kinichiro 14905877a0 Enable tests on Visual Studio
- add patch for aeadtest.c to undef IN
- add patch for ocsp_test.c to call BIO_sock_init() before getaddrinfo()
- define STDERR_FILENO in unistd.h to build pkcs7test.c
- add option ENABLE_VSTEST(default OFF) to enable test on Visual Studio
- modify to pass test data file as an argument (aeadtest, evptest)
- add Windows scripts (ocsptest, pq_test, ssltest, testdsa, testenc, testrsa)
- do not build pidwraptest on MSVC
- fix some indentations
2016-10-30 21:40:24 -05:00

15 lines
271 B

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM pq_test.bat
set TEST=Debug\pq_test.exe
if not exist %TEST% exit /b 1
set pq_output=pq_output.txt
if exist %pq_output% del %pq_output%
%TEST% > %pq_output%
fc /b %pq_output% %srcdir%\pq_expected.txt