Unfortunately, since our latest image update, Python 3.5 doesn't come pre-installed anymore. Hence, you will have to install it via `pyenv` as a first step e.g.
- pyenv install 3.5.0 && pyenv global 3.5.0
Hi Christopher,
Thank you for reaching out and sorry to hear about the troubles.
Regarding the pip3 error, it was indeed caused by our image updates. We've cleaned-up the way we set-up the Python environment and now strictly enforce Python version use using pyenv. Which means that if you want to use a different Python version than the system one (which is 2.7.6), you have to explicitly specify it. Adding a "before_install: pyenv global 3.5" step to your travis.yml should switch the system version and make pip3 work without installing any additional packages.
To run these tests, in cmake build-dir:
make jsoncpp_check
TravisCI is now set to run these always.
For now, the test_json_lib unit-tests will still run.
issue #187