mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 23:34:46 +01:00
Drop scons support
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
- shared library support is buggy: it assumes that a static and dynamic library can be build from the same object files. This is not true on many platforms. For this reason it is only enabled on linux-gcc at the current time.
To add a platform:
- add its name in options allowed_values below
- add tool initialization for this platform. Search for "if platform == 'suncc'" as an example.
import os
import os.path
import sys
JSONCPP_VERSION = open(File('#version').abspath,'rt').read().strip()
DIST_DIR = '#dist'
options = Variables()
options.Add( EnumVariable('platform',
'Platform (compiler/stl) used to build the project',
allowed_values='suncc vacpp mingw msvc6 msvc7 msvc71 msvc80 msvc90 linux-gcc'.split(),
ignorecase=2) )
platform = ARGUMENTS['platform']
if platform == 'linux-gcc':
CXX = 'g++' # not quite right, but env is not yet available.
import commands
version = commands.getoutput('%s -dumpversion' %CXX)
platform = 'linux-gcc-%s' %version
print "Using platform '%s'" %platform
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '')
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "%s:libs/%s" %(LD_LIBRARY_PATH, platform)
except KeyError:
print 'You must specify a "platform"'
print "Building using PLATFORM =", platform
rootbuild_dir = Dir('#buildscons')
build_dir = os.path.join( '#buildscons', platform )
bin_dir = os.path.join( '#bin', platform )
lib_dir = os.path.join( '#libs', platform )
sconsign_dir_path = Dir(build_dir).abspath
sconsign_path = os.path.join( sconsign_dir_path, '.sconsign.dbm' )
# Ensure build directory exist (SConsignFile fail otherwise!)
if not os.path.exists( sconsign_dir_path ):
os.makedirs( sconsign_dir_path )
# Store all dependencies signature in a database
SConsignFile( sconsign_path )
def make_environ_vars():
"""Returns a dictionnary with environment variable to use when compiling."""
# PATH is required to find the compiler
# TEMP is required for at least mingw
# LD_LIBRARY_PATH & co is required on some system for the compiler
vars = {}
for name in ('PATH', 'TEMP', 'TMP', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH', 'LIBRARY_PATH'):
if name in os.environ:
vars[name] = os.environ[name]
return vars
env = Environment( ENV = make_environ_vars(),
toolpath = ['scons-tools'],
tools=[] ) #, tools=['default'] )
if platform == 'suncc':
env.Tool( 'sunc++' )
env.Tool( 'sunlink' )
env.Tool( 'sunar' )
env.Append( CCFLAGS = ['-mt'] )
elif platform == 'vacpp':
env.Tool( 'default' )
env.Tool( 'aixcc' )
env['CXX'] = 'xlC_r' #scons does not pick-up the correct one !
# using xlC_r ensure multi-threading is enabled:
# http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/pseries/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.vacpp7a.doc/compiler/ref/cuselect.htm
env.Append( CCFLAGS = '-qrtti=all',
LINKFLAGS='-bh:5' ) # -bh:5 remove duplicate symbol warning
elif platform == 'msvc6':
for tool in ['msvc', 'msvs', 'mslink', 'masm', 'mslib']:
env.Tool( tool )
env['CXXFLAGS']='-GR -GX /nologo /MT'
elif platform == 'msvc70':
for tool in ['msvc', 'msvs', 'mslink', 'masm', 'mslib']:
env.Tool( tool )
env['CXXFLAGS']='-GR -GX /nologo /MT'
elif platform == 'msvc71':
for tool in ['msvc', 'msvs', 'mslink', 'masm', 'mslib']:
env.Tool( tool )
env['CXXFLAGS']='-GR -GX /nologo /MT'
elif platform == 'msvc80':
for tool in ['msvc', 'msvs', 'mslink', 'masm', 'mslib']:
env.Tool( tool )
env['CXXFLAGS']='-GR -EHsc /nologo /MT'
elif platform == 'msvc90':
# Scons 1.2 fails to detect the correct location of the platform SDK.
# So we propagate those from the environment. This requires that the
# user run vcvars32.bat before compiling.
if 'INCLUDE' in os.environ:
env['ENV']['INCLUDE'] = os.environ['INCLUDE']
if 'LIB' in os.environ:
env['ENV']['LIB'] = os.environ['LIB']
for tool in ['msvc', 'msvs', 'mslink', 'masm', 'mslib']:
env.Tool( tool )
env['CXXFLAGS']='-GR -EHsc /nologo /MT'
elif platform == 'mingw':
env.Tool( 'mingw' )
env.Append( CPPDEFINES=[ "WIN32", "NDEBUG", "_MT" ] )
elif platform.startswith('linux-gcc'):
env.Tool( 'default' )
env.Append( LIBS = ['pthread'], CCFLAGS = os.environ.get("CXXFLAGS", "-Wall"), LINKFLAGS=os.environ.get("LDFLAGS", "") )
env.Append( CPPPATH = ['#include'],
LIBPATH = lib_dir )
short_platform = platform
if short_platform.startswith('msvc'):
short_platform = short_platform[2:]
# Notes: on Windows you need to rebuild the source for each variant
# Build script does not support that yet so we only build static libraries.
# This also fails on AIX because both dynamic and static library ends with
# extension .a.
env['LIB_PLATFORM'] = short_platform
env['LIB_LINK_TYPE'] = 'lib' # static
env['LIB_CRUNTIME'] = 'mt'
env['LIB_NAME_SUFFIX'] = '${LIB_PLATFORM}_${LIB_LINK_TYPE}${LIB_CRUNTIME}' # must match autolink naming convention
env['BUILD_DIR'] = env.Dir(build_dir)
env['ROOTBUILD_DIR'] = env.Dir(rootbuild_dir)
if 'TarGz' in env['BUILDERS']:
class SrcDistAdder:
def __init__( self, env ):
self.env = env
def __call__( self, *args, **kw ):
apply( self.env.SrcDist, (self.env['SRCDIST_TARGET'],) + args, kw )
env['SRCDIST_BUILDER'] = env.TarGz
else: # If tarfile module is missing
class SrcDistAdder:
def __init__( self, env ):
def __call__( self, *args, **kw ):
env['SRCDIST_ADD'] = SrcDistAdder( env )
env['SRCDIST_TARGET'] = os.path.join( DIST_DIR, 'jsoncpp-src-%s.tar.gz' % env['JSONCPP_VERSION'] )
env_testing = env.Clone( )
env_testing.Append( LIBS = ['json_${LIB_NAME_SUFFIX}'] )
def buildJSONExample( env, target_sources, target_name ):
env = env.Clone()
env.Append( CPPPATH = ['#'] )
exe = env.Program( target=target_name,
source=target_sources )
env['SRCDIST_ADD']( source=[target_sources] )
global bin_dir
return env.Install( bin_dir, exe )
def buildJSONTests( env, target_sources, target_name ):
jsontests_node = buildJSONExample( env, target_sources, target_name )
check_alias_target = env.Alias( 'check', jsontests_node, RunJSONTests( jsontests_node, jsontests_node ) )
env.AlwaysBuild( check_alias_target )
def buildUnitTests( env, target_sources, target_name ):
jsontests_node = buildJSONExample( env, target_sources, target_name )
check_alias_target = env.Alias( 'check', jsontests_node,
RunUnitTests( jsontests_node, jsontests_node ) )
env.AlwaysBuild( check_alias_target )
def buildLibrary( env, target_sources, target_name ):
static_lib = env.StaticLibrary( target=target_name + '_${LIB_NAME_SUFFIX}',
source=target_sources )
global lib_dir
env.Install( lib_dir, static_lib )
shared_lib = env.SharedLibrary( target=target_name + '_${LIB_NAME_SUFFIX}',
source=target_sources )
env.Install( lib_dir, shared_lib )
env['SRCDIST_ADD']( source=[target_sources] )
Export( 'env env_testing buildJSONExample buildLibrary buildJSONTests buildUnitTests' )
def buildProjectInDirectory( target_directory ):
global build_dir
target_build_dir = os.path.join( build_dir, target_directory )
target = os.path.join( target_directory, 'sconscript' )
SConscript( target, build_dir=target_build_dir, duplicate=0 )
env['SRCDIST_ADD']( source=[target] )
def runJSONTests_action( target, source = None, env = None ):
# Add test scripts to python path
jsontest_path = Dir( '#test' ).abspath
sys.path.insert( 0, jsontest_path )
data_path = os.path.join( jsontest_path, 'data' )
import runjsontests
return runjsontests.runAllTests( os.path.abspath(source[0].path), data_path )
def runJSONTests_string( target, source = None, env = None ):
return 'RunJSONTests("%s")' % source[0]
import SCons.Action
ActionFactory = SCons.Action.ActionFactory
RunJSONTests = ActionFactory(runJSONTests_action, runJSONTests_string )
def runUnitTests_action( target, source = None, env = None ):
# Add test scripts to python path
jsontest_path = Dir( '#test' ).abspath
sys.path.insert( 0, jsontest_path )
import rununittests
return rununittests.runAllTests( os.path.abspath(source[0].path) )
def runUnitTests_string( target, source = None, env = None ):
return 'RunUnitTests("%s")' % source[0]
RunUnitTests = ActionFactory(runUnitTests_action, runUnitTests_string )
env.Alias( 'check' )
srcdist_cmd = env['SRCDIST_ADD']( source = """
""".split() )
env.Alias( 'src-dist', srcdist_cmd )
buildProjectInDirectory( 'src/jsontestrunner' )
buildProjectInDirectory( 'src/lib_json' )
buildProjectInDirectory( 'src/test_lib_json' )
#print env.Dump()
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2009 Baptiste Lepilleur and The JsonCpp Authors
# Distributed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and
# recognized in your jurisdiction.
# See file LICENSE for detail or copy at http://jsoncpp.sourceforge.net/LICENSE
import fnmatch
import os
def generate(env):
def Glob(env, includes = None, excludes = None, dir = '.'):
"""Adds Glob(includes = Split('*'), excludes = None, dir = '.')
helper function to environment.
Glob both the file-system files.
includes: list of file name pattern included in the return list when matched.
excludes: list of file name pattern exluced from the return list.
sources = env.Glob(("*.cpp", '*.h'), "~*.cpp", "#src")
def filterFilename(path):
abs_path = os.path.join(dir, path)
if not os.path.isfile(abs_path):
return 0
fn = os.path.basename(path)
match = 0
for include in includes:
if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(fn, include):
match = 1
if match == 1 and not excludes is None:
for exclude in excludes:
if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(fn, exclude):
match = 0
return match
if includes is None:
includes = ('*',)
elif type(includes) in (type(''), type(u'')):
includes = (includes,)
if type(excludes) in (type(''), type(u'')):
excludes = (excludes,)
dir = env.Dir(dir).abspath
paths = os.listdir(dir)
def makeAbsFileNode(path):
return env.File(os.path.join(dir, path))
nodes = filter(filterFilename, paths)
return map(makeAbsFileNode, nodes)
from SCons.Script import Environment
Environment.Glob = Glob
def exists(env):
Tool always exists.
return True
@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2007 Baptiste Lepilleur and The JsonCpp Authors
# Distributed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and
# recognized in your jurisdiction.
# See file LICENSE for detail or copy at http://jsoncpp.sourceforge.net/LICENSE
import os
import os.path
from fnmatch import fnmatch
import targz
##def DoxyfileParse(file_contents):
## """
## Parse a Doxygen source file and return a dictionary of all the values.
## Values will be strings and lists of strings.
## """
## data = {}
## import shlex
## lex = shlex.shlex(instream = file_contents, posix = True)
## lex.wordchars += "*+./-:"
## lex.whitespace = lex.whitespace.replace("\n", "")
## lex.escape = ""
## lineno = lex.lineno
## last_backslash_lineno = lineno
## token = lex.get_token()
## key = token # the first token should be a key
## last_token = ""
## key_token = False
## next_key = False
## new_data = True
## def append_data(data, key, new_data, token):
## if new_data or len(data[key]) == 0:
## data[key].append(token)
## else:
## data[key][-1] += token
## while token:
## if token in ['\n']:
## if last_token not in ['\\']:
## key_token = True
## elif token in ['\\']:
## pass
## elif key_token:
## key = token
## key_token = False
## else:
## if token == "+=":
## if not data.has_key(key):
## data[key] = list()
## elif token == "=":
## data[key] = list()
## else:
## append_data(data, key, new_data, token)
## new_data = True
## last_token = token
## token = lex.get_token()
## if last_token == '\\' and token != '\n':
## new_data = False
## append_data(data, key, new_data, '\\')
## # compress lists of len 1 into single strings
## for (k, v) in data.items():
## if len(v) == 0:
## data.pop(k)
## # items in the following list will be kept as lists and not converted to strings
## continue
## if len(v) == 1:
## data[k] = v[0]
## return data
##def DoxySourceScan(node, env, path):
## """
## Doxygen Doxyfile source scanner. This should scan the Doxygen file and add
## any files used to generate docs to the list of source files.
## """
## default_file_patterns = [
## '*.c', '*.cc', '*.cxx', '*.cpp', '*.c++', '*.java', '*.ii', '*.ixx',
## '*.ipp', '*.i++', '*.inl', '*.h', '*.hh ', '*.hxx', '*.hpp', '*.h++',
## '*.idl', '*.odl', '*.cs', '*.php', '*.php3', '*.inc', '*.m', '*.mm',
## '*.py',
## ]
## default_exclude_patterns = [
## '*~',
## ]
## sources = []
## data = DoxyfileParse(node.get_contents())
## if data.get("RECURSIVE", "NO") == "YES":
## recursive = True
## else:
## recursive = False
## file_patterns = data.get("FILE_PATTERNS", default_file_patterns)
## exclude_patterns = data.get("EXCLUDE_PATTERNS", default_exclude_patterns)
## for node in data.get("INPUT", []):
## if os.path.isfile(node):
## sources.add(node)
## elif os.path.isdir(node):
## if recursive:
## for root, dirs, files in os.walk(node):
## for f in files:
## filename = os.path.join(root, f)
## pattern_check = reduce(lambda x, y: x or bool(fnmatch(filename, y)), file_patterns, False)
## exclude_check = reduce(lambda x, y: x and fnmatch(filename, y), exclude_patterns, True)
## if pattern_check and not exclude_check:
## sources.append(filename)
## else:
## for pattern in file_patterns:
## sources.extend(glob.glob("/".join([node, pattern])))
## sources = map(lambda path: env.File(path), sources)
## return sources
##def DoxySourceScanCheck(node, env):
## """Check if we should scan this file"""
## return os.path.isfile(node.path)
def srcDistEmitter(source, target, env):
## """Doxygen Doxyfile emitter"""
## # possible output formats and their default values and output locations
## output_formats = {
## "HTML": ("YES", "html"),
## "LATEX": ("YES", "latex"),
## "RTF": ("NO", "rtf"),
## "MAN": ("YES", "man"),
## "XML": ("NO", "xml"),
## }
## data = DoxyfileParse(source[0].get_contents())
## targets = []
## out_dir = data.get("OUTPUT_DIRECTORY", ".")
## # add our output locations
## for (k, v) in output_formats.items():
## if data.get("GENERATE_" + k, v[0]) == "YES":
## targets.append(env.Dir(os.path.join(out_dir, data.get(k + "_OUTPUT", v[1]))))
## # don't clobber targets
## for node in targets:
## env.Precious(node)
## # set up cleaning stuff
## for node in targets:
## env.Clean(node, node)
## return (targets, source)
return (target,source)
def generate(env):
Add builders and construction variables for the
SrcDist tool.
## doxyfile_scanner = env.Scanner(## DoxySourceScan,
## "DoxySourceScan",
## scan_check = DoxySourceScanCheck,
if targz.exists(env):
srcdist_builder = targz.makeBuilder(srcDistEmitter)
env['BUILDERS']['SrcDist'] = srcdist_builder
def exists(env):
Make sure srcdist exists.
return targz.exists(env)
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2010 Baptiste Lepilleur and The JsonCpp Authors
# Distributed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and
# recognized in your jurisdiction.
# See file LICENSE for detail or copy at http://jsoncpp.sourceforge.net/LICENSE
import re
from SCons.Script import * # the usual scons stuff you get in a SConscript
import collections
def generate(env):
Add builders and construction variables for the
SubstInFile tool.
Adds SubstInFile builder, which substitutes the keys->values of SUBST_DICT
from the source to the target.
The values of SUBST_DICT first have any construction variables expanded
(its keys are not expanded).
If a value of SUBST_DICT is a python callable function, it is called and
the result is expanded as the value.
If there's more than one source and more than one target, each target gets
substituted from the corresponding source.
def do_subst_in_file(targetfile, sourcefile, dict):
"""Replace all instances of the keys of dict with their values.
For example, if dict is {'%VERSION%': '1.2345', '%BASE%': 'MyProg'},
then all instances of %VERSION% in the file will be replaced with 1.2345 etc.
f = open(sourcefile, 'rb')
contents = f.read()
raise SCons.Errors.UserError("Can't read source file %s"%sourcefile)
for (k,v) in list(dict.items()):
contents = re.sub(k, v, contents)
f = open(targetfile, 'wb')
raise SCons.Errors.UserError("Can't write target file %s"%targetfile)
return 0 # success
def subst_in_file(target, source, env):
if 'SUBST_DICT' not in env:
raise SCons.Errors.UserError("SubstInFile requires SUBST_DICT to be set.")
d = dict(env['SUBST_DICT']) # copy it
for (k,v) in list(d.items()):
if isinstance(v, collections.Callable):
d[k] = env.subst(v()).replace('\\','\\\\')
elif SCons.Util.is_String(v):
d[k] = env.subst(v).replace('\\','\\\\')
raise SCons.Errors.UserError("SubstInFile: key %s: %s must be a string or callable"%(k, repr(v)))
for (t,s) in zip(target, source):
return do_subst_in_file(str(t), str(s), d)
def subst_in_file_string(target, source, env):
"""This is what gets printed on the console."""
return '\n'.join(['Substituting vars from %s into %s'%(str(s), str(t))
for (t,s) in zip(target, source)])
def subst_emitter(target, source, env):
"""Add dependency from substituted SUBST_DICT to target.
Returns original target, source tuple unchanged.
d = env['SUBST_DICT'].copy() # copy it
for (k,v) in list(d.items()):
if isinstance(v, collections.Callable):
d[k] = env.subst(v())
elif SCons.Util.is_String(v):
Depends(target, SCons.Node.Python.Value(d))
return target, source
## env.Append(TOOLS = 'substinfile') # this should be automaticaly done by Scons ?!?
subst_action = SCons.Action.Action(subst_in_file, subst_in_file_string)
env['BUILDERS']['SubstInFile'] = Builder(action=subst_action, emitter=subst_emitter)
def exists(env):
Make sure tool exists.
return True
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2007 Baptiste Lepilleur and The JsonCpp Authors
# Distributed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and
# recognized in your jurisdiction.
# See file LICENSE for detail or copy at http://jsoncpp.sourceforge.net/LICENSE
Tool-specific initialization for tarball.
## Commands to tackle a command based implementation:
##to unpack on the fly...
##gunzip < FILE.tar.gz | tar xvf -
##to pack on the fly...
##tar cvf - FILE-LIST | gzip -c > FILE.tar.gz
import os.path
import SCons.Builder
import SCons.Node.FS
import SCons.Util
import gzip
import tarfile
internal_targz = 1
except ImportError:
internal_targz = 0
if internal_targz:
def targz(target, source, env):
def archive_name(path):
path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(path))
common_path = os.path.commonprefix((base_dir, path))
archive_name = path[len(common_path):]
return archive_name
def visit(tar, dirname, names):
for name in names:
path = os.path.join(dirname, name)
if os.path.isfile(path):
tar.add(path, archive_name(path))
base_dir = os.path.normpath(env.get('TARGZ_BASEDIR', env.Dir('.')).abspath)
target_path = str(target[0])
fileobj = gzip.GzipFile(target_path, 'wb', compression)
tar = tarfile.TarFile(os.path.splitext(target_path)[0], 'w', fileobj)
for source in source:
source_path = str(source)
if source.isdir():
os.path.walk(source_path, visit, tar)
tar.add(source_path, archive_name(source_path)) # filename, arcname
targzAction = SCons.Action.Action(targz, varlist=['TARGZ_COMPRESSION_LEVEL','TARGZ_BASEDIR'])
def makeBuilder(emitter = None):
return SCons.Builder.Builder(action = SCons.Action.Action('$TARGZ_COM', '$TARGZ_COMSTR'),
source_factory = SCons.Node.FS.Entry,
source_scanner = SCons.Defaults.DirScanner,
suffix = '$TARGZ_SUFFIX',
multi = 1)
TarGzBuilder = makeBuilder()
def generate(env):
"""Add Builders and construction variables for zip to an Environment.
The following environnement variables may be set:
TARGZ_COMPRESSION_LEVEL: integer, [0-9]. 0: no compression, 9: best compression (same as gzip compression level).
TARGZ_BASEDIR: base-directory used to determine archive name (this allow archive name to be relative
to something other than top-dir).
env['BUILDERS']['TarGz'] = TarGzBuilder
env['TARGZ_COM'] = targzAction
env['TARGZ_SUFFIX'] = '.tar.gz'
env['TARGZ_BASEDIR'] = env.Dir('.') # Sources archive name are made relative to that directory.
def generate(env):
def exists(env):
return internal_targz
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
Import( 'env_testing buildJSONTests' )
buildJSONTests( env_testing, Split( """
""" ),
'jsontestrunner' )
# For 'check' to work, 'libs' must be built first.
env_testing.Depends('jsontestrunner', '#libs')
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
Import( 'env buildLibrary' )
buildLibrary( env, Split( """
""" ),
'json' )
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
Import( 'env_testing buildUnitTests' )
buildUnitTests( env_testing, Split( """
""" ),
'test_lib_json' )
# For 'check' to work, 'libs' must be built first.
env_testing.Depends('test_lib_json', '#libs')
Reference in New Issue
Block a user