#!/usr/bin/env bash # Extended tests: Run a few more options other than make check set -xe #exit on fail # Defaults cpus=1 S=$RANDOM MAKE=make READLINK=readlink test_level=check build_opt='' msg='' # Override defaults if exist command -V gmake >/dev/null 2>&1 && MAKE=gmake command -V greadlink >/dev/null 2>&1 && READLINK=greadlink [ -n "$CC" ] && build_opt+="CC=$CC " [ -n "$AS" ] && build_opt+="AS=$AS " out="$PWD" src=$($READLINK -f $(dirname $0))/.. source $src/tools/test_tools.sh cd "$src" # Run on mult cpus if command -V lscpu >/dev/null 2>&1; then cpus=`lscpu -p | tail -1 | cut -d, -f 2` cpus=$(($cpus + 1)) elif command -V sysctl; then if sysctl -n hw.ncpu >/dev/null 2>&1; then cpus=$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) cpus=$(($cpus + 1)) fi fi echo "Using $cpus cpu threads" if [ -z "$S" ]; then S=`tr -cd 0-9 /dev/null || S="123" fi msg+="Running with TEST_SEED=$S".$'\n' # Fix Darwin issues if uname | grep -q 'Darwin' 2>&1; then export SED=`which sed` fi # Check for test libs to add if command -V ldconfig >/dev/null 2>&1; then if ldconfig -p | grep -q libz.so; then test_level=test msg+=$'With extra tests\n' fi if ldconfig -p | grep -q libefence.so; then build_opt+="LDFLAGS+='-lefence' " msg+=$'With efence\n' fi fi # Std makefile build test $MAKE -f Makefile.unx clean test_start "extended_build_test" time $MAKE -f Makefile.unx -j $cpus $build_opt test_end "extended_build_test" $? msg+=$'Std makefile build: Pass\n' # Check for gnu executable stack set if command -V readelf >/dev/null 2>&1; then test_start "stack_nx_check" if readelf -W -l bin/libisal.so | grep 'GNU_STACK' | grep -q 'RWE'; then echo $0: Stack NX check bin/libisal.so: Fail test_end "stack_nx_check" 1 exit 1 else test_end "stack_nx_check" 0 msg+=$'Stack NX check bin/lib/libisal.so: Pass\n' fi else msg+=$'Stack NX check not supported: Skip\n' fi # Std makefile build perf tests test_start "extended_perf_test" time $MAKE -f Makefile.unx -j $cpus perfs test_end "extended_perf_test" $? msg+=$'Std makefile build perf: Pass\n' # Std makefile run tests test_start "extended_makefile_tests" time $MAKE -f Makefile.unx -j $cpus $build_opt D="TEST_SEED=$S" $test_level test_end "extended_makefile_tests" $? msg+=$'Std makefile tests: Pass\n' # Std makefile build other test_start "extended_other_tests" time $MAKE -f Makefile.unx -j $cpus $build_opt D="TEST_SEED=$S" other test_end "extended_other_tests" $? msg+=$'Other tests build: Pass\n' # Try to pick a random src file if command -V shuf >/dev/null 2>&1; then in_file=$(find $src -type f -size +0 -name \*.c -o -name \*.asm -print 2>/dev/null | shuf | head -1 ); else in_file=configure.ac fi echo Other tests using $in_file test_start "igzip_file_perf" ./igzip_file_perf $in_file test_end "igzip_file_perf" $? test_start "igzip_hist_perf" ./igzip_hist_perf $in_file test_end "igzip_hist_perf" $? test_start "igzip_semi_dyn_file_perf" ./igzip_semi_dyn_file_perf $in_file test_end "igzip_semi_dyn_file_perf" $? test_start "igzip_fuzz_inflate" ./igzip_fuzz_inflate $in_file test_end "igzip_fuzz_inflate" $? msg+=$'Other tests run: Pass\n' if command -V shuf >/dev/null 2>&1; then in_files=$(find $src -type f -size +0 -print 2>/dev/null | shuf | head -10 ); test_start "igzip_rand_test" ./igzip_rand_test $in_files test_end "igzip_rand_test" $? test_start "igzip_inflate_test" ./igzip_inflate_test $in_files test_end "igzip_inflate_test" $? msg+=$'Compression file tests: Pass\n' else msg+=$'Compression file test: Skip\n' fi time $MAKE -f Makefile.unx -j $cpus $build_opt ex msg+=$'Examples build: Pass\n' test_start "ec_simple_example" ./ec_simple_example -r $S test_end "ec_simple_example" $? test_start "crc_simple_test" ./crc_simple_test test_end "crc_simple_test" $? test_start "crc64_example" ./crc64_example test_end "crc64_example" $? test_start "xor_example" ./xor_example test_end "xor_example" $? test_start "igzip_example" ./igzip_example ${in_file} ${in_file}.cmp test_end "igzip_example" $? rm -rf ${in_file}.cmp msg+=$'Examples run: Pass\n' # Test custom hufftables test_start "generate_custom_hufftables" ./generate_custom_hufftables $in_file $MAKE -f Makefile.unx clean $MAKE -f Makefile.unx -j $cpus D="NO_STATIC_INFLATE_H" checks ./igzip_rand_test $in_file rm -rf hufftables_c.c test_end "generate_custom_hufftables" $? msg+=$'Custom hufftable build: Pass\n' # Test NO_NT_LDST test_start "no_nt_ldst" $MAKE -f Makefile.unx clean $MAKE -f Makefile.unx -j $cpus D="NO_NT_LDST" checks test_end "no_nt_ldst" $? # Test EC_ALIGNED_ADDR test_start "ec_aligned_address" $MAKE -f Makefile.unx clean $MAKE -f Makefile.unx -j $cpus D="EC_ALIGNED_ADDR" checks test_end "ec_aligned_address" $? # Test EC_ALIGNED_ADDR & NO_NT_LDST test_start "ec_aligned_addres_no_nt_ldsts" $MAKE -f Makefile.unx clean $MAKE -f Makefile.unx -j $cpus D="EC_ALIGNED_ADDR NO_NT_LDST" checks test_end "ec_aligned_address_no_nt_ldst" $? $MAKE -f Makefile.unx clean test_start "nmake_file_consistency" $MAKE -f Makefile.unx host_cpu="x86_64" test_nmake_file test_end "nmake_file_consistency" $? msg+=$'Nmake file consistency: Pass\n' # noarch build test_start "noarch_build" time $MAKE -f Makefile.unx -j $cpus arch=noarch $build_opt test_end "noarch_build" $? test_start "noarch_build_random" time $MAKE -f Makefile.unx -j $cpus arch=noarch $build_opt D="TEST_SEED=$S" check test_end "noarch_build_random" $? $MAKE -f Makefile.unx arch=noarch clean msg+=$'Noarch build: Pass\n' # Test other implementations with SDE if [ $(uname -m) == "x86_64" ] && command -V sde64 >/dev/null 2>&1; then # Compile tests $MAKE -f Makefile.unx -j $cpus checks # Loop through architectures while [ $# -gt 0 ] do test_start "SDE test on $1 architecture" time sde64 -$1 -- $MAKE -f Makefile.unx -j $cpus D="TEST_SEED=$S" check test_start "SDE test on $1 architecture" $? # Drop architecture from list, to test the next one shift; done msg+=$'Running tests with SDE: Pass\n' else msg+=$'Running tests with SDE: Skip\n' fi # Try mingw build if [ $(uname -m) == "x86_64" ] && command -V x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc >/dev/null 2>&1; then test_start "mingw_build" time $MAKE -f Makefile.unx -j $cpus arch=mingw test_end "mingw_build" $? msg+=$'Mingw build: Pass\n' if command -V wine >/dev/null 2>&1; then test_start "mingw_check_tests" time $MAKE -f Makefile.unx -j $cpus arch=mingw D="TEST_SEED=$S" check test_end "mingw_check_tests" $? msg+=$'Mingw check tests: Pass\n' else msg+=$'No wine, mingw check: Skip\n' fi $MAKE -f Makefile.unx arch=mingw clean else msg+=$'No mingw build: Skip\n' fi set +x echo echo "Summary test $0:" echo "Build opt: $build_opt" echo "$msg" echo "$0: Final: Pass"