Interface Element

The Element interface represents an element in an XML document. Only Elements are allowed to have attributes, which are stored in the attributes member of a Node. The Element interface extends the Node interface and adds more operations to manipulate attributes.

o ixmlElement_init
Initializes a IXML_Element node.
o ixmlElement_getTagName
Returns the name of the tag as a constant string.
o ixmlElement_getAttribute
Retrieves an attribute of an Element by name.
o ixmlElement_setAttribute
Adds a new attribute to an Element.
o ixmlElement_removeAttribute
Removes an attribute by name.
o ixmlElement_getAttributeNode
Retrieves an attribute node by name.
o ixmlElement_setAttributeNode
Adds a new attribute node to an Element.
o ixmlElement_removeAttributeNode
Removes the specified attribute node from an Element.
o ixmlElement_getElementsByTagName
Returns a NodeList of all descendant Elements with a given tag name, in the order in which they are encountered in a pre-order traversal of this Element tree.
o ixmlElement_getAttributeNS
Retrieves an attribute value using the local name and namespace URI.
o ixmlElement_setAttributeNS
Adds a new attribute to an Element using the local name and namespace URI.
o ixmlElement_removeAttributeNS
Removes an attribute using the namespace URI and local name.
o ixmlElement_getAttributeNodeNS
Retrieves an Attr node by local name and namespace URI.
o ixmlElement_setAttributeNodeNS
Adds a new attribute node.
o ixmlElement_getElementsByTagNameNS
Returns a NodeList of all descendant Elements with a given tag name, in the order in which they are encountered in the pre-order traversal of the Element tree.
o ixmlElement_hasAttribute
Queries whether the Element has an attribute with the given name or a default value.
o ixmlElement_hasAttributeNS
Queries whether the Element has an attribute with the given local name and namespace URI or has a default value for that attribute.
o ixmlElement_free
Frees the given Element and any subtree of the Element.

Alphabetic index

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