%include "options.asm" %include "lz0a_const.asm" %include "data_struct2.asm" %include "huffman.asm" %include "reg_sizes.asm" %define DICT_SLOP 8 %define DICT_END_SLOP 4 %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__, win64 %define arg1 rcx %define arg2 rdx %define arg3 r8 %define swap1 rdi %define swap2 rsi %else %define arg1 rdi %define arg2 rsi %define arg3 rdx %define swap1 r8 %define swap2 rcx %endif %define stream arg1 %define dict_offset arg2 %define dict_len arg3 %define f_i arg3 %define f_i_tmp swap1 %define hash swap2 %define hash2 r9 %define hash3 r10 %define hash4 r11 %define f_i_end rax %macro FUNC_SAVE 0 %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__, win64 push rsi push rdi %endif %endm %macro FUNC_RESTORE 0 %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__, win64 pop rdi pop rsi %endif %endm global isal_deflate_hash_lvl0_01 isal_deflate_hash_lvl0_01: FUNC_SAVE %ifnidn (arg1, stream) mov stream, arg1 %endif %ifnidn (arg2, dict_next) mov dict_offset, arg2 %endif mov f_i_end %+ d, dword [stream + _total_in] neg f_i add f_i, f_i_end sub dict_offset, f_i sub f_i_end, DICT_SLOP cmp f_i, f_i_end jg end_main main_loop: lea f_i_tmp, [f_i + 2] xor hash, hash crc32 hash %+ d, dword [f_i + dict_offset] xor hash2, hash2 crc32 hash2 %+ d, dword [f_i + dict_offset + 1] xor hash3, hash3 crc32 hash3 %+ d, dword [f_i_tmp + dict_offset] xor hash4, hash4 crc32 hash4 %+ d, dword [f_i_tmp + dict_offset + 1] and hash, HASH_MASK and hash2, HASH_MASK and hash3, HASH_MASK and hash4, HASH_MASK mov [stream + _internal_state_head + 2 * hash], f_i %+ w add f_i, 1 mov [stream + _internal_state_head + 2 * hash2], f_i %+ w add f_i, 3 mov [stream + _internal_state_head + 2 * hash3], f_i_tmp %+ w add f_i_tmp, 1 mov [stream + _internal_state_head + 2 * hash4], f_i_tmp %+ w cmp f_i, f_i_end jle main_loop end_main: add f_i_end, DICT_SLOP - DICT_END_SLOP cmp f_i, f_i_end jg end end_loop: xor hash, hash crc32 hash %+ d, dword [f_i + dict_offset] and hash, HASH_MASK mov [stream + _internal_state_head + 2 * hash], f_i %+ w add f_i, 1 cmp f_i, f_i_end jle end_loop end: FUNC_RESTORE ret