Greg Tucker 794b8b60c1 build: Add test to check for nmake consistency
Change-Id: I1180ba749d54e7ef433b01b33450e52ac5dbb2bb
Signed-off-by: Greg Tucker <>
2020-08-26 11:41:03 -07:00

124 lines
4.5 KiB

# Regenerate nmake file from makefiles or check its consistency
test_nmake_file: tst.nmake
@diff -u Makefile.nmake tst.nmake || (echo Potential nmake consistency issue; $(RM) tst.nmake; false;)
@echo No nmake consistency issues
@$(RM) tst.nmake
Makefile.nmake tst.nmake: FORCE
@echo Regenerating $@
@echo '########################################################################' > $@
@cat LICENSE | sed -e 's/^/#/ ' >> $@
@echo '########################################################################' >> $@
@echo '' >> $@
@echo '# This file can be auto-regenerated with $$make -f Makefile.unx Makefile.nmake' >> $@
@echo '' >> $@
@echo -n 'objs =' >> $@
@$(foreach o, $(subst /,\\,$(objs:.o=.obj)), printf " %s\n\t%s" \\ $(o) >> $@; )
@echo '' >> $@
@echo '' >> $@
@echo 'INCLUDES = $(INCLUDE)' >> $@
@echo '# Modern asm feature level, consider upgrading nasm/yasm before decreasing feature_level' >> $@
@echo 'CFLAGS_REL = -O2 -DNDEBUG /Z7 /MD /Gy' >> $@
@echo 'CFLAGS_DBG = -Od -DDEBUG /Z7 /MDd' >> $@
@echo 'LINKFLAGS = -nologo -incremental:no -debug' >> $@
@echo 'CFLAGS = $$(CFLAGS_REL) -nologo -D_USE_MATH_DEFINES $$(FEAT_FLAGS) $$(INCLUDES) $$(D)' >> $@
@echo 'AFLAGS = -f win64 $$(FEAT_FLAGS) $$(INCLUDES) $$(D)' >> $@
@echo 'CC = cl' >> $@
@echo '# or CC = icl -Qstd=c99' >> $@
@echo 'AS = nasm' >> $@
@echo '' >> $@
@echo 'lib: bin static dll' >> $@
@echo 'static: bin isa-l_static.lib' >> $@
@echo 'dll: bin isa-l.dll' >> $@
@echo '' >> $@
@echo 'bin: ; -mkdir $$@' >> $@
@echo '' >> $@
@echo 'isa-l_static.lib: $$(objs)' >> $@
@echo ' lib -out:$$@ @<<' >> $@
@echo '$$?' >> $@
@echo '<<' >> $@
@echo '' >> $@
@echo 'isa-l.dll: $$(objs)' >> $@
@echo ' link -out:$$@ -dll -def:isa-l.def $$(LINKFLAGS) @<<' >> $@
@echo '$$?' >> $@
@echo '<<' >> $@
@echo '' >> $@
@$(foreach b, $(units), \
printf "{%s}.c.obj:\n\t\$$(CC) \$$(CFLAGS) /c -Fo\$$@ \$$?\n{%s}.asm.obj:\n\t\$$(AS) \$$(AFLAGS) -o \$$@ \$$?\n\n" $(b) $(b) >> $@; )
@echo '' >> $@
ifneq (,$(examples))
@echo "# Examples" >> $@
@echo -n 'ex =' >> $@
@$(foreach ex, $(notdir $(examples)), printf " %s\n\t%s.exe" \\ $(ex) >> $@; )
@echo '' >> $@
@echo '' >> $@
@echo 'ex: lib $$(ex)' >> $@
@echo '' >> $@
@echo '$$(ex): $$(@B).obj' >> $@
@echo '' >> $@
@echo '.obj.exe:' >> $@
@echo ' link /out:$$@ $$(LINKFLAGS) isa-l.lib $$?' >> $@
@echo '' >> $@
@echo '# Check tests' >> $@
@echo -n 'checks =' >> $@
@$(foreach check, $(notdir $(check_tests)), printf " %s\n\t%s.exe" \\ $(check) >> $@; )
@echo '' >> $@
@echo '' >> $@
@echo 'checks: lib $$(checks)' >> $@
@echo '$$(checks): $$(@B).obj' >> $@
@echo 'check: $$(checks)' >> $@
@echo ' !$$?' >> $@
@echo '' >> $@
@echo '# Unit tests' >> $@
@echo -n 'tests =' >> $@
@$(foreach test, $(notdir $(unit_tests)), printf " %s\n\t%s.exe" \\ $(test) >> $@; )
@echo '' >> $@
@echo '' >> $@
@echo 'tests: lib $$(tests)' >> $@
@echo '$$(tests): $$(@B).obj' >> $@
@echo '' >> $@
@echo '# Performance tests' >> $@
@echo -n 'perfs =' >> $@
@$(foreach perf, $(notdir $(perf_tests)), printf " %s\n\t%s.exe" \\ $(perf) >> $@; )
@echo '' >> $@
@echo '' >> $@
@echo 'perfs: lib $$(perfs)' >> $@
@echo '$$(perfs): $$(@B).obj' >> $@
@echo '' >> $@
@echo -n 'progs =' >> $@
@$(foreach prog, $(notdir $(bin_PROGRAMS)), printf " %s\n\t%s.exe" \\ $(prog) >> $@; )
@echo '' >> $@
@echo '' >> $@
@echo 'progs: lib $$(progs)' >> $@
@$(foreach p, $(notdir $(bin_PROGRAMS)), \
printf "%s.exe: %s\n\tlink /out:\$$@ \$$(LINKFLAGS) isa-l.lib \$$?\n" $(p) $(subst /,\\,$(programs_$(p)_SOURCES:.c=.obj)) >> $@; )
@echo '' >> $@
@echo 'clean:' >> $@
@echo ' -if exist *.obj del *.obj' >> $@
@echo ' -if exist bin\*.obj del bin\*.obj' >> $@
@echo ' -if exist isa-l_static.lib del isa-l_static.lib' >> $@
@echo ' -if exist *.exe del *.exe' >> $@
@echo ' -if exist *.pdb del *.pdb' >> $@
@echo ' -if exist isa-l.lib del isa-l.lib' >> $@
@echo ' -if exist isa-l.dll del isa-l.dll' >> $@
@echo ' -if exist isa-l.exp del isa-l.exp' >> $@
@echo '' >> $@
$(if $(findstring igzip,$(units)),@echo 'zlib.lib:' >> $@ )
@cat $(foreach unit,$(units), $(unit)/ | sed \
-e '/: /!d' \
-e 's/\([^ :]*\)[ ]*/\1.exe /g' \
-e :c -e 's/:\(.*\).exe/:\1/;tc' \
-e 's/\.o[ $$]/.obj /g' \
-e 's/\.o\.exe[ ]:/.obj:/g' \
-e '/CFLAGS_.*+=/d' \
-e '/:.*\%.*:/d' \
-e 's/ :/:/' \
-e 's/LDLIBS *+=//' \
-e 's/-lz/zlib.lib/' \
-e 's/ $$//' \
>> $@