
* \li On success: The IPv4 address on which an internal server is
* listening for UPnP related requests.
* \li On error: \c NULL is returned if \b UpnpInit has not succeeded.
EXPORT_SPEC char *UpnpGetServerIpAddress(void);
* \brief Returns the local IPv6 listening ip address.
* If \c NULL is used as the IPv6 address in \b UpnpInit, then this function can
* be used to retrieve the actual interface address on which device is running.
* \return
* \li On success: The IPv6 address on which an internal server is
* listening for UPnP related requests.
* \li On error: \c NULL is returned if \b UpnpInit has not succeeded.
EXPORT_SPEC char *UpnpGetServerIp6Address(void);
EXPORT_SPEC char *UpnpGetServerUlaGuaIp6Address(void);
* \brief Registers a device application with the UPnP Library.
* A device application cannot make any other API calls until it registers
* using this function.
* Device applications can also register as control points (see
* \b UpnpRegisterClient to get a control point handle to perform control
* point functionality).
* This is a synchronous call and does not generate any callbacks. Callbacks
* can occur as soon as this function returns.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_FINISH: The SDK is already terminated or is not
* initialized.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_DESC: The description document was not
* a valid device description.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: The URL for the description document
* is not valid.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b Callback or \b Hnd
* is not a valid pointer or \b DescURL is \c NULL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_NETWORK_ERROR: A network error occurred.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_READ: An error or timeout occurred reading
* from a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_BIND: An error occurred binding a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT: An error occurred connecting the
* socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
* allocated.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: There are insufficient resources to
* register this root device.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpRegisterRootDevice(
/*! [in] Pointer to a string containing the description URL for this root device
* instance. */
const char *DescUrl,
/*! [in] Pointer to the callback function for receiving asynchronous events. */
Upnp_FunPtr Callback,
/*! [in] Pointer to user data returned with the callback function when invoked. */
const void *Cookie,
/*! [out] Pointer to a variable to store the new device handle. */
UpnpDevice_Handle *Hnd);
* \brief Registers a device application with the UPnP Library. Similar to
* \b UpnpRegisterRootDevice, except that it also allows the description
* document to be specified as a file or a memory buffer.
* The description can also be configured to have the correct IP and port
* address.
* NOTE: For the configuration to be functional, the internal web server
* MUST be present. In addition, the web server MUST be activated
* (using \b UpnpSetWebServerRootDir) before calling this function.
* The only condition where the web server can be absent is if the
* description document is specified as a URL and no configuration is
* required (i.e. <tt>config_baseURL = 0</tt>.)
* This is a synchronous call and does not generate any callbacks. Callbacks
* can occur as soon as this function returns.
* Examples of using different types of description documents:
* \verbatim
1) Description specified as a URL:
descriptionType == UPNPREG_URL_DESC
description is the URL
bufferLen = 0 (ignored)
2) Description specified as a file:
descriptionType == UPNPREG_FILENAME_DESC
description is a filename
bufferLen = 0 (ignored)
3) Description specified as a memory buffer:
descriptionType == UPNPREG_BUF_DESC
description is pointer to a memory buffer
bufferLen == length of memory buffer
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_FINISH: The SDK is already terminated or
* is not initialized.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_DESC: The description document is not
* a valid device description.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b Callback or \b Hnd
* is not a valid pointer or \b DescURL is \c NULL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_NETWORK_ERROR: A network error occurred.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_READ: An error or timeout occurred reading
* from a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_BIND: An error occurred binding a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT: An error occurred connecting the
* socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
* allocated.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: There are insufficient resources to
* register this root device.
* \li \c UPNP_E_URL_TOO_BIG: Length of the URL is bigger than the
* internal buffer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND: The description file could not
* be found.
* \li \c UPNP_E_FILE_READ_ERROR: An error occurred reading the
* description file.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: The URL to the description document
* is invalid.
* \li \c UPNP_E_EXT_NOT_XML: The URL to the description document
* or file should have a <tt>.xml</tt> extension.
* \li \c UPNP_E_NO_WEB_SERVER: The internal web server has been
* compiled out; the SDK cannot configure itself from the
* description document.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpRegisterRootDevice2(
/*! [in] The type of the description document. */
Upnp_DescType descriptionType,
/*! [in] Treated as a URL, file name or memory buffer depending on
* description type. */
const char* description,
/*! [in] The length of memory buffer if passing a description in a buffer,
* otherwise it is ignored. */
size_t bufferLen,
/*! [in] If nonzero, \c URLBase of description document is configured and
* the description is served using the internal web server. */
int config_baseURL,
/*! [in] Pointer to the callback function for receiving asynchronous events. */
Upnp_FunPtr Fun,
/*! [in] Pointer to user data returned with the callback function when
* invoked. */
const void* Cookie,
/*! [out] Pointer to a variable to store the new device handle. */
UpnpDevice_Handle* Hnd);
* \brief Registers a device application for a specific address family with
* the UPnP library.
* A device application cannot make any other API calls until it registers
* using this function. Device applications can also register as control
* points (see \b UpnpRegisterClient to get a control point handle to perform
* control point functionality).
* This is synchronous and does not generate any callbacks. Callbacks can occur
* as soon as this function returns.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_FINISH: The SDK is already terminated or
* is not initialized.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_DESC: The description document was not
* a valid device description.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: The URL for the description document
* is not valid.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b Callback or \b Hnd
* is not a valid pointer or \b DescURL is \c NULL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_NETWORK_ERROR: A network error occurred.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_READ: An error or timeout occurred reading
* from a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_BIND: An error occurred binding a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT: An error occurred connecting the
* socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
* allocated.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: There are insufficient resources to
* register this root device.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpRegisterRootDevice3(
/*! [in] Pointer to a string containing the description URL for this root
* device instance. */
const char *DescUrl,
/*! [in] Pointer to the callback function for receiving asynchronous events. */
Upnp_FunPtr Callback,
/*! [in] Pointer to user data returned with the callback function when invoked. */
const void *Cookie,
/*! [out] Pointer to a variable to store the new device handle. */
UpnpDevice_Handle *Hnd,
/*! [in] Address family of this device. Can be AF_INET for an IPv4 device, or
* AF_INET6 for an IPv6 device. Defaults to AF_INET. */
const int AddressFamily);
* \brief Unregisters a root device registered with \b UpnpRegisterRootDevice or
* \b UpnpRegisterRootDevice2.
* After this call, the \b UpnpDevice_Handle is no longer valid. For all
* advertisements that have not yet expired, the SDK sends a device unavailable
* message automatically.
* This is a synchronous call and generates no callbacks. Once this call
* returns, the SDK will no longer generate callbacks to the application.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is not a valid device handle.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpUnRegisterRootDevice(
/*! [in] The handle of the root device instance to unregister. */
UpnpDevice_Handle Hnd);
* \brief Registers a control point application with the UPnP Library.
* A control point application cannot make any other API calls until it
* registers using this function.
* \b UpnpRegisterClient is a synchronous call and generates no callbacks.
* Callbacks can occur as soon as this function returns.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_FINISH: The SDK is already terminated or
* is not initialized.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b Callback or \b Hnd
* is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* register this control point.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpRegisterClient(
/*! [in] Pointer to a function for receiving asynchronous events. */
Upnp_FunPtr Callback,
/*! [in] Pointer to user data returned with the callback function when invoked. */
const void *Cookie,
/*! [out] Pointer to a variable to store the new control point handle. */
UpnpClient_Handle *Hnd);
* \brief Unregisters a control point application, unsubscribing all active
* subscriptions.
* This function unregisters a client registered with UpnpRegisterclient or
* UpnpRegisterclient2. After this call, the \b UpnpClient_Handle is no longer
* valid. The UPnP Library generates no more callbacks after this function
* returns.
* \b UpnpUnRegisterClient is a synchronous call and generates no
* callbacks.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is not a valid control point handle.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpUnRegisterClient(
/*! [in] The handle of the control point instance to unregister. */
UpnpClient_Handle Hnd);
* \deprecated Use \b UpnpSetMaxContentLength instead.
* Warning: the Handle argument provided here is not used, so the effect
* of this function is global to the SDK (= same as \b UpnpSetMaxContentLength).
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpSetContentLength(
/*! [in] The handle of the device instance for which the coincoming content
* length needs to be set. */
UpnpClient_Handle Hnd,
/*! [in] Permissible content length */
size_t contentLength);
* \brief Sets the maximum content-length that the SDK will process on an
* incoming SOAP requests or responses.
* This API allows devices that have memory constraints to exhibit consistent
* behaviour if the size of the incoming SOAP message exceeds the memory that
* device can allocate.
* If set to 0 then checking will be disabled.
* The default maximum content-length is \c DEFAULT_SOAP_CONTENT_LENGTH
* = 16K bytes.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpSetMaxContentLength(
/*! [in] The maximum permissible content length for incoming SOAP actions,
* in bytes. */
size_t contentLength);
/* @} Initialization and Registration */
* *
* D I S C O V E R Y *
* *
* \name Discovery
* @{
* \brief Searches for devices matching the given search target.
* The function returns immediately and the SDK calls the default callback
* function, registered during the \b UpnpRegisterClient call, for each
* matching root device, device, or service. The application specifies the
* search type by the \b Target parameter.
* This function searches for the devices for the provided maximum time.
* It is an asynchronous function. It schedules a search job and returns.
* The client is notified about the search results after search timer.
* Note that there is no way for the SDK to distinguish which client
* instance issued a particular search. Therefore, the client can get
* search callbacks that do not match the original criteria of the search.
* Also, the application will receive multiple callbacks for each search.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is not a valid control
* point handle.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: \b Target is \c NULL.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpSearchAsync(
/*! The handle of the client performing the search. */
UpnpClient_Handle Hnd,
/*! The time, in seconds, to wait for responses. If the time is greater
* than \c MAX_SEARCH_TIME then the time is set to \c MAX_SEARCH_TIME.
* If the time is less than \c MIN_SEARCH_TIME then the time is set to
int Mx,
/*! The search target as defined in the UPnP Device Architecture v1.0
* specification. */
const char *TTarget_constarget_const,
/*! The user data to pass when the callback function is invoked. */
const void *Cookie_const);
* \brief Sends out the discovery announcements for all devices and services
* for a device.
* Each announcement is made with the same expiration time.
* This is a synchronous call.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is not a valid
* device handle.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: There are insufficient resources to
* send future advertisements.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpSendAdvertisement(
/*! The device handle for which to send out the announcements. */
UpnpDevice_Handle Hnd,
/*! The expiration age, in seconds, of the announcements. */
int Exp);
/* @} Discovery */
* *
* C O N T R O L *
* *
* \name Control
* @{
* \brief Queries the state of a state variable of a service on another device.
* \deprecated
* <b>The use of this function is deprecated by the UPnP Forum</b>.
* This is a synchronous call.
* A positive return value indicates a SOAP error code, whereas a negative
* return code indicates an SDK error code.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is not a valid control
* point handle.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: \b ActionUrl is not a valid URL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_DESC: The XML document was not
* found or it does not contain a valid XML description.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: \b StVarVal is not a valid
* pointer or \b VarName or \b ActionUrl is \c NULL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* complete this operation.
* \li \c UPNP_SOAP_E_INVALID_VAR: The given variable is invalid
* according to the device.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpGetServiceVarStatus(
/*! [in] The handle of the control point. */
UpnpClient_Handle Hnd,
/*! [in] The URL of the service. */
const char *ActionURL,
/*! [in] The name of the variable to query. */
const char *VarName,
/*! [out] The pointer to store the value for \b VarName. The SDK allocates
* this string and the caller needs to free it using
* \b ixmlFreeDOMString. */
DOMString *StVarVal);
* \brief Queries the state of a variable of a service, generating a callback
* when the operation is complete.
* \deprecated
* <b>The use of this function is deprecated by the UPnP Forum</b>.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is not a valid control
* point handle.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: The \b ActionUrl is not a valid URL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: \b VarName, \b Fun or
* \b ActionUrl is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* complete this operation.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpGetServiceVarStatusAsync(
/*! [in] The handle of the control point. */
UpnpClient_Handle Hnd,
/*! [in] The URL of the service. */
const char *ActionURL,
/*! [in] The name of the variable to query. */
const char *VarName,
/*! [in] Pointer to a callback function to be invoked when the operation
* is complete. */
Upnp_FunPtr Fun,
/*! [in] Pointer to user data to pass to the callback function when invoked. */
const void *Cookie);
* \brief Sends a message to change a state variable in a service.
* This is a synchronous call that does not return until the action is complete.
* Note that a positive return value indicates a SOAP-protocol error code.
* In this case, the error description can be retrieved from \b RespNode.
* A negative return value indicates an SDK error.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is not a valid control
* point handle.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: \b ActionUrl is not a valid URL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_ACTION: This action is not valid.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_DEVICE: \b DevUDN is not a
* valid device.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: \b ServiceType, \b Action,
* \b ActionUrl, or
* \b RespNode is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* complete this operation.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpSendAction(
/*! [in] The handle of the control point sending the action. */
UpnpClient_Handle Hnd,
/*! [in] The action URL of the service. */
const char *ActionURL,
/*! [in] The type of the service. */
const char *ServiceType,
/*! [in] This parameter is ignored and must be \c NULL. */
const char *DevUDN,
/*! [in] The DOM document for the action. */
IXML_Document *Action,
/*! [out] The DOM document for the response to the action. The SDK allocates
* this document and the caller needs to free it. */
IXML_Document **RespNode);
* \brief Sends a message to change a state variable in a service.
* This is a synchronous call that does not return until the action is complete.
* Note that a positive return value indicates a SOAP-protocol error code.
* In this case, the error description can be retrieved from \b RespNode.
* A negative return value indicates an SDK error.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is not a valid control
* point handle.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: \b ActionUrl is not a valid URL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_ACTION: This action is not valid.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_DEVICE: \b DevUDN is not a
* valid device.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: \b ServiceType, \b Action,
* \b ActionUrl, or
* \b RespNode is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* complete this operation.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpSendActionEx(
/*! [in] The handle of the control point sending the action. */
UpnpClient_Handle Hnd,
/*! [in] The action URL of the service. */
const char *ActionURL,
/*! [in] The type of the service. */
const char *ServiceType,
/*! [in] This parameter is ignored and must be \c NULL. */
const char *DevUDN,
/*! [in] The DOM document for the SOAP header. This may be \c NULL if the
* header is not required. */
IXML_Document *Header,
/*! [in] The DOM document for the action. */
IXML_Document *Action,
/*! [out] The DOM document for the response to the action. The SDK allocates
* this document and the caller needs to free it. */
IXML_Document **RespNode);
* \brief Sends a message to change a state variable in a service, generating a
* callback when the operation is complete.
* See \b UpnpSendAction for comments on positive return values. These
* positive return values are sent in the event struct associated with the
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is not a valid control
* point handle.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: \b ActionUrl is an invalid URL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_DEVICE: \b DevUDN is an invalid device.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b Fun is not a valid
* callback function or \b ServiceType, \b Act, or
* \b ActionUrl is \c NULL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_ACTION: This action is not valid.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* complete this operation.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpSendActionAsync(
/*! [in] The handle of the control point sending the action. */
UpnpClient_Handle Hnd,
/*! [in] The action URL of the service. */
const char *ActionURL,
/*! [in] The type of the service. */
const char *ServiceType,
/*! [in] This parameter is ignored and must be \c NULL. */
const char *DevUDN,
/*! [in] The DOM document for the action to perform on this device. */
IXML_Document *Action,
/*! [in] Pointer to a callback function to be invoked when the operation
* completes. */
Upnp_FunPtr Fun,
/*! [in] Pointer to user data that to be passed to the callback when
* invoked. */
const void *Cookie);
* \brief Sends a message to change a state variable in a service, generating a
* callback when the operation is complete.
* See \b UpnpSendAction for comments on positive return values. These
* positive return values are sent in the event struct associated with the
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is not a valid control
* point handle.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: \b ActionUrl is an invalid URL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_DEVICE: \b DevUDN is an invalid device.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b Fun is not a valid
* callback function or \b ServiceType, \b Act, or
* \b ActionUrl is \c NULL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_ACTION: This action is not valid.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* complete this operation.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpSendActionExAsync(
/*! [in] The handle of the control point sending the action. */
UpnpClient_Handle Hnd,
/*! [in] The action URL of the service. */
const char *ActionURL,
/*! [in] The type of the service. */
const char *ServiceType,
/*! [in] This parameter is ignored and must be \c NULL. */
const char *DevUDN,
/*! [in] The DOM document for the SOAP header. This may be \c NULL if the
* header is not required. */
IXML_Document *Header,
/*! [in] The DOM document for the action to perform on this device. */
IXML_Document *Action,
/*! [in] Pointer to a callback function to be invoked when the operation
* completes. */
Upnp_FunPtr Fun,
/*! [in] Pointer to user data that to be passed to the callback when
* invoked. */
const void *Cookie);
/*! @} Control */
* *
* E V E N T I N G *
* *
* \name Eventing
* @{
* \brief Accepts a subscription request and sends out the current state of the
* eventable variables for a service.
* The device application should call this function when it receives a
* This function is synchronous and generates no callbacks.
* This function can be called during the execution of a callback function.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is not a valid device
* handle.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_SERVICE: The \b DevId/\b ServId
* pair refers to an invalid service.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_SID: The specified subscription ID is not
* valid.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b VarName,
* \b NewVal, \b DevID, or \b ServID is not a valid
* pointer or \b cVariables is less than zero.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* complete this operation.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpAcceptSubscription(
/*! [in] The handle of the device. */
UpnpDevice_Handle Hnd,
/*! [in] The device ID of the subdevice of the service generating the event. */
const char *DevID,
/*! [in] The unique service identifier of the service generating the event. */
const char *ServID,
/*! [in] Pointer to an array of event variables. */
const char **VarName,
/*! [in] Pointer to an array of values for the event variables. */
const char **NewVal,
/*! [in] The number of event variables in \b VarName. */
int cVariables,
/*! [in] The subscription ID of the newly registered control point. */
const Upnp_SID SubsId);
* \brief Similar to \b UpnpAcceptSubscription() except that it takes a DOM
* document for the variables to event rather than an array of strings.
* This function is sychronous and generates no callbacks.
* This function can be called during the execution of a callback function.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is not a valid device
* handle.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_SERVICE: The \b DevId/\b ServId
* pair refers to an invalid service.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_SID: The specified subscription ID is not
* valid.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b VarName,
* \b NewVal, \b DevID, \b ServID, or \b PropSet
* is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* complete this operation.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpAcceptSubscriptionExt(
/*! [in] The handle of the device. */
UpnpDevice_Handle Hnd,
/*! [in] The device ID of the subdevice of the service generating the event. */
const char *DevID,
/*! [in] The unique service identifier of the service generating the event. */
const char *ServID,
/*! [in] The DOM document for the property set. Property set documents must
* conform to the XML schema defined in section 4.3 of the Universal
* Plug and Play Device Architecture specification. */
IXML_Document *PropSet,
/*! [in] The subscription ID of the newly registered control point. */
Upnp_SID SubsId);
* \brief Sends out an event change notification to all control points
* subscribed to a particular service.
* This function is synchronous and generates no callbacks.
* This function may be called during a callback function to send out a
* notification.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is not a valid device
* handle.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_SERVICE: The \b DevId/\b ServId
* pair refers to an invalid service.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b VarName, \b NewVal,
* \b DevID, or \b ServID is not a valid pointer or
* \b cVariables is less than zero.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* complete this operation.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpNotify(
/*! [in] The handle to the device sending the event. */
/*! [in] The device ID of the subdevice of the service generating the event. */
const char *DevID,
/*! [in] The unique identifier of the service generating the event. */
const char *ServID,
/*! [in] Pointer to an array of variables that have changed. */
const char **VarName,
/*! [in] Pointer to an array of new values for those variables. */
const char **NewVal,
/*! [in] The count of variables included in this notification. */
int cVariables);
* \brief Similar to \b UpnpNotify except that it takes a DOM document for the
* event rather than an array of strings.
* This function is synchronous and generates no callbacks.
* This function may be called during a callback function to send out a
* notification.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is not a valid device
* handle.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_SERVICE: The \b DevId/\b ServId
* pair refers to an invalid service.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b VarName, \b NewVal,
* \b DevID, \b ServID, or \b PropSet
* is not a valid pointer or \b cVariables is less than zero.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* complete this operation.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpNotifyExt(
/*! [in] The handle to the device sending the event. */
/*! [in] The device ID of the subdevice of the service generating the event. */
const char *DevID,
/*! [in] The unique identifier of the service generating the event. */
const char *ServID,
/*! [in] The DOM document for the property set. Property set documents must
* conform to the XML schema defined in section 4.3 of the Universal
* Plug and Play Device Architecture specification. */
IXML_Document *PropSet);
* \brief Renews a subscription that is about to expire.
* This function is synchronous.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is not a valid control
* point handle.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: \b Timeout is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_SID: The SID being passed to this function
* is not a valid subscription ID.
* \li \c UPNP_E_NETWORK_ERROR: A network error occured.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_READ: An error or timeout occurred reading
* from a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_BIND: An error occurred binding a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT: An error occurred connecting to
* \b PublisherUrl.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: An error occurred creating a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_BAD_RESPONSE: An error occurred in response from
* the publisher.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUBSCRIBE_UNACCEPTED: The publisher refused
* the subscription renew.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* complete this operation.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpRenewSubscription(
/*! [in] The handle of the control point that is renewing the subscription. */
UpnpClient_Handle Hnd,
/*! [in,out] Pointer to a variable containing the requested subscription time.
* Upon return, it contains the actual renewal time. */
int *TimeOut,
/*! [in] The ID for the subscription to renew. */
const Upnp_SID SubsId);
* \brief Renews a subscription that is about to expire, generating a callback
* when the operation is complete.
* Note that many of the error codes for this function are returned in
* the \b UpnpEventSubscribe structure. In those cases, the function
* returns \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS and the appropriate error code will
* be in the <b>UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode</b> field in the \b Event
* structure passed to the callback.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is not a valid control
* point handle.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_SID: The \b SubsId is not a valid
* subscription ID.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b Fun is not a valid
* callback function pointer or \b Timeout is less than zero
* but is not \c UPNP_INFINITE.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* complete this operation.
* \li \c UPNP_E_NETWORK_ERROR: A network error occured (returned in
* the <b>UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode</b> field as part of the
* callback).
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket (returned in the <b>UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode</b>
* field as part of the callback).
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_READ: An error or timeout occurred reading
* from a socket (returned in the
* <b>UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode</b> field as part of the
* callback).
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_BIND: An error occurred binding the socket
* (returned in the <b>UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode</b> field as
* part of the callback).
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT: An error occurred connecting to
* \b PublisherUrl (returned in the \b
* UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode field as part of the callback).
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: An error occurred creating socket (
* returned in the <b>UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode</b> field as
* part of the callback).
* \li \c UPNP_E_BAD_RESPONSE: An error occurred in response from
* the publisher (returned in the \b
* UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode field as part of the callback).
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUBSCRIBE_UNACCEPTED: The publisher refused
* the subscription request (returned in the \b
* UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode field as part of the callback).
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpRenewSubscriptionAsync(
/*! [in] The handle of the control point that is renewing the subscription. */
UpnpClient_Handle Hnd,
/*! [in] The requested subscription time. The actual timeout value is
* returned when the callback function is called. */
int TimeOut,
/*! [in] The ID for the subscription to renew. */
Upnp_SID SubsId,
/*! [in] Pointer to a callback function to be invoked when the renewal is
* complete. */
Upnp_FunPtr Fun,
/*! [in] Pointer to user data passed to the callback function when invoked. */
const void *Cookie);
* \brief Sets the maximum number of subscriptions accepted per service.
* The default value accepts as many as system resources allow. If the number
* of current subscriptions for a service is greater than the requested value,
* the SDK accepts no new subscriptions or renewals, however, the SDK does not
* remove any current subscriptions.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is not a valid device
* handle.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpSetMaxSubscriptions(
/*! The handle of the device for which the maximum number of
* subscriptions is being set. */
UpnpDevice_Handle Hnd,
/*! The maximum number of subscriptions to be allowed per service. */
int MaxSubscriptions);
* \brief Sets the maximum time-out accepted for a subscription request or
* renewal.
* The default value accepts the time-out set by the control point.
* If a control point requests a subscription time-out less than or equal to
* the maximum, the SDK grants the value requested by the control point. If the
* time-out is greater, the SDK returns the maximum value.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is not a valid device
* handle.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpSetMaxSubscriptionTimeOut(
/*! The handle of the device for which the maximum subscription
* time-out is being set. */
UpnpDevice_Handle Hnd,
/*! The maximum subscription time-out to be accepted. */
int MaxSubscriptionTimeOut);
* \brief Registers a control point to receive event notifications from another
* device.
* This operation is synchronous.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is not a valid control
* point handle.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: \b PublisherUrl is not a valid URL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: \b Timeout is not a valid pointer
* or \b SubsId or \b PublisherUrl is \c NULL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_NETWORK_ERROR: A network error occured.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_READ: An error or timeout occurred reading
* from a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_BIND: An error occurred binding a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT: An error occurred connecting to
* \b PublisherUrl.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: An error occurred creating a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_BAD_RESPONSE: An error occurred in response from
* the publisher.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUBSCRIBE_UNACCEPTED: The publisher refused
* the subscription request.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* complete this operation.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpSubscribe(
/*! [in] The handle of the control point. */
UpnpClient_Handle Hnd,
/*! [in] The URL of the service to subscribe to. */
const char *PublisherUrl,
/*! [in,out]Pointer to a variable containing the requested subscription time.
* Upon return, it contains the actual subscription time returned from
* the service. */
int *TimeOut,
/*! [out] Pointer to a variable to receive the subscription ID (SID). */
Upnp_SID SubsId);
* \brief Performs the same operation as \b UpnpSubscribe, but returns
* immediately and calls the registered callback function when the operation
* is complete.
* Note that many of the error codes for this function are returned in
* the \b UpnpEventSubscribe structure. In those cases, the function
* returns \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS and the appropriate error code will
* be in the <b>UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode</b> field in the \b Event
* structure passed to the callback.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is not a valid control
* point handle.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: The \b PublisherUrl is not a valid
* URL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b TimeOut or \b Fun or
* \b PublisherUrl is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* complete this operation.
* \li \c UPNP_E_NETWORK_ERROR: A network error occured (returned in
* the <b>UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode</b> field as part of the
* callback).
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket (returned in the
* <b>UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode</b> field as part of the
* callback).
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_READ: An error or timeout occurred reading
* from a socket (returned in the
* <b>UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode</b> field as part of the
* callback).
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_BIND: An error occurred binding the socket
* (returned in the <b>UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode</b> field as
* part of the callback).
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT: An error occurred connecting to
* \b PublisherUrl (returned in the \b
* UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode field as part of the callback).
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: An error occurred creating the
* socket (returned in the <b>UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode</b>
* field as part of the callback).
* \li \c UPNP_E_BAD_RESPONSE: An error occurred in response from
* the publisher (returned in the \b
* UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode field as part of the callback).
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUBSCRIBE_UNACCEPTED: The publisher refused
* the subscription request (returned in the \b
* UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode field as part of the callback).
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpSubscribeAsync(
/*! The handle of the control point that is subscribing. */
UpnpClient_Handle Hnd,
/*! The URL of the service to subscribe to. */
const char *PublisherUrl,
/*! The requested subscription time. Upon return, it contains the actual
* subscription time returned from the service. */
int TimeOut,
/*! Pointer to the callback function for this subscribe request. */
Upnp_FunPtr Fun,
/*! A user data value passed to the callback function when invoked. */
const void *Cookie);
* \brief Removes the subscription of a control point from a service previously
* subscribed to using \b UpnpSubscribe or \b UpnpSubscribeAsync.
* This is a synchronous call.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is not a valid control
* point handle.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_SID: The \b SubsId is not a valid
* subscription ID.
* \li \c UPNP_E_NETWORK_ERROR: A network error occured.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_READ: An error or timeout occurred reading
* from a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_BIND: An error occurred binding a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT: An error occurred connecting to
* \b PublisherUrl.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: An error ocurred creating a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_BAD_RESPONSE: An error occurred in response from
* the publisher.
* \li \c UPNP_E_UNSUBSCRIBE_UNACCEPTED: The publisher refused
* the unsubscribe request (the client is still unsubscribed and
* no longer receives events).
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* complete this operation.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpUnSubscribe(
/*! [in] The handle of the subscribed control point. */
UpnpClient_Handle Hnd,
/*! [in] The ID returned when the control point subscribed to the service. */
const Upnp_SID SubsId);
* \brief Removes a subscription of a control point from a service previously
* subscribed to using \b UpnpSubscribe or \b UpnpSubscribeAsync, generating
* a callback when the operation is complete.
* Note that many of the error codes for this function are returned in
* the \b UpnpEventSubscribe structure. In those cases, the function
* returns \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS and the appropriate error code will
* be in the <b>UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode</b> field in the \b Event
* structure passed to the callback.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_HANDLE: The handle is not a valid control
* point handle.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_SID: The \b SubsId is not a valid SID.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: \b Fun is not a valid callback
* function pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* complete this operation.
* \li \c UPNP_E_NETWORK_ERROR: A network error occured (returned in
* the <b>UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode</b> field as part of the
* callback).
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket (returned in the <b>UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode</b>
* field as part of the callback).
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_READ: An error or timeout occurred reading
* from a socket (returned in the
* <b>UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode</b> field as part of the
* callback).
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_BIND: An error occurred binding the socket
* (returned in the <b>UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode</b> field as
* part of the callback).
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT: An error occurred connecting to
* \b PublisherUrl (returned in the <b>UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode</b>
* field as part of the callback).
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: An error occurred creating a socket (
* returned in the <b>UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode</b> field as
* part of the callback).
* \li \c UPNP_E_BAD_RESPONSE: An error occurred in response from
* the publisher (returned in the <b>UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode</b>
* field as part of the callback).
* \li \c UPNP_E_UNSUBSCRIBE_UNACCEPTED: The publisher refused
* the subscription request (returned in the
* <b>UpnpEventSubscribe.ErrCode</b> field as part of the callback).
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpUnSubscribeAsync(
/*! [in] The handle of the subscribed control point. */
UpnpClient_Handle Hnd,
/*! [in] The ID returned when the control point subscribed to the service. */
Upnp_SID SubsId,
/*! [in] Pointer to a callback function to be called when the operation is
* complete. */
Upnp_FunPtr Fun,
/*! [in] Pointer to user data to pass to the callback function when invoked. */
const void *Cookie);
/*! @} Eventing */
* *
* C L I E N T - A P I *
* *
* \name Control Point HTTP API
* @{
* \brief Downloads a file specified in a URL.
* The SDK allocates the memory for \b outBuf and the application is
* responsible for freeing this memory. Note that the item is passed as a
* single buffer. Large items should not be transferred using this function.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b url, \b outBuf
* or \b contentType is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: The \b url is not a valid
* URL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* download this file.
* \li \c UPNP_E_NETWORK_ERROR: A network error occurred.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_READ: An error or timeout occurred reading
* from a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_BIND: An error occurred binding a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT: An error occurred connecting a
* socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
* allocated.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpDownloadUrlItem(
/*! [in] URL of an item to download. */
const char *url,
/*! [out] Buffer to store the downloaded item. */
char **outBuf,
/*! [out] HTTP header value content type if present. It should be at least
* \c LINE_SIZE bytes in size. */
char *contentType);
* \brief Gets a file specified in a URL.
* The SDK allocates the memory for \b handle and \b contentType, the
* application is responsible for freeing this memory.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b url, \b handle,
* \b contentType, \b contentLength or \b httpStatus
* is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: The \b url is not a valid
* URL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* download this file.
* \li \c UPNP_E_NETWORK_ERROR: A network error occurred.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_READ: An error or timeout occurred reading
* from a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_BIND: An error occurred binding a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT: An error occurred connecting a
* socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
* allocated.
* \li \c UPNP_E_BAD_RESPONSE: A bad response was received from the
* remote server.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpOpenHttpGet(
/*! [in] The URL of an item to get. */
const char *url,
/*! [in,out] A pointer to store the handle for this connection. */
void **handle,
/*! [in,out] A buffer to store the media type of the item. */
char **contentType,
/*! [in,out] A pointer to store the length of the item. */
int *contentLength,
/*! [in,out] The status returned on receiving a response message. */
int *httpStatus,
/*! [in] The time out value sent with the request during which a response
* is expected from the server, failing which, an error is reported
* back to the user. If value is negative, timeout is infinite. */
int timeout);
* \brief Gets a file specified in a URL through the specified proxy.
* The SDK allocates the memory for \b handle and \b contentType, the
* application is responsible for freeing this memory.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b url, \b handle,
* \b contentType, \b contentLength or \b httpStatus
* is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: The \b url is not a valid
* URL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* download this file.
* \li \c UPNP_E_NETWORK_ERROR: A network error occurred.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_READ: An error or timeout occurred reading
* from a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_BIND: An error occurred binding a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT: An error occurred connecting a
* socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
* allocated.
* \li \c UPNP_E_BAD_RESPONSE: A bad response was received from the
* remote server.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpOpenHttpGetProxy(
/*! [in] The URL of an item to get. */
const char *url,
/*! [in] The URL of the proxy. */
const char *proxy_str,
/*! [in,out] A pointer to store the handle for this connection. */
void **handle,
/*! [in,out] A buffer to store the media type of the item. */
char **contentType,
/*! [in,out] A pointer to store the length of the item. */
int *contentLength,
/*! [in,out] The status returned on receiving a response message. */
int *httpStatus,
/*! [in] The time out value sent with the request during which a response
* is expected from the server, failing which, an error is reported
* back to the user. If value is negative, timeout is infinite. */
int timeout);
* \brief Gets specified number of bytes from a file specified in the URL.
* The number of bytes is specified through a low count and a high count which
* are passed as a range of bytes for the request. The SDK allocates the memory
* for \b handle and \b contentType, the application is responsible for freeing
* this memory.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b url, \b handle,
* \b contentType, \b contentLength or \b httpStatus
* is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: The \b url is not a valid
* URL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* download this file.
* \li \c UPNP_E_NETWORK_ERROR: A network error occurred.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_READ: An error or timeout occurred reading
* from a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_BIND: An error occurred binding a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT: An error occurred connecting a
* socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
* allocated.
* \li \c UPNP_E_BAD_RESPONSE: A bad response was received from the
* remote server.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpOpenHttpGetEx(
/*! [in] The URL of the item to get. */
const char *url,
/*! [in,out] A pointer to store the handle for this connection. */
void **handle,
/*! [in,out] A buffer to store the media type of the item. */
char **contentType,
/*! [in,out] A buffer to store the length of the item. */
int *contentLength,
/*! [in,out] The status returned on receiving a response message from the remote server. */
int *httpStatus,
/*! [in] An integer value representing the low end of a range to retrieve. */
int lowRange,
/*! [in] An integer value representing the high end of a range to retrieve. */
int highRange,
/*! [in] A time out value sent with the request during which a response is
* expected from the server, failing which, an error is reported back
* to the user. If value is negative, timeout is infinite. */
int timeout);
* \brief Gets specified number of bytes from a file specified in a URL.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b handle, \b buf
* or \b size is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_BAD_RESPONSE: A bad response was received from the
* remote server.
* \li \c UPNP_E_BAD_HTTPMSG: Either the request or response was in
* the incorrect format.
* \li \c UPNP_E_CANCELED: another thread called UpnpCancelHttpGet.
* Note: In case of return values, the status code parameter of the passed
* in handle value may provide additional information on the return
* value.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpReadHttpGet(
/*! [in] The token created by the call to \b UpnpOpenHttpGet. */
void *handle,
/*! [in,out] The buffer to store the read item. */
char *buf,
/*! [in,out] The size of the buffer to be read. */
size_t *size,
/*! [in] The time out value sent with the request during which a response is
* expected from the server, failing which, an error is reported back to
* the user. If value is negative, timeout is infinite. */
int timeout);
* \brief Retrieve progress information of a http-get transfer.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b handle, \b length
* or \b total is not a valid pointer.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpHttpGetProgress(
/*! [in] The token created by the call to \b UpnpOpenHttpGet. */
void *handle,
/*! [out] The number of bytes received. */
size_t *length,
/*! [out] The content length. */
size_t *total);
* \brief Set the cancel flag of the \b handle parameter.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: \b handle is not a valid pointer.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpCancelHttpGet(
/*! [in] The handle of the connection created by the call to
* \b UpnpOpenHttpGet. */
void *handle);
* \brief Closes the connection and frees memory that was allocated for the
* \b handle parameter.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: \b handle is not a valid pointer.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpCloseHttpGet(
/*! [in] The handle of the connection created by the call to
* \b UpnpOpenHttpGet. */
void *handle);
* \brief Makes an HTTP POST request message, opens a connection to the server
* and sends the POST request to the server if the connection to the server
* succeeds.
* The SDK allocates the memory for \b handle and \b contentType, the
* application is responsible for freeing this memory.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b url, \b handle
* or \b contentType is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: The \b url is not a valid
* URL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: Insufficient resources exist to
* download this file.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_ERROR: Error occured allocating a socket and
* resources or an error occurred binding a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT: An error occurred connecting a
* socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
* allocated.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpOpenHttpPost(
/*! [in] The URL in which to send the POST request. */
const char *url,
/*! [in,out] A pointer in which to store the handle for this connection. This
* handle is required for futher operations over this connection. */
void **handle,
/*! [in] A buffer to store the media type of content being sent. */
const char *contentType,
/*! [in] The length of the content, in bytes, being posted. */
int contentLength,
/*! [in] The time out value sent with the request during which a response
* is expected from the receiver, failing which, an error is reported.
* If value is negative, timeout is infinite. */
int timeout);
* \brief Sends a request to a server to copy the contents of a buffer to the
* URI specified in the \b UpnpOpenHttpPost call.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b handle, \b buf
* or \b size is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
* allocated.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpWriteHttpPost(
/*! [in] The handle of the connection created by the call to
* \b UpnpOpenHttpPost. */
void *handle,
/*! [in] The buffer to be posted. */
char *buf,
/*! [in] The size, in bytes of \b buf. */
size_t *size,
/*! [in] A timeout value sent with the request during which a response is
* expected from the server, failing which, an error is reported. If
* value is negative, timeout is infinite. */
int timeout);
* \brief Sends and receives any pending data, closes the connection with the
* server, and frees memory allocated during the \b UpnpOpenHttpPost call.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b handle, or
* \b httpStatus is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_READ: An error or timeout occurred reading
* from a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
* allocated.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpCloseHttpPost(
/*! [in] The handle of the connection to close, created by the call to
* \b UpnpOpenHttpPost. */
void *handle,
/*! [in,out] A pointer to a buffer to store the final status of the connection. */
int *httpStatus,
/*! [in] A time out value sent with the request during which a response is
* expected from the server, failing which, an error is reported. If
* value is negative, timeout is infinite. */
int timeout);
* \brief Downloads an XML document specified in a URL.
* The SDK parses the document and returns it in the form of a
* DOM document. The application is responsible for freeing the DOM document.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_PARAM: Either \b url or \b xmlDoc
* is not a valid pointer.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_DESC: The XML document was not
* found or it does not contain a valid XML description.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_URL: The \b url is not a valid
* URL.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: There are insufficient resources to
* download the XML document.
* \li \c UPNP_E_NETWORK_ERROR: A network error occurred.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_WRITE: An error or timeout occurred writing
* to a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_READ: An error or timeout occurred reading
* from a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_BIND: An error occurred binding a socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT: An error occurred connecting the
* socket.
* \li \c UPNP_E_OUTOF_SOCKET: Too many sockets are currently
* allocated.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpDownloadXmlDoc(
/*! [in] URL of the XML document. */
const char *url,
/*! [out] A pointer in which to store the XML document. */
IXML_Document **xmlDoc);
/*! @} Control Point HTTP API */
* *
* W E B S E R V E R A P I *
* *
* \name Web Server API
* @{
* \brief Sets the document root directory for the internal web server.
* This directory is considered the root directory (i.e. "/") of the web server.
* This function also activates or deactivates the web server. To disable the
* web server, pass \c NULL for \b rootDir; to activate, pass a valid directory
* string.
* \note This function is not available when the web server is not compiled
* into the UPnP Library.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT: \b rootDir is an invalid directory.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpSetWebServerRootDir(
/*! [in] Path of the root directory of the web server. */
const char *rootDir);
* \brief The type of handle returned by the web server for open requests.
typedef void *UpnpWebFileHandle;
* \brief Get-info callback function prototype.
typedef int (*VDCallback_GetInfo)(
/*! [in] The name of the file to query. */
const char *filename,
/*! [out] Pointer to a structure to store the information on the file. */
UpnpFileInfo *info);
* \brief Sets the get_info callback function to be used to access a virtual
* directory.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT: \b callback is not a valid pointer.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpVirtualDir_set_GetInfoCallback(VDCallback_GetInfo callback);
* \brief Open callback function prototype.
typedef UpnpWebFileHandle (*VDCallback_Open)(
/*! [in] The name of the file to open. */
const char *filename,
/*! [in] The mode in which to open the file.
* Valid values are \c UPNP_READ or \c UPNP_WRITE. */
enum UpnpOpenFileMode Mode);
* \brief Sets the open callback function to be used to access a virtual
* directory.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT: \b callback is not a valid pointer.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpVirtualDir_set_OpenCallback(VDCallback_Open callback);
* \brief Read callback function prototype.
typedef int (*VDCallback_Read)(
/*! [in] The handle of the file to read. */
UpnpWebFileHandle fileHnd,
/*! [out] The buffer in which to place the data. */
char *buf,
/*! [in] The size of the buffer (i.e. the number of bytes to read). */
size_t buflen);
* \brief Sets the read callback function to be used to access a virtual
* directory.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT: \b callback is not a valid pointer.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpVirtualDir_set_ReadCallback(VDCallback_Read callback);
* \brief Write callback function prototype.
typedef int (*VDCallback_Write)(
/*! [in] The handle of the file to write. */
UpnpWebFileHandle fileHnd,
/*! [in] The buffer with the bytes to write. */
char *buf,
/*! [in] The number of bytes to write. */
size_t buflen);
* \brief Sets the write callback function to be used to access a virtual
* directory.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT: \b callback is not a valid pointer.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpVirtualDir_set_WriteCallback(VDCallback_Write callback);
* \brief Seek callback function prototype.
typedef int (*VDCallback_Seek) (
/*! [in] The handle of the file to move the file pointer. */
UpnpWebFileHandle fileHnd,
/*! [in] The number of bytes to move in the file. Positive values
* move foward and negative values move backward. Note that
* this must be positive if the \b origin is \c SEEK_SET. */
off_t offset,
/*! [in] The position to move relative to. It can be \c SEEK_CUR
* to move relative to the current position, \c SEEK_END to
* move relative to the end of the file, or \c SEEK_SET to
* specify an absolute offset. */
int origin);
* \brief Sets the seek callback function to be used to access a virtual
* directory.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT: \b callback is not a valid pointer.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpVirtualDir_set_SeekCallback(VDCallback_Seek callback);
* \brief Close callback function prototype.
typedef int (*VDCallback_Close)(
/*! [in] The handle of the file to close. */
UpnpWebFileHandle fileHnd);
* \brief Sets the close callback function to be used to access a virtual
* directory.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT: \b callback is not a valid pointer.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpVirtualDir_set_CloseCallback(VDCallback_Close callback);
* \brief Enables or disables the webserver.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT: \b enable is not valid.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpEnableWebserver(
/*! [in] \c TRUE to enable, \c FALSE to disable. */
int enable);
* \brief Returns \c TRUE if the webserver is enabled, or \c FALSE if it is not.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c TRUE: The webserver is enabled.
* \li \c FALSE: The webserver is not enabled
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpIsWebserverEnabled(void);
* \brief Adds a virtual directory mapping.
* All webserver requests containing the given directory are read using
* functions contained in a \b VirtualDirCallbacks structure registered
* via \b UpnpSetVirtualDirCallbacks.
* \note This function is not available when the web server is not
* compiled into the UPnP Library.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT: \b dirName is not valid.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpAddVirtualDir(
/*! [in] The name of the new directory mapping to add. */
const char *dirName);
* \brief Removes a virtual directory mapping made with \b UpnpAddVirtualDir.
* \return An integer representing one of the following:
* \li \c UPNP_E_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
* \li \c UPNP_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT: \b dirName is not valid.
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpRemoveVirtualDir(
/*! [in] The name of the virtual directory mapping to remove. */
const char *dirName);
* \brief Removes all virtual directory mappings.
EXPORT_SPEC void UpnpRemoveAllVirtualDirs(void);
/* @} Web Server API */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
/* @} UPnPAPI UPnP API */
#endif /* UPNP_H */