#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e openbsd_branch=`cat OPENBSD_BRANCH` libressl_version=`cat VERSION` # pull in latest upstream code echo "pulling upstream openbsd source" if [ ! -d openbsd ]; then if [ -z "$LIBRESSL_GIT" ]; then git clone https://github.com/libressl-portable/openbsd.git else git clone $LIBRESSL_GIT/openbsd fi fi (cd openbsd git checkout $openbsd_branch git pull --rebase) # setup source paths dir=`pwd` libc_src=$dir/openbsd/src/lib/libc libc_regress=$dir/openbsd/src/regress/lib/libc libcrypto_src=$dir/openbsd/src/lib/libcrypto libcrypto_regress=$dir/openbsd/src/regress/lib/libcrypto libssl_src=$dir/openbsd/src/lib/libssl libssl_regress=$dir/openbsd/src/regress/lib/libssl libtls_src=$dir/openbsd/src/lib/libtls openssl_app_src=$dir/openbsd/src/usr.bin/openssl # load library versions source $libcrypto_src/crypto/shlib_version libcrypto_version=$major:$minor:0 echo "libcrypto version $libcrypto_version" echo $libcrypto_version > crypto/VERSION source $libssl_src/ssl/shlib_version libssl_version=$major:$minor:0 echo "libssl version $libssl_version" echo $libssl_version > ssl/VERSION source $libtls_src/shlib_version libtls_version=$major:$minor:0 echo "libtls version $libtls_version" echo $libtls_version > tls/VERSION do_mv() { if ! cmp -s "$1" "$2" then mv "$1" "$2" else rm -f "$1" fi } CP='cp -p' MV='do_mv' $CP $libssl_src/src/LICENSE COPYING $CP $libcrypto_src/crypto/arch/amd64/opensslconf.h include/openssl $CP $libssl_src/src/crypto/opensslfeatures.h include/openssl $CP $libssl_src/src/e_os2.h include/openssl $CP $libssl_src/src/ssl/pqueue.h include $CP $libtls_src/tls.h include for i in explicit_bzero.c strlcpy.c strlcat.c strndup.c strnlen.c \ timingsafe_bcmp.c timingsafe_memcmp.c; do $CP $libc_src/string/$i crypto/compat done $CP $libc_src/stdlib/reallocarray.c crypto/compat $CP $libc_src/crypt/arc4random.c crypto/compat $CP $libc_src/crypt/chacha_private.h crypto/compat $CP $libcrypto_src/crypto/getentropy_*.c crypto/compat $CP $libcrypto_src/crypto/arc4random_*.h crypto/compat (cd $libssl_src/src/crypto/objects/; perl objects.pl objects.txt obj_mac.num obj_mac.h; perl obj_dat.pl obj_mac.h obj_dat.h ) mkdir -p include/openssl crypto/objects $MV $libssl_src/src/crypto/objects/obj_mac.h ./include/openssl/obj_mac.h $MV $libssl_src/src/crypto/objects/obj_dat.h ./crypto/objects/obj_dat.h copy_hdrs() { for file in $2; do $CP $libssl_src/src/$1/$file include/openssl done } copy_hdrs crypto "stack/stack.h lhash/lhash.h stack/safestack.h ossl_typ.h err/err.h crypto.h comp/comp.h x509/x509.h buffer/buffer.h objects/objects.h asn1/asn1.h bn/bn.h ec/ec.h ecdsa/ecdsa.h ecdh/ecdh.h rsa/rsa.h sha/sha.h x509/x509_vfy.h pkcs7/pkcs7.h pem/pem.h pem/pem2.h hmac/hmac.h rand/rand.h md5/md5.h krb5/krb5_asn.h asn1/asn1_mac.h x509v3/x509v3.h conf/conf.h ocsp/ocsp.h aes/aes.h modes/modes.h asn1/asn1t.h dso/dso.h bf/blowfish.h bio/bio.h cast/cast.h cmac/cmac.h conf/conf_api.h des/des.h dh/dh.h dsa/dsa.h cms/cms.h engine/engine.h ui/ui.h pkcs12/pkcs12.h ts/ts.h md4/md4.h ripemd/ripemd.h whrlpool/whrlpool.h idea/idea.h mdc2/mdc2.h rc2/rc2.h rc4/rc4.h rc5/rc5.h ui/ui_compat.h txt_db/txt_db.h chacha/chacha.h evp/evp.h poly1305/poly1305.h camellia/camellia.h gost/gost.h" copy_hdrs ssl "srtp.h ssl.h ssl2.h ssl3.h ssl23.h tls1.h dtls1.h" sed -e "s/\"LibreSSL .*\"/\"LibreSSL ${libressl_version}\"/" \ $libssl_src/src/crypto/opensslv.h > include/openssl/opensslv.h.lcl $MV include/openssl/opensslv.h.lcl include/openssl/opensslv.h # copy libcrypto source echo copying libcrypto source rm -f crypto/*.c crypto/*.h for i in `awk '/SOURCES|HEADERS/ { print $3 }' crypto/Makefile.am` ; do dir=`dirname $i` mkdir -p crypto/$dir if [ $dir != "compat" ]; then if [ -e $libssl_src/src/crypto/$i ]; then $CP $libssl_src/src/crypto/$i crypto/$i fi fi done $CP crypto/compat/b_win.c crypto/bio $CP crypto/compat/ui_openssl_win.c crypto/ui # generate assembly crypto algorithms asm_src=$libssl_src/src/crypto gen_asm_stdout() { perl $asm_src/$2 $1 > $3.tmp [[ $1 == "elf" ]] && cat <<-EOF >> $3.tmp #if defined(HAVE_GNU_STACK) .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits #endif EOF $MV $3.tmp $3 } gen_asm() { perl $asm_src/$2 $1 $3.tmp [[ $1 == "elf" ]] && cat <<-EOF >> $3.tmp #if defined(HAVE_GNU_STACK) .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits #endif EOF $MV $3.tmp $3 } for abi in elf macosx; do echo generating ASM source for $abi gen_asm_stdout $abi aes/asm/aes-x86_64.pl crypto/aes/aes-$abi-x86_64.s gen_asm_stdout $abi aes/asm/vpaes-x86_64.pl crypto/aes/vpaes-$abi-x86_64.s gen_asm_stdout $abi aes/asm/bsaes-x86_64.pl crypto/aes/bsaes-$abi-x86_64.s gen_asm_stdout $abi aes/asm/aesni-x86_64.pl crypto/aes/aesni-$abi-x86_64.s gen_asm_stdout $abi aes/asm/aesni-sha1-x86_64.pl crypto/aes/aesni-sha1-$abi-x86_64.s gen_asm_stdout $abi bn/asm/modexp512-x86_64.pl crypto/bn/modexp512-$abi-x86_64.s gen_asm_stdout $abi bn/asm/x86_64-mont.pl crypto/bn/mont-$abi-x86_64.s gen_asm_stdout $abi bn/asm/x86_64-mont5.pl crypto/bn/mont5-$abi-x86_64.s gen_asm_stdout $abi bn/asm/x86_64-gf2m.pl crypto/bn/gf2m-$abi-x86_64.s gen_asm_stdout $abi camellia/asm/cmll-x86_64.pl crypto/camellia/cmll-$abi-x86_64.s gen_asm_stdout $abi md5/asm/md5-x86_64.pl crypto/md5/md5-$abi-x86_64.s gen_asm_stdout $abi modes/asm/ghash-x86_64.pl crypto/modes/ghash-$abi-x86_64.s gen_asm_stdout $abi rc4/asm/rc4-x86_64.pl crypto/rc4/rc4-$abi-x86_64.s gen_asm_stdout $abi rc4/asm/rc4-md5-x86_64.pl crypto/rc4/rc4-md5-$abi-x86_64.s gen_asm_stdout $abi sha/asm/sha1-x86_64.pl crypto/sha/sha1-$abi-x86_64.s gen_asm $abi sha/asm/sha512-x86_64.pl crypto/sha/sha256-$abi-x86_64.S gen_asm $abi sha/asm/sha512-x86_64.pl crypto/sha/sha512-$abi-x86_64.S gen_asm_stdout $abi whrlpool/asm/wp-x86_64.pl crypto/whrlpool/wp-$abi-x86_64.s gen_asm $abi x86_64cpuid.pl crypto/cpuid-$abi-x86_64.S done # copy libtls source echo copying libtls source rm -f tls/*.c tls/*.h for i in `awk '/SOURCES|HEADERS/ { print $3 }' tls/Makefile.am` ; do $CP $libtls_src/$i tls done # copy openssl(1) source echo "copying openssl(1) source" $CP $libc_src/stdlib/strtonum.c apps $CP $libcrypto_src/openssl.cnf apps for i in `awk '/SOURCES|HEADERS/ { print $3 }' apps/Makefile.am` ; do if [ -e $openssl_app_src/$i ]; then $CP $openssl_app_src/$i apps fi done # copy libssl source echo "copying libssl source" rm -f ssl/*.c ssl/*.h for i in `awk '/SOURCES|HEADERS/ { print $3 }' ssl/Makefile.am` ; do $CP $libssl_src/src/ssl/$i ssl done # copy libcrypto tests echo "copying tests" for i in `find $libcrypto_regress -name '*.c'`; do $CP "$i" tests done # the BIO tests rely on resolver results that are OS and environment-specific rm tests/biotest.c # copy libc tests $CP $libc_regress/arc4random-fork/arc4random-fork.c tests/arc4randomforktest.c $CP $libc_regress/explicit_bzero/explicit_bzero.c tests $CP $libc_regress/timingsafe/timingsafe.c tests # copy libssl tests $CP $libssl_regress/ssl/testssl tests for i in `find $libssl_regress -name '*.c'`; do $CP "$i" tests done $CP $libssl_regress/certs/ca.pem tests $CP $libssl_regress/certs/server.pem tests # setup test drivers # do not directly run all test programs test_drivers=( aeadtest evptest pq_test ssltest arc4randomforktest pidwraptest ) tests_posix_only=( arc4randomforktest explicit_bzero pidwraptest ) $CP $libc_src/string/memmem.c tests/ (cd tests $CP Makefile.am.tpl Makefile.am for i in `ls -1 *.c|sort|grep -v memmem.c`; do TEST=`echo $i|sed -e "s/\.c//"` if [[ ${tests_posix_only[*]} =~ "$TEST" ]]; then echo "if !HOST_WIN" >> Makefile.am fi if ! [[ ${test_drivers[*]} =~ "$TEST" ]]; then echo "TESTS += $TEST" >> Makefile.am fi echo "check_PROGRAMS += $TEST" >> Makefile.am echo "${TEST}_SOURCES = $i" >> Makefile.am if [[ ${TEST} = "explicit_bzero" ]]; then echo "if !HAVE_MEMMEM" >> Makefile.am echo "explicit_bzero_SOURCES += memmem.c" >> Makefile.am echo "endif" >> Makefile.am fi if [[ ${tests_posix_only[*]} =~ "$TEST" ]]; then echo "endif" >> Makefile.am fi done ) $CP $libcrypto_regress/evp/evptests.txt tests $CP $libcrypto_regress/aead/aeadtests.txt tests $CP $libcrypto_regress/pqueue/expected.txt tests/pq_expected.txt chmod 755 tests/testssl for i in "${test_drivers[@]}"; do if [ -e tests/${i}.sh ]; then if [[ ${tests_posix_only[*]} =~ "$i" ]]; then echo "if !HOST_WIN" >> tests/Makefile.am fi if ! [[ ${tests_disabled[*]} =~ "$i" ]]; then echo "TESTS += ${i}.sh" >> tests/Makefile.am fi if [[ ${tests_posix_only[*]} =~ "$i" ]]; then echo "endif" >> tests/Makefile.am fi echo "EXTRA_DIST += ${i}.sh" >> tests/Makefile.am fi done echo "EXTRA_DIST += aeadtests.txt" >> tests/Makefile.am echo "EXTRA_DIST += evptests.txt" >> tests/Makefile.am echo "EXTRA_DIST += pq_expected.txt" >> tests/Makefile.am echo "EXTRA_DIST += testssl ca.pem server.pem" >> tests/Makefile.am (cd include/openssl $CP Makefile.am.tpl Makefile.am for i in `ls -1 *.h|sort`; do echo "opensslinclude_HEADERS += $i" >> Makefile.am done ) echo "copying manpages" # copy manpages (cd man $CP Makefile.am.tpl Makefile.am # update new-style manpages for i in `ls -1 $libssl_src/src/doc/ssl/*.3 | sort`; do NAME=`basename "$i"` $CP $i . echo "dist_man_MANS += $NAME" >> Makefile.am done $CP $openssl_app_src/openssl.1 . echo "dist_man_MANS += openssl.1" >> Makefile.am $CP $libtls_src/tls_init.3 . echo "if ENABLE_LIBTLS" >> Makefile.am echo "dist_man_MANS += tls_init.3" >> Makefile.am echo "endif" >> Makefile.am # convert remaining POD manpages for i in `ls -1 $libssl_src/src/doc/crypto/*.pod | sort`; do BASE=`echo $i|sed -e "s/\.pod//"` NAME=`basename "$BASE"` # reformat file if new if [ ! -f $NAME.3 -o $BASE.pod -nt $NAME.3 -o ../VERSION -nt $NAME.3 ]; then echo processing $NAME pod2man --official --release="LibreSSL $VERSION" --center=LibreSSL \ --section=3 $POD2MAN --name=$NAME < $BASE.pod > $NAME.3 fi echo "dist_man_MANS += $NAME.3" >> Makefile.am done echo "install-data-hook:" >> Makefile.am source ./links for i in $SSL_MLINKS; do IFS=","; set $i; unset IFS echo " ln -f \$(DESTDIR)\$(mandir)/man3/$1 \\" >> Makefile.am echo " \$(DESTDIR)\$(mandir)/man3/$2" >> Makefile.am done echo "if ENABLE_LIBTLS" >> Makefile.am for i in $TLS_MLINKS; do IFS=","; set $i; unset IFS echo " ln -f \$(DESTDIR)\$(mandir)/man3/$1 \\" >> Makefile.am echo " \$(DESTDIR)\$(mandir)/man3/$2" >> Makefile.am done echo "endif" >> Makefile.am echo "" >> Makefile.am echo "uninstall-local:" >> Makefile.am for i in $SSL_MLINKS; do IFS=","; set $i; unset IFS echo " -rm -f \$(DESTDIR)\$(mandir)/man3/$2" >> Makefile.am done echo "if ENABLE_LIBTLS" >> Makefile.am for i in $TLS_MLINKS; do IFS=","; set $i; unset IFS echo " rm -f \$(DESTDIR)\$(mandir)/man3/$2" >> Makefile.am done echo "endif" >> Makefile.am )