(IXML_Element* element,
DOMString namespaceURI,
DOMString qualifiedName,
DOMString value )
Adds a new attribute to an Element using the local name and namespace URI.
Adds a new attribute to an Element using the local name and
namespace URI. If another attribute matches the same local name and
namespace, the prefix is changed to be the prefix part of the
qualifiedName and the value is changed to value.
- Parameters:
- element - The Element on which to set the
namespaceURI - The namespace URI of the new attribute.
qualifiedName - The qualified name of the attribute.
value - The new value for the attribute.
- Returns:
- [int] An integer representing one of the following:
- IXML_SUCCESS: The operation completed successfully.
namespaceURI, qualifiedName, or value is
- IXML_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: qualifiedName contains
an invalid character.
- IXML_NAMESPACE_ERR: Either the qualifiedName or
namespaceURI is malformed. Refer to the DOM2-Core for
possible reasons.
- IXML_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY: Not enough free memory exist
to complete the operation.
- IXML_FAILED: The operation could not be completed.
Alphabetic index
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