Hiding UpnpVirtualDirCallbacks and struct virtual_Dir_List.
git-svn-id: https://pupnp.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pupnp/trunk@362 119443c7-1b9e-41f8-b6fc-b9c35fce742c
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,11 +23,7 @@ http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=7189&atid=307189
B) An IPv4 and IPv6 device (2)
NUM_HANDLE should be 3
To Be Decided
- IPV6 support ?
- A sane way to implement the virtual directory callback initialization and checking
against NULL pointers.
@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ libupnp_la_SOURCES = \
src/inc/util.h \
src/inc/utilall.h \
src/inc/uuid.h \
src/inc/VirtualDir.h \
# ssdp
@ -710,106 +710,6 @@ enum Upnp_DescType_e {
typedef enum Upnp_DescType_e Upnp_DescType;
/* The type of handle returned by the web server for open requests. */
typedef void *UpnpWebFileHandle;
/** The {\bf UpnpVirtualDirCallbacks} structure contains the pointers to
* file-related callback functions a device application can register to
* virtualize URLs.
struct UpnpVirtualDirCallbacks
/** Called by the web server to query information on a file. The callback
* should return 0 on success or -1 on an error. */
int (*get_info) (
/** The name of the file to query. */
IN const char *filename,
/** Pointer to a structure to store the information on the file. */
OUT UpnpFileInfo *info);
/** Called by the web server to open a file. The callback should return
* a valid handle if the file can be opened. Otherwise, it should return
* {\tt NULL} to signify an error. */
UpnpWebFileHandle (*open)(
/** The name of the file to open. */
IN const char *filename,
/** The mode in which to open the file.
* Valid values are {\tt UPNP_READ} or {\tt UPNP_WRITE}. */
IN enum UpnpOpenFileMode Mode);
/** Called by the web server to perform a sequential read from an open
* file. The callback should copy {\bf buflen} bytes from the file into
* the buffer.
* @return [int] An integer representing one of the following:
* \begin{itemize}
* \item {\tt 0}: The file contains no more data (EOF).
* \item {\tt >0}: A successful read of the number of bytes in the
* return code.
* \item {\tt <0}: An error occurred reading the file.
* \end{itemzie}
int (*read) (
/** The handle of the file to read. */
IN UpnpWebFileHandle fileHnd,
/** The buffer in which to place the data. */
OUT char *buf,
/** The size of the buffer (i.e. the number of bytes to read). */
IN size_t buflen);
/** Called by the web server to perform a sequential write to an open
* file. The callback should write {\bf buflen} bytes into the file from
* the buffer. It should return the actual number of bytes written,
* which might be less than {\bf buflen} in the case of a write error.
int (*write) (
/** The handle of the file to write. */
IN UpnpWebFileHandle fileHnd,
/** The buffer with the bytes to write. */
IN char *buf,
/** The number of bytes to write. */
IN size_t buflen);
/** Called by the web server to move the file pointer, or offset, into
* an open file. The {\bf origin} parameter determines where to start
* moving the file pointer. A value of {\tt SEEK_CUR} moves the
* file pointer relative to where it is. The {\bf offset} parameter can
* be either positive (move forward) or negative (move backward).
* {\tt SEEK_END} moves relative to the end of the file. A positive
* {\bf offset} extends the file. A negative {\bf offset} moves backward
* in the file. Finally, {\tt SEEK_SET} moves to an absolute position in
* the file. In this case, {\bf offset} must be positive. The callback
* should return 0 on a successful seek or a non-zero value on an error.
int (*seek) (
/** The handle of the file to move the file pointer. */
IN UpnpWebFileHandle fileHnd,
/** The number of bytes to move in the file. Positive values
* move foward and negative values move backward. Note that
* this must be positive if the {\bf origin} is {\tt SEEK_SET}. */
IN off_t offset,
/** The position to move relative to. It can be {\tt SEEK_CUR}
* to move relative to the current position, {\tt SEEK_END} to
* move relative to the end of the file, or {\tt SEEK_SET} to
* specify an absolute offset. */
IN int origin);
/** Called by the web server to close a file opened via the {\bf open}
* callback. It should return 0 on success, or a non-zero value on an
* error.
int (*close) (
/** The handle of the file to close. */
IN UpnpWebFileHandle fileHnd);
typedef struct virtual_Dir_List
struct virtual_Dir_List *next;
char dirName[NAME_SIZE];
} virtualDirList;
/** All callback functions share the same prototype, documented below.
* Note that any memory passed to the callback function
* is valid only during the callback and should be copied if it
@ -2528,28 +2428,125 @@ EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpDownloadXmlDoc(
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpSetWebServerRootDir(
IN const char* rootDir /** Path of the root directory of the web
server. */
/** Path of the root directory of the web server. */
IN const char *rootDir);
/** {\bf UpnpSetVirtualDirCallbacks} sets the callback function to be used to
* access a virtual directory. Refer to the description of
* {\bf UpnpVirtualDirCallbacks} for a description of the functions.
/* The type of handle returned by the web server for open requests. */
typedef void *UpnpWebFileHandle;
typedef int (*VDCallback_GetInfo)(
/** The name of the file to query. */
IN const char *filename,
/** Pointer to a structure to store the information on the file. */
OUT UpnpFileInfo *info);
/** {\bf UpnpVirtualDir_set_GetInfoCallback} sets the get_info callback function
* to be used to access a virtual directory.
* @return [int] An integer representing one of the following:
* \begin{itemize}
* \item {\tt UPPN_E_SUCCESS}: The operation completed successfully.
* \item {\tt UPNP_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT}: {\bf callbacks} is not a valid
* pointer.
* \item {\tt UPNP_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT}: {\bf callback} is not a valid pointer.
* \end{itemize}
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpVirtualDir_set_GetInfoCallback(VDCallback_GetInfo callback);
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpSetVirtualDirCallbacks(
IN struct UpnpVirtualDirCallbacks *callbacks /** Pointer to a structure
containing points to the
virtual interface
functions. */
typedef UpnpWebFileHandle (*VDCallback_Open)(
/** The name of the file to open. */
IN const char *filename,
/** The mode in which to open the file.
* Valid values are {\tt UPNP_READ} or {\tt UPNP_WRITE}. */
IN enum UpnpOpenFileMode Mode);
/** {\bf UpnpVirtualDir_set_OpenCallback} sets the open callback function
* to be used to access a virtual directory.
* @return [int] An integer representing one of the following:
* \begin{itemize}
* \item {\tt UPPN_E_SUCCESS}: The operation completed successfully.
* \item {\tt UPNP_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT}: {\bf callback} is not a valid pointer.
* \end{itemize}
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpVirtualDir_set_OpenCallback(VDCallback_Open callback);
typedef int (*VDCallback_Read) (
/** The handle of the file to read. */
IN UpnpWebFileHandle fileHnd,
/** The buffer in which to place the data. */
OUT char *buf,
/** The size of the buffer (i.e. the number of bytes to read). */
IN size_t buflen);
/** {\bf UpnpVirtualDir_set_ReadCallback} sets the read callback function
* to be used to access a virtual directory.
* @return [int] An integer representing one of the following:
* \begin{itemize}
* \item {\tt UPPN_E_SUCCESS}: The operation completed successfully.
* \item {\tt UPNP_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT}: {\bf callback} is not a valid pointer.
* \end{itemize}
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpVirtualDir_set_ReadCallback(VDCallback_Read callback);
typedef int (*VDCallback_Write) (
/** The handle of the file to write. */
IN UpnpWebFileHandle fileHnd,
/** The buffer with the bytes to write. */
IN char *buf,
/** The number of bytes to write. */
IN size_t buflen);
/** {\bf UpnpVirtualDir_set_WriteCallback} sets the write callback function
* to be used to access a virtual directory.
* @return [int] An integer representing one of the following:
* \begin{itemize}
* \item {\tt UPPN_E_SUCCESS}: The operation completed successfully.
* \item {\tt UPNP_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT}: {\bf callback} is not a valid pointer.
* \end{itemize}
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpVirtualDir_set_WriteCallback(VDCallback_Write callback);
typedef int (*VDCallback_Seek) (
/** The handle of the file to move the file pointer. */
IN UpnpWebFileHandle fileHnd,
/** The number of bytes to move in the file. Positive values
* move foward and negative values move backward. Note that
* this must be positive if the {\bf origin} is {\tt SEEK_SET}. */
IN off_t offset,
/** The position to move relative to. It can be {\tt SEEK_CUR}
* to move relative to the current position, {\tt SEEK_END} to
* move relative to the end of the file, or {\tt SEEK_SET} to
* specify an absolute offset. */
IN int origin);
/** {\bf UpnpVirtualDir_set_SeekCallback} sets the seek callback function
* to be used to access a virtual directory.
* @return [int] An integer representing one of the following:
* \begin{itemize}
* \item {\tt UPPN_E_SUCCESS}: The operation completed successfully.
* \item {\tt UPNP_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT}: {\bf callback} is not a valid pointer.
* \end{itemize}
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpVirtualDir_set_SeekCallback(VDCallback_Seek callback);
typedef int (*VDCallback_Close) (
/** The handle of the file to close. */
IN UpnpWebFileHandle fileHnd);
/** {\bf UpnpVirtualDir_set_CloseCallback} sets the close callback function
* to be used to access a virtual directory.
* @return [int] An integer representing one of the following:
* \begin{itemize}
* \item {\tt UPPN_E_SUCCESS}: The operation completed successfully.
* \item {\tt UPNP_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT}: {\bf callback} is not a valid pointer.
* \end{itemize}
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpVirtualDir_set_CloseCallback(VDCallback_Close callback);
/** {\bf UpnpEnableWebServer} enables or disables the webserver. A value of
* {\tt TRUE} enables the webserver, {\tt FALSE} disables it.
@ -2560,10 +2557,9 @@ EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpSetVirtualDirCallbacks(
* \item {\tt UPNP_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT}: {\bf enable} is not valid.
* \end{itemize}
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpEnableWebserver(
IN int enable /** {\tt TRUE} to enable, {\tt FALSE} to disable. */
/** {\tt TRUE} to enable, {\tt FALSE} to disable. */
IN int enable);
/** {\bf UpnpIsWebServerEnabled} returns {\tt TRUE} if the webserver is
* enabled, or {\tt FALSE} if it is not.
@ -2574,7 +2570,6 @@ EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpEnableWebserver(
* \item {\tt FALSE}: The webserver is not enabled
* \end{itemize}
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpIsWebserverEnabled();
/** {\bf UpnpAddVirtualDir} adds a virtual directory mapping.
@ -2589,11 +2584,9 @@ EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpIsWebserverEnabled();
* \item {\tt UPNP_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT}: {\bf dirName} is not valid.
* \end{itemize}
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpAddVirtualDir(
IN const char *dirName /** The name of the new directory mapping to add.
/** The name of the new directory mapping to add. */
IN const char *dirName);
/** {\bf UpnpRemoveVirtualDir} removes a virtual directory mapping made with
* {\bf UpnpAddVirtualDir}.
@ -2604,23 +2597,20 @@ EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpAddVirtualDir(
* \item {\tt UPNP_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT}: {\bf dirName} is not valid.
* \end{itemize}
EXPORT_SPEC int UpnpRemoveVirtualDir(
IN const char *dirName /** The name of the virtual directory mapping to
remove. */
/** The name of the virtual directory mapping to remove. */
IN const char *dirName);
/** {\bf UpnpRemoveAllVirtualDirs} removes all virtual directory mappings.
* @return [void] This function does not return a value.
EXPORT_SPEC void UpnpRemoveAllVirtualDirs( );
EXPORT_SPEC void UpnpRemoveAllVirtualDirs();
EXPORT_SPEC void UpnpFree(
IN void *item /* The item to free. */
/** The item to free. */
IN void *item);
/*! @} */ /* Web Server API */
@ -82,58 +82,61 @@
#include "webserver.h"
#include "urlconfig.h"
#include "VirtualDir.h"
#include "webserver.h"
// This structure is for virtual directory callbacks
struct UpnpVirtualDirCallbacks virtualDirCallback;
virtualDirList *pVirtualDirList;
// Mutex to synchronize the subscription handling at the client side
CLIENTONLY( ithread_mutex_t GlobalClientSubscribeMutex; )
ithread_mutex_t GlobalClientSubscribeMutex;
// rwlock to synchronize handles (root device or control point handle)
ithread_rwlock_t GlobalHndRWLock;
ithread_rwlock_t GlobalHndRWLock;
// Mutex to synchronize the uuid creation process
ithread_mutex_t gUUIDMutex;
ithread_mutex_t gUUIDMutex;
ithread_mutex_t gSDKInitMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
ithread_mutex_t gSDKInitMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
TimerThread gTimerThread;
TimerThread gTimerThread;
ThreadPool gSendThreadPool;
ThreadPool gRecvThreadPool;
ThreadPool gMiniServerThreadPool;
ThreadPool gSendThreadPool;
ThreadPool gRecvThreadPool;
ThreadPool gMiniServerThreadPool;
//Flag to indicate the state of web server
WebServerState bWebServerState = WEB_SERVER_DISABLED;
// Flag to indicate the state of web server
WebServerState bWebServerState = WEB_SERVER_DISABLED;
// Static buffer to contain interface name. (extern'ed in upnp.h)
char gIF_NAME[LINE_SIZE] = { '\0' };
char gIF_NAME[LINE_SIZE] = { '\0' };
// Static buffer to contain interface IPv4 address. (extern'ed in upnp.h)
char gIF_IPV4[22]/* INET_ADDRSTRLEN*/ = { '\0' };
char gIF_IPV4[22]/* INET_ADDRSTRLEN*/ = { '\0' };
// Static buffer to contain interface IPv6 address. (extern'ed in upnp.h)
char gIF_IPV6[65]/* INET6_ADDRSTRLEN*/ = { '\0' };
char gIF_IPV6[65]/* INET6_ADDRSTRLEN*/ = { '\0' };
// Contains interface index. (extern'ed in upnp.h)
int gIF_INDEX = -1;
int gIF_INDEX = -1;
// local IPv4 and IPv6 ports for the mini-server
unsigned short LOCAL_PORT_V4;
unsigned short LOCAL_PORT_V6;
unsigned short LOCAL_PORT_V4;
unsigned short LOCAL_PORT_V6;
// UPnP device and control point handle table
void *HandleTable[NUM_HANDLE];
//This structure is for virtual directory callbacks
struct UpnpVirtualDirCallbacks virtualDirCallback;
void *HandleTable[NUM_HANDLE];
// a local dir which serves as webserver root
extern membuffer gDocumentRootDir;
extern membuffer gDocumentRootDir;
// Maximum content-length that the SDK will process on an incoming packet.
// Content-Length exceeding this size will be not processed and error 413
@ -142,22 +145,22 @@ size_t g_maxContentLength = DEFAULT_SOAP_CONTENT_LENGTH; // in bytes
// Global variable to denote the state of Upnp SDK
// = 0 if uninitialized, = 1 if initialized.
int UpnpSdkInit = 0;
int UpnpSdkInit = 0;
// Global variable to denote the state of Upnp SDK client registration.
// = 0 if unregistered, = 1 if registered.
int UpnpSdkClientRegistered = 0;
int UpnpSdkClientRegistered = 0;
// Global variable to denote the state of Upnp SDK IPv4 device registration.
// = 0 if unregistered, = 1 if registered.
int UpnpSdkDeviceRegisteredV4 = 0;
int UpnpSdkDeviceRegisteredV4 = 0;
// Global variable to denote the state of Upnp SDK IPv6 device registration.
// = 0 if unregistered, = 1 if registered.
int UpnpSdkDeviceregisteredV6 = 0;
int UpnpSdkDeviceregisteredV6 = 0;
// Global variable used in discovery notifications.
Upnp_SID gUpnpSdkNLSuuid;
Upnp_SID gUpnpSdkNLSuuid;
@ -5048,46 +5051,86 @@ UpnpIsWebserverEnabled()
return ( bWebServerState == WEB_SERVER_ENABLED );
* Function: UpnpSetVirtualDirCallbacks
* Parameters:
* IN struct UpnpVirtualDirCallbacks *callbacks:a structure that
* contains the callback functions.
* Description:
* This function sets the callback function to be used to
* access a virtual directory.
* Return Values: int
UpnpSetVirtualDirCallbacks( IN struct UpnpVirtualDirCallbacks *callbacks )
int UpnpVirtualDir_set_GetInfoCallback(VDCallback_GetInfo callback)
struct UpnpVirtualDirCallbacks *pCallback;
int ret = UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
if (!callback) {
} else {
virtualDirCallback.get_info = callback;
if( UpnpSdkInit != 1 ) {
// SDK is not initialized
pCallback = &virtualDirCallback;
if( callbacks == NULL )
pCallback->get_info = callbacks->get_info;
pCallback->open = callbacks->open;
pCallback->close = callbacks->close;
pCallback->read = callbacks->read;
pCallback->write = callbacks->write;
pCallback->seek = callbacks->seek;
return ret;
int UpnpVirtualDir_set_OpenCallback(VDCallback_Open callback)
int ret = UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
if (!callback) {
} else {
virtualDirCallback.open = callback;
return ret;
int UpnpVirtualDir_set_ReadCallback(VDCallback_Read callback)
int ret = UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
if (!callback) {
} else {
virtualDirCallback.read = callback;
return ret;
int UpnpVirtualDir_set_WriteCallback(VDCallback_Write callback)
int ret = UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
if (!callback) {
} else {
virtualDirCallback.write = callback;
return ret;
int UpnpVirtualDir_set_SeekCallback(VDCallback_Seek callback)
int ret = UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
if (!callback) {
} else {
virtualDirCallback.seek = callback;
return ret;
int UpnpVirtualDir_set_CloseCallback(VDCallback_Close callback)
int ret = UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
if (!callback) {
} else {
virtualDirCallback.close = callback;
return ret;
* Function: UpnpFree
* Parameters:
@ -5096,8 +5139,7 @@ UpnpSetVirtualDirCallbacks( IN struct UpnpVirtualDirCallbacks *callbacks )
* Description:
* This function free the memory allocated by tbe UPnP library
* Return Values: VOID
* Return Values: void
UpnpFree( IN void *item )
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
#include "upnp.h"
#include "upnpapi.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "VirtualDir.h"
#ifndef WIN32
@ -520,40 +521,33 @@ web_server_set_alias( IN const char *alias_name,
* Function: web_server_init
* Parameters:
* none
* Description: Initilialize the different documents. Initialize the
* memory for root directory for web server. Call to initialize global
* XML document. Sets bWebServerState to WEB_SERVER_ENABLED
* Returns:
* 0 - OK
* UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: note: alias_content is not freed here
web_server_init( void )
int web_server_init()
int ret_code;
int ret = 0;
if (bWebServerState == WEB_SERVER_DISABLED) {
// decode media list
pVirtualDirList = NULL;
if( bWebServerState == WEB_SERVER_DISABLED ) {
media_list_init(); // decode media list
membuffer_init( &gDocumentRootDir );
// Initialize callbacks
virtualDirCallback.get_info = NULL;
virtualDirCallback.open = NULL;
virtualDirCallback.read = NULL;
virtualDirCallback.write = NULL;
virtualDirCallback.seek = NULL;
virtualDirCallback.close = NULL;
pVirtualDirList = NULL;
if (ithread_mutex_init(&gWebMutex, NULL) == -1) {
} else {
ret_code = ithread_mutex_init( &gWebMutex, NULL );
if( ret_code == -1 ) {
return 0;
return ret;
@ -1213,7 +1207,6 @@ process_request( IN http_message_t * req,
int resp_minor;
xboolean alias_grabbed;
size_t dummy;
struct UpnpVirtualDirCallbacks *pVirtualDirCallback;
const char *extra_headers;
print_http_headers( req );
@ -1285,8 +1278,7 @@ process_request( IN http_message_t * req,
if (using_virtual_dir) {
if (req->method != HTTPMETHOD_POST) {
// get file info
pVirtualDirCallback = &virtualDirCallback;
if (pVirtualDirCallback->get_info(filename->buf, finfo) != 0) {
if (virtualDirCallback.get_info(filename->buf, finfo) != 0) {
err_code = HTTP_NOT_FOUND;
goto error_handler;
@ -1301,7 +1293,7 @@ process_request( IN http_message_t * req,
goto error_handler;
// get info
if( pVirtualDirCallback->get_info(filename->buf, finfo) != UPNP_E_SUCCESS ||
if (virtualDirCallback.get_info(filename->buf, finfo) != UPNP_E_SUCCESS ||
UpnpFileInfo_get_IsDirectory(finfo)) {
err_code = HTTP_NOT_FOUND;
goto error_handler;
@ -1523,8 +1515,8 @@ error_handler:
http_RecvPostMessage( http_parser_t * parser,
http_RecvPostMessage( http_parser_t *parser,
char *filename,
struct SendInstruction *Instr )
@ -1541,12 +1533,10 @@ http_RecvPostMessage( http_parser_t * parser,
int ret_code = 0;
if( Instr && Instr->IsVirtualFile ) {
Fp = (virtualDirCallback.open)( filename, UPNP_WRITE );
if( Fp == NULL ) {
} else {
Fp = fopen( filename, "wb" );
if( Fp == NULL ) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
/** The {\bf UpnpVirtualDirCallbacks} structure contains the pointers to
* file-related callback functions a device application can register to
* virtualize URLs.
struct UpnpVirtualDirCallbacks
/** Called by the web server to query information on a file. The callback
* should return 0 on success or -1 on an error. */
VDCallback_GetInfo get_info;
/** Called by the web server to open a file. The callback should return
* a valid handle if the file can be opened. Otherwise, it should return
* {\tt NULL} to signify an error. */
VDCallback_Open open;
/** Called by the web server to perform a sequential read from an open
* file. The callback should copy {\bf buflen} bytes from the file into
* the buffer.
* @return [int] An integer representing one of the following:
* \begin{itemize}
* \item {\tt 0}: The file contains no more data (EOF).
* \item {\tt >0}: A successful read of the number of bytes in the
* return code.
* \item {\tt <0}: An error occurred reading the file.
* \end{itemzie}
VDCallback_Read read;
/** Called by the web server to perform a sequential write to an open
* file. The callback should write {\bf buflen} bytes into the file from
* the buffer. It should return the actual number of bytes written,
* which might be less than {\bf buflen} in the case of a write error.
VDCallback_Write write;
/** Called by the web server to move the file pointer, or offset, into
* an open file. The {\bf origin} parameter determines where to start
* moving the file pointer. A value of {\tt SEEK_CUR} moves the
* file pointer relative to where it is. The {\bf offset} parameter can
* be either positive (move forward) or negative (move backward).
* {\tt SEEK_END} moves relative to the end of the file. A positive
* {\bf offset} extends the file. A negative {\bf offset} moves backward
* in the file. Finally, {\tt SEEK_SET} moves to an absolute position in
* the file. In this case, {\bf offset} must be positive. The callback
* should return 0 on a successful seek or a non-zero value on an error.
VDCallback_Seek seek;
/** Called by the web server to close a file opened via the {\bf open}
* callback. It should return 0 on success, or a non-zero value on an
* error.
VDCallback_Close close;
typedef struct virtual_Dir_List
struct virtual_Dir_List *next;
char dirName[NAME_SIZE];
} virtualDirList;
#endif /* VIRTUALDIR_H */
@ -29,14 +29,16 @@
// File : upnpapi.h
#ifndef UPNPDK_H
#define UPNPDK_H
#ifndef UPNPAPI_H
#define UPNPAPI_H
#include "upnp.h"
#include "client_table.h"
#include "upnp.h"
//#include "../ssdp/ssdplib.h"
#include "VirtualDir.h" /* for struct UpnpVirtualDirCallbacks */
#define MAX_INTERFACES 256
@ -197,8 +199,6 @@ int getlocalhostname(char *out, const int out_len);
extern WebServerState bWebServerState;
#endif /* UPNPAPI_H */
/************************ END OF upnpapi.h **********************/
@ -43,103 +43,104 @@ extern "C" {
struct SendInstruction
int IsVirtualFile;
int IsChunkActive;
int IsRangeActive;
int IsTrailers;
char RangeHeader[200];
off_t RangeOffset;
off_t ReadSendSize; // Read from local source and send on the network.
long RecvWriteSize; // Recv from the network and write into local file.
int IsVirtualFile;
int IsChunkActive;
int IsRangeActive;
int IsTrailers;
char RangeHeader[200];
off_t RangeOffset;
off_t ReadSendSize; // Read from local source and send on the network.
long RecvWriteSize; // Recv from the network and write into local file.
//Later few more member could be added depending on the requirement.
//Later few more member could be added depending on the requirement.
* Function: web_server_init
* Parameters:
* none
* Description: Initilialize the different documents. Initialize the
* memory for root directory for web server. Call to initialize global
* XML document. Sets bWebServerState to WEB_SERVER_ENABLED
* Returns:
* 0 - OK
* UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: note: alias_content is not freed here
int web_server_init( void );
* Function: web_server_init
* Parameters:
* none
* Description: Initilialize the different documents. Initialize the
* memory for root directory for web server. Call to initialize global
* XML document. Sets bWebServerState to WEB_SERVER_ENABLED
* Returns:
* 0 - OK
* UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: note: alias_content is not freed here
int web_server_init();
* Function: web_server_destroy
* Parameters:
* none
* Description: Release memory allocated for the global web server root
* directory and the global XML document
* Resets the flag bWebServerState to WEB_SERVER_DISABLED
* Returns:
* void
void web_server_destroy( void );
* Function: web_server_destroy
* Parameters:
* none
* Description: Release memory allocated for the global web server root
* directory and the global XML document
* Resets the flag bWebServerState to WEB_SERVER_DISABLED
* Returns:
* void
void web_server_destroy();
* Function: web_server_set_alias
* Parameters:
* alias_name: webserver name of alias; created by caller and freed by
* caller (doesn't even have to be malloc()d .)
* alias_content: the xml doc; this is allocated by the caller; and
* freed by the web server
* alias_content_length: length of alias body in bytes
* last_modified: time when the contents of alias were last
* changed (local time)
* Description: Replaces current alias with the given alias. To remove
* the current alias, set alias_name to NULL.
* Returns:
* 0 - OK
* UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: note: alias_content is not freed here
int web_server_set_alias( IN const char* alias_name,
IN const char* alias_content, IN size_t alias_content_length,
IN time_t last_modified );
* Function: web_server_set_alias
* Parameters:
* alias_name: webserver name of alias; created by caller and freed by
* caller (doesn't even have to be malloc()d .)
* alias_content: the xml doc; this is allocated by the caller; and
* freed by the web server
* alias_content_length: length of alias body in bytes
* last_modified: time when the contents of alias were last
* changed (local time)
* Description: Replaces current alias with the given alias. To remove
* the current alias, set alias_name to NULL.
* Returns:
* 0 - OK
* UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY: note: alias_content is not freed here
int web_server_set_alias(
IN const char* alias_name,
IN const char* alias_content, IN size_t alias_content_length,
IN time_t last_modified);
* Function: web_server_set_root_dir
* Parameters:
* IN const char* root_dir ; String having the root directory for the
* document
* Description: Assign the path specfied by the IN const char* root_dir
* parameter to the global Document root directory. Also check for
* path names ending in '/'
* Returns:
* int
int web_server_set_root_dir( IN const char* root_dir );
* Function: web_server_set_root_dir
* Parameters:
* IN const char* root_dir ; String having the root directory for the
* document
* Description: Assign the path specfied by the IN const char* root_dir
* parameter to the global Document root directory. Also check for
* path names ending in '/'
* Returns:
* int
int web_server_set_root_dir(IN const char* root_dir);
* Function: web_server_callback
* Parameters:
* IN http_parser_t *parser,
* INOUT http_message_t* req,
* Description: main entry point into web server;
* handles HTTP GET and HEAD requests
* Returns:
* void
void web_server_callback( IN http_parser_t *parser, IN http_message_t* req, INOUT SOCKINFO *info );
* Function: web_server_callback
* Parameters:
* IN http_parser_t *parser,
* INOUT http_message_t* req,
* Description: main entry point into web server;
* handles HTTP GET and HEAD requests
* Returns:
* void
void web_server_callback(IN http_parser_t *parser, IN http_message_t *req, INOUT SOCKINFO *info);
#ifdef __cplusplus
Reference in New Issue
Block a user