Interface Node

The Node interface forms the primary datatype for all other DOM objects. Every other interface is derived from this interface, inheriting its functionality. For more information, refer to DOM2-Core page 34.

o ixmlNode_getNodeName
Returns the name of the Node, depending on what type of Node it is, in a read-only string.
o ixmlNode_getNodeValue
Returns the value of the Node as a string.
o ixmlNode_setNodeValue
Assigns a new value to a Node.
o ixmlNode_getNodeType
Retrieves the type of a Node.
o ixmlNode_getParentNode
Retrieves the parent Node for a Node.
o ixmlNode_getChildNodes
Retrieves the list of children of a Node in a NodeList structure.
o ixmlNode_getFirstChild
Retrieves the first child Node of a Node.
o ixmlNode_getLastChild
Retrieves the last child Node of a Node.
o ixmlNode_getPreviousSibling
Retrieves the sibling Node immediately preceding this Node.
o ixmlNode_getNextSibling
Retrieves the sibling Node immediately following this Node.
o ixmlNode_getAttributes
Retrieves the attributes of a Node, if it is an Element node, in a NamedNodeMap structure.
o ixmlNode_getOwnerDocument
Retrieves the document object associated with this Node.
o ixmlNode_getNamespaceURI
Retrieves the namespace URI for a Node as a DOMString.
o ixmlNode_getPrefix
Retrieves the namespace prefix, if present.
o ixmlNode_getLocalName
Retrieves the local name of a Node, if present.
o ixmlNode_insertBefore
Inserts a new child Node before the existing child Node.
o ixmlNode_replaceChild
Replaces an existing child Node with a new child Node in the list of children of a Node.
o ixmlNode_removeChild
Removes a child from the list of children of a Node.
o ixmlNode_appendChild
Appends a child Node to the list of children of a Node.
o ixmlNode_hasChildNodes
Queries whether or not a Node has children.
o ixmlNode_cloneNode
Clones a Node.
o ixmlNode_hasAttributes
Queries whether this Node has attributes.
o ixmlNode_free
Frees a Node and all Nodes in its subtree.

Alphabetic index

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