1. Add normal and reflected bits order functions for ISO format and Jones coefficients format. 2. Add a multi-binary macro for crc64 functions. 3. In order to decrease number of repeated test.c and perf.c files, using crc64_funcs_test.c and cr crc64_funcs_perf.c. 4. Add crc64_example.c to take the demonstration role. Change-Id: Icb8c14f1a84cd98f58eb12206ca605dea8a2cefb Signed-off-by: Xiaodong Liu <xiaodong.liu@intel.com>
================================================= Intel(R) Intelligent Storage Acceleration Library
ISA-L is a collection of optimized low-level functions targeting storage applications. ISA-L includes:
Erasure codes - Fast block Reed-Solomon type erasure codes for any encode/decode matrix in GF(2^8).
CRC - Fast implementations of cyclic redundancy check. Three different polynomials supported.
- iscsi, ieee, t10dif
Raid - calculate and operate on XOR and P+Q parity found in common RAID implementations.
Compression - Fast deflate-compatible data compression.
See ISA-L for updates. For crypto functions see isa-l_crypto on github.
Build Prerequisites
ISA-L requires yasm version 1.2.0 or later or nasm v2.11.01 or later. Building with autotools requires autoconf/automake packages.
Building ISA-L
To build and install the library with autotools it is usually sufficient to run the following:
sudo make install
Other targets include: make check, make tests, make perfs, make ex (examples) and make other.
On Windows use nmake to build dll and static lib:
nmake -f Makefile.nmake
Other targes include: nmake check.