Google advises its employees to add Google Inc. as an author, but that hasn't
been done yet and would be super inconvenient. So instead I've refactored the
file to refer to "The JsonCpp Authors", which are listed in the AUTHORS file.
The AUTHORS file itself is generated via:
git log --pretty="%an <%ae>%n%cn <%ce>" | sort | uniq
Plus the addition of "Google Inc." as a copyright author. (Google owns the work
of anyone contributing from an address, for example.)
The list contains some probable duplicates where people have used more than one
email address. I didn't deduplicate because -- well, who's to say they're
duplicates, anyway? :)
This commit contains nothing but line ending normalization
changes. These changes were performed after the introduction
of .gitattributes into the repository.
This change adds explicit copyright information too python
files files. The copyright year used in each case is the
date of the first git commit of each file.
The goal is to allow jsoncpp to be integrated into the
chromium source tree which requires license information in
each source file.