;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Copyright(c) 2011-2016 Intel Corporation All rights reserved. ; ; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ; are met: ; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ; the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ; distribution. ; * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its ; contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived ; from this software without specific prior written permission. ; ; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ; "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ; LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ; A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ; OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ; SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ; LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ; DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ; THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ; (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ; OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; %include "options.asm" %include "lz0a_const.asm" %include "data_struct2.asm" %include "bitbuf2.asm" %include "huffman.asm" %include "igzip_compare_types.asm" %include "reg_sizes.asm" %include "stdmac.asm" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; %define tmp2 rcx %define hash2 rcx %define curr_data rax %define code rax %define tmp5 rax %define tmp4 rbx %define dist rbx %define code2 rbx %define hash rdx %define len rdx %define code_len3 rdx %define tmp8 rdx %define tmp1 rsi %define code_len2 rsi %define file_start rdi %define m_bit_count rbp %define curr_data2 r8 %define len2 r8 %define tmp6 r8 %define m_bits r9 %define f_i r10 %define m_out_buf r11 %define f_end_i r12 %define dist2 r12 %define tmp7 r12 %define code4 r12 %define tmp3 r13 %define code3 r13 %define stream r14 %define hufftables r15 ;; GPR r8 & r15 can be used %define xtmp0 xmm0 ; tmp %define xtmp1 xmm1 ; tmp %define xhash xmm2 %define xmask xmm3 %define xdata xmm4 %define ytmp0 ymm0 ; tmp %define ytmp1 ymm1 ; tmp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; blen_mem_offset equ 0 ; local variable (8 bytes) f_end_i_mem_offset equ 8 gpr_save_mem_offset equ 16 ; gpr save area (8*8 bytes) xmm_save_mem_offset equ 16 + 8*8 ; xmm save area (4*16 bytes) (16 byte aligned) stack_size equ 2*8 + 8*8 + 4*16 + 8 ;;; 8 because stack address is odd multiple of 8 after a function call and ;;; we want it aligned to 16 bytes ;; Defines to generate functions for different architecture %xdefine ARCH 01 %xdefine ARCH1 02 %xdefine ARCH2 04 %ifndef COMPARE_TYPE %xdefine COMPARE_TYPE_NOT_DEF %xdefine COMPARE_TYPE 1 %xdefine COMPARE_TYPE1 2 %xdefine COMPARE_TYPE2 3 %endif %rep 3 ; void isal_deflate_body ( isal_zstream *stream ) ; arg 1: rcx: addr of stream global isal_deflate_body_ %+ ARCH isal_deflate_body_ %+ ARCH %+ : %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__, elf64 mov rcx, rdi %endif ;; do nothing if (avail_in == 0) cmp dword [rcx + _avail_in], 0 jne .skip1 ;; Set stream's next state mov rdx, ZSTATE_FLUSH_READ_BUFFER mov rax, ZSTATE_BODY cmp word [rcx + _end_of_stream], 0 cmovne rax, rdx cmp word [rcx + _flush], _NO_FLUSH cmovne rax, rdx mov dword [rcx + _internal_state_state], eax ret .skip1: %ifdef ALIGN_STACK push rbp mov rbp, rsp sub rsp, stack_size and rsp, ~15 %else sub rsp, stack_size %endif mov [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 0*8], rbx mov [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 1*8], rsi mov [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 2*8], rdi mov [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 3*8], rbp mov [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 4*8], r12 mov [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 5*8], r13 mov [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 6*8], r14 mov [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 7*8], r15 mov stream, rcx mov byte [stream + _internal_state_has_eob], 0 MOVDQU xmask, [mask] ; state->bitbuf.set_buf(stream->next_out, stream->avail_out); mov m_out_buf, [stream + _next_out] mov [stream + _internal_state_bitbuf_m_out_start], m_out_buf mov tmp1 %+ d, [stream + _avail_out] add tmp1, m_out_buf sub tmp1, SLOP mov [stream + _internal_state_bitbuf_m_out_end], tmp1 mov m_bits, [stream + _internal_state_bitbuf_m_bits] mov m_bit_count %+ d, [stream + _internal_state_bitbuf_m_bit_count] mov hufftables, [stream + _hufftables] mov file_start, [stream + _next_in] mov f_i %+ d, dword [stream + _total_in] sub file_start, f_i mov f_end_i %+ d, [stream + _avail_in] add f_end_i, f_i ; f_end_i -= LA; sub f_end_i, LA mov [rsp + f_end_i_mem_offset], f_end_i ; if (f_end_i <= 0) continue; cmp f_end_i, f_i jle .input_end ; for (f_i = f_start_i; f_i < f_end_i; f_i++) { MOVDQU xdata, [file_start + f_i] mov curr_data, [file_start + f_i] mov tmp3, curr_data mov tmp6, curr_data compute_hash hash, curr_data shr tmp3, 8 compute_hash hash2, tmp3 and hash, LVL0_HASH_MASK and hash2, LVL0_HASH_MASK cmp byte [stream + _internal_state_has_hist], IGZIP_NO_HIST je .write_first_byte jmp .loop2 align 16 .loop2: ; if (state->bitbuf.is_full()) { cmp m_out_buf, [stream + _internal_state_bitbuf_m_out_end] ja .output_end xor dist, dist xor dist2, dist2 xor tmp3, tmp3 lea tmp1, [file_start + f_i] mov dist %+ w, f_i %+ w dec dist sub dist %+ w, word [stream + _internal_state_head + 2 * hash] mov [stream + _internal_state_head + 2 * hash], f_i %+ w inc f_i MOVQ tmp6, xdata shr tmp5, 16 mov tmp8, tmp5 compute_hash tmp6, tmp5 mov dist2 %+ w, f_i %+ w dec dist2 sub dist2 %+ w, word [stream + _internal_state_head + 2 * hash2] mov [stream + _internal_state_head + 2 * hash2], f_i %+ w ; if ((dist-1) < (D-1)) { and dist %+ d, (D-1) neg dist shr tmp8, 8 compute_hash tmp2, tmp8 and dist2 %+ d, (D-1) neg dist2 ;; Check for long len/dist match (>7) with first literal MOVQ len, xdata mov curr_data, len PSRLDQ xdata, 1 xor len, [tmp1 + dist - 1] jz .compare_loop MOVD xhash, tmp6 %+ d PINSRD xhash, tmp2 %+ d, 1 PAND xhash, xhash, xmask ;; Check for len/dist match (>7) with second literal MOVQ len2, xdata xor len2, [tmp1 + dist2] jz .compare_loop2 ;; Specutively load the code for the first literal movzx tmp1, curr_data %+ b get_lit_code tmp1, code3, rcx, hufftables ;; Check for len/dist match for first literal test len %+ d, 0xFFFFFFFF jz .len_dist_huffman_pre ;; Specutively load the code for the second literal shr curr_data, 8 and curr_data, 0xff get_lit_code curr_data, code2, code_len2, hufftables SHLX code2, code2, rcx or code2, code3 add code_len2, rcx ;; Check for len/dist match for second literal test len2 %+ d, 0xFFFFFFFF jnz .write_lit_bits .len_dist_lit_huffman_pre: mov code_len3, rcx bsf len2, len2 shr len2, 3 .len_dist_lit_huffman: neg dist2 %ifndef LONGER_HUFFTABLE mov tmp4, dist2 get_dist_code tmp4, code4, code_len2, hufftables ;; clobbers dist, rcx %else get_dist_code dist2, code4, code_len2, hufftables %endif get_len_code len2, code, rcx, hufftables ;; rcx is code_len SHLX code4, code4, rcx or code4, code add code_len2, rcx add f_i, len2 neg len2 MOVQ tmp5, xdata shr tmp5, 24 compute_hash tmp4, tmp5 and tmp4, LVL0_HASH_MASK SHLX code4, code4, code_len3 or code4, code3 add code_len2, code_len3 ;; Setup for updating hash lea tmp3, [f_i + len2 + 1] ; tmp3 <= k MOVDQU xdata, [file_start + f_i] mov curr_data, [file_start + f_i] mov curr_data2, curr_data MOVD hash %+ d, xhash PEXTRD hash2 %+ d, xhash, 1 mov [stream + _internal_state_head + 2 * hash], tmp3 %+ w compute_hash hash, curr_data add tmp3,1 mov [stream + _internal_state_head + 2 * hash2], tmp3 %+ w add tmp3, 1 mov [stream + _internal_state_head + 2 * tmp4], tmp3 %+ w write_bits m_bits, m_bit_count, code4, code_len2, m_out_buf, tmp4 mov f_end_i, [rsp + f_end_i_mem_offset] shr curr_data2, 8 compute_hash hash2, curr_data2 %ifdef NO_LIMIT_HASH_UPDATE .loop3: add tmp3,1 cmp tmp3, f_i jae .loop3_done mov tmp6, [file_start + tmp3] compute_hash tmp4, tmp6 and tmp4 %+ d, LVL0_HASH_MASK ; state->head[hash] = k; mov [stream + _internal_state_head + 2 * tmp4], tmp3 %+ w jmp .loop3 .loop3_done: %endif ; hash = compute_hash(state->file_start + f_i) & LVL0_HASH_MASK; and hash %+ d, LVL0_HASH_MASK and hash2 %+ d, LVL0_HASH_MASK ; continue cmp f_i, f_end_i jl .loop2 jmp .input_end ;; encode as dist/len .len_dist_huffman_pre: bsf len, len shr len, 3 .len_dist_huffman: dec f_i neg dist ; get_dist_code(dist, &code2, &code_len2); %ifndef LONGER_HUFFTABLE mov tmp3, dist ; since code2 and dist are rbx get_dist_code tmp3, code2, code_len2, hufftables ;; clobbers dist, rcx %else get_dist_code dist, code2, code_len2, hufftables %endif ; get_len_code(len, &code, &code_len); get_len_code len, code, rcx, hufftables ;; rcx is code_len ; code2 <<= code_len ; code2 |= code ; code_len2 += code_len SHLX code2, code2, rcx or code2, code add code_len2, rcx ;; Setup for updateing hash lea tmp3, [f_i + 2] ; tmp3 <= k add f_i, len MOVD hash %+ d, xhash PEXTRD hash2 %+ d, xhash, 1 mov [stream + _internal_state_head + 2 * hash], tmp3 %+ w add tmp3,1 mov [stream + _internal_state_head + 2 * hash2], tmp3 %+ w MOVDQU xdata, [file_start + f_i] mov curr_data, [file_start + f_i] mov curr_data2, curr_data compute_hash hash, curr_data write_bits m_bits, m_bit_count, code2, code_len2, m_out_buf, tmp7 mov f_end_i, [rsp + f_end_i_mem_offset] shr curr_data2, 8 compute_hash hash2, curr_data2 %ifdef NO_LIMIT_HASH_UPDATE .loop4: add tmp3,1 cmp tmp3, f_i jae .loop4_done mov tmp6, [file_start + tmp3] compute_hash tmp4, tmp6 and tmp4, LVL0_HASH_MASK mov [stream + _internal_state_head + 2 * tmp4], tmp3 %+ w jmp .loop4 .loop4_done: %endif ; hash = compute_hash(state->file_start + f_i) & LVL0_HASH_MASK; and hash %+ d, LVL0_HASH_MASK and hash2 %+ d, LVL0_HASH_MASK ; continue cmp f_i, f_end_i jl .loop2 jmp .input_end .write_lit_bits: MOVDQU xdata, [file_start + f_i + 1] mov f_end_i, [rsp + f_end_i_mem_offset] add f_i, 1 mov curr_data, [file_start + f_i] MOVD hash %+ d, xhash write_bits m_bits, m_bit_count, code2, code_len2, m_out_buf, tmp3 PEXTRD hash2 %+ d, xhash, 1 ; continue cmp f_i, f_end_i jl .loop2 .input_end: mov tmp1, ZSTATE_FLUSH_READ_BUFFER mov tmp5, ZSTATE_BODY cmp word [stream + _end_of_stream], 0 cmovne tmp5, tmp1 cmp word [stream + _flush], _NO_FLUSH cmovne tmp5, tmp1 mov dword [stream + _internal_state_state], tmp5 %+ d .output_end: ;; update input buffer add f_end_i, LA mov [stream + _total_in], f_i %+ d add file_start, f_i mov [stream + _next_in], file_start sub f_end_i, f_i mov [stream + _avail_in], f_end_i %+ d ;; update output buffer mov [stream + _next_out], m_out_buf sub m_out_buf, [stream + _internal_state_bitbuf_m_out_start] sub [stream + _avail_out], m_out_buf %+ d add [stream + _total_out], m_out_buf %+ d mov [stream + _internal_state_bitbuf_m_bits], m_bits mov [stream + _internal_state_bitbuf_m_bit_count], m_bit_count %+ d mov rbx, [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 0*8] mov rsi, [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 1*8] mov rdi, [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 2*8] mov rbp, [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 3*8] mov r12, [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 4*8] mov r13, [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 5*8] mov r14, [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 6*8] mov r15, [rsp + gpr_save_mem_offset + 7*8] %ifndef ALIGN_STACK add rsp, stack_size %else mov rsp, rbp pop rbp %endif ret .compare_loop: MOVD xhash, tmp6 %+ d PINSRD xhash, tmp2 %+ d, 1 PAND xhash, xhash, xmask lea tmp2, [tmp1 + dist - 1] compare250 tmp1, tmp2, len, tmp3, ytmp0, ytmp1 jmp .len_dist_huffman .compare_loop2: lea tmp2, [tmp1 + dist2] add tmp1, 1 compare250 tmp1, tmp2, len2, tmp3, ytmp0, ytmp1 and curr_data, 0xff get_lit_code curr_data, code3, code_len3, hufftables jmp .len_dist_lit_huffman .write_first_byte: cmp m_out_buf, [stream + _internal_state_bitbuf_m_out_end] ja .output_end mov byte [stream + _internal_state_has_hist], IGZIP_HIST mov [stream + _internal_state_head + 2 * hash], f_i %+ w mov hash, hash2 shr tmp6, 16 compute_hash hash2, tmp6 MOVD xhash, hash %+ d PINSRD xhash, hash2 %+ d, 1 PAND xhash, xhash, xmask and curr_data, 0xff get_lit_code curr_data, code2, code_len2, hufftables jmp .write_lit_bits ;; Shift defines over in order to iterate over all versions %undef ARCH %xdefine ARCH ARCH1 %undef ARCH1 %xdefine ARCH1 ARCH2 %ifdef COMPARE_TYPE_NOT_DEF %undef COMPARE_TYPE %xdefine COMPARE_TYPE COMPARE_TYPE1 %undef COMPARE_TYPE1 %xdefine COMPARE_TYPE1 COMPARE_TYPE2 %endif %endrep section .data align 16 mask: dd LVL0_HASH_MASK, LVL0_HASH_MASK, LVL0_HASH_MASK, LVL0_HASH_MASK