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synced 2025-03-04 07:27:22 +01:00

This change adds explicit copyright information too python files files. The copyright year used in each case is the date of the first git commit of each file. The goal is to allow jsoncpp to be integrated into the chromium source tree which requires license information in each source file. fixes #234
206 lines
7.7 KiB
206 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright 2009 Baptiste Lepilleur
# Distributed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and
# recognized in your jurisdiction.
# See file LICENSE for detail or copy at http://jsoncpp.sourceforge.net/LICENSE
from __future__ import print_function
from dircache import listdir
import re
import fnmatch
import os.path
# These fnmatch expressions are used by default to prune the directory tree
# while doing the recursive traversal in the glob_impl method of glob function.
prune_dirs = '.git .bzr .hg .svn _MTN _darcs CVS SCCS '
# These fnmatch expressions are used by default to exclude files and dirs
# while doing the recursive traversal in the glob_impl method of glob function.
##exclude_pats = prune_pats + '*~ #*# .#* %*% ._* .gitignore .cvsignore vssver.scc .DS_Store'.split()
# These ant_glob expressions are used by default to exclude files and dirs and also prune the directory tree
# while doing the recursive traversal in the glob_impl method of glob function.
default_excludes = '''
**/.DS_Store '''
DIR = 1
FILE = 2
_ANT_RE = re.compile(r'(/\*\*/)|(\*\*/)|(/\*\*)|(\*)|(/)|([^\*/]*)')
def ant_pattern_to_re(ant_pattern):
"""Generates a regular expression from the ant pattern.
Matching convention:
**/a: match 'a', 'dir/a', 'dir1/dir2/a'
a/**/b: match 'a/b', 'a/c/b', 'a/d/c/b'
*.py: match 'script.py' but not 'a/script.py'
rex = ['^']
next_pos = 0
sep_rex = r'(?:/|%s)' % re.escape(os.path.sep)
## print 'Converting', ant_pattern
for match in _ANT_RE.finditer(ant_pattern):
## print 'Matched', match.group()
## print match.start(0), next_pos
if match.start(0) != next_pos:
raise ValueError("Invalid ant pattern")
if match.group(1): # /**/
rex.append(sep_rex + '(?:.*%s)?' % sep_rex)
elif match.group(2): # **/
rex.append('(?:.*%s)?' % sep_rex)
elif match.group(3): # /**
rex.append(sep_rex + '.*')
elif match.group(4): # *
rex.append('[^/%s]*' % re.escape(os.path.sep))
elif match.group(5): # /
else: # somepath
next_pos = match.end()
return re.compile(''.join(rex))
def _as_list(l):
if isinstance(l, basestring):
return l.split()
return l
def glob(dir_path,
includes = '**/*',
excludes = default_excludes,
entry_type = FILE,
prune_dirs = prune_dirs,
max_depth = 25):
include_filter = [ant_pattern_to_re(p) for p in _as_list(includes)]
exclude_filter = [ant_pattern_to_re(p) for p in _as_list(excludes)]
prune_dirs = [p.replace('/',os.path.sep) for p in _as_list(prune_dirs)]
dir_path = dir_path.replace('/',os.path.sep)
entry_type_filter = entry_type
def is_pruned_dir(dir_name):
for pattern in prune_dirs:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(dir_name, pattern):
return True
return False
def apply_filter(full_path, filter_rexs):
"""Return True if at least one of the filter regular expression match full_path."""
for rex in filter_rexs:
if rex.match(full_path):
return True
return False
def glob_impl(root_dir_path):
child_dirs = [root_dir_path]
while child_dirs:
dir_path = child_dirs.pop()
for entry in listdir(dir_path):
full_path = os.path.join(dir_path, entry)
## print 'Testing:', full_path,
is_dir = os.path.isdir(full_path)
if is_dir and not is_pruned_dir(entry): # explore child directory ?
## print '===> marked for recursion',
included = apply_filter(full_path, include_filter)
rejected = apply_filter(full_path, exclude_filter)
if not included or rejected: # do not include entry ?
## print '=> not included or rejected'
link = os.path.islink(full_path)
is_file = os.path.isfile(full_path)
if not is_file and not is_dir:
## print '=> unknown entry type'
if link:
entry_type = is_file and FILE_LINK or DIR_LINK
entry_type = is_file and FILE or DIR
## print '=> type: %d' % entry_type,
if (entry_type & entry_type_filter) != 0:
## print ' => KEEP'
yield os.path.join(dir_path, entry)
## else:
## print ' => TYPE REJECTED'
return list(glob_impl(dir_path))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import unittest
class AntPatternToRETest(unittest.TestCase):
## def test_conversion(self):
## self.assertEqual('^somepath$', ant_pattern_to_re('somepath').pattern)
def test_matching(self):
test_cases = [ ('path',
['somepath', 'pathsuffix', '/path', '/path']),
['source.py', 'source.ext.py', '.py'],
['path/source.py', '/.py', 'dir.py/z', 'z.pyc', 'z.c']),
['path', '/path', '/a/path', 'c:/a/path', '/a/b/path', '//a/path', '/a/path/b/path'],
['path/', 'a/path/b', 'dir.py/z', 'somepath', 'pathsuffix', 'a/somepath']),
['path/a', 'path/path/a', 'path//'],
['path', 'somepath/a', 'a/path', 'a/path/a', 'pathsuffix/a']),
['/path', '/a/path', '/a/b/path/path', '/path/path'],
['path', 'path/', 'a/path', '/pathsuffix', '/somepath']),
['somea/b', 'a/bsuffix', 'a/b/c']),
['script.py', 'src/script.py', 'a/b/script.py', '/a/b/script.py'],
['script.pyc', 'script.pyo', 'a.py/b']),
['src/a.py', 'src/dir/a.py'],
['a/src/a.py', '/src/a.py']),
for ant_pattern, accepted_matches, rejected_matches in list(test_cases):
def local_path(paths):
return [ p.replace('/',os.path.sep) for p in paths ]
test_cases.append((ant_pattern, local_path(accepted_matches), local_path(rejected_matches)))
for ant_pattern, accepted_matches, rejected_matches in test_cases:
rex = ant_pattern_to_re(ant_pattern)
print('ant_pattern:', ant_pattern, ' => ', rex.pattern)
for accepted_match in accepted_matches:
print('Accepted?:', accepted_match)
self.assertTrue(rex.match(accepted_match) is not None)
for rejected_match in rejected_matches:
print('Rejected?:', rejected_match)
self.assertTrue(rex.match(rejected_match) is None)