######################################################################## # Copyright(c) 2011-2018 Intel Corporation All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ######################################################################## # Makefile include for optimized libraries # make targets: # lib - build library of optimized functions # slib - build shared library # test - run unit tests of functions # perf - run performance tests # install - install headers and libs to system location # sim - run on simulator # trace - get simulator trace # clean - remove object files version ?= 2.30.0 host_cpu ?= $(shell uname -m | sed -e 's/amd/x86_/') arch ?= $(shell uname | grep -v -e Linux -e BSD ) # aarch64 cpu arch = aarch64 ifeq ($(host_cpu)_$(arch),aarch64_) arch = aarch64 endif CC = gcc AS = nasm AWK = awk DEBUG = -g DEBUG_yasm = -g dwarf2 DEBUG_nasm = -g # Default arch= build options CFLAGS_ = -Wall ASFLAGS_ = -f elf64 ARFLAGS_ = cr $@ STRIP_gcc = strip -d -R .comment $@ # arch=32 build options ASFLAGS_32 = -f elf32 CFLAGS_32 = -m32 ARFLAGS_32 = cr $@ # arch=win64 build options ASFLAGS_win64 = -f win64 CFLAGS_icl = -Qstd=c99 ARFLAGS_win64 = -out:$@ # arch=mingw build options ASFLAGS_mingw = -f win64 ARFLAGS_mingw = cr $@ LDFLAGS_so = -Wl,-soname,$(soname) ifeq ($(arch),mingw) CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc AR=x86_64-w64-mingw32-ar LDFLAGS += -Wl,--force-exe-suffix SIM=wine EXT=.exe CLEANFILES+=*.exe endif # arch=noarch build options ARFLAGS_noarch = cr $@ ifeq ($(arch),noarch) host_cpu=base_aliases endif # arch=aarch64 build options ifeq ($(lib_debug),1) ASFLAGS_aarch64 = -g -c else ASFLAGS_aarch64 = -c endif ARFLAGS_aarch64 = cr $@ ifeq ($(arch),aarch64) AS=$(CC) -D__ASSEMBLY__ SIM= endif ASFLAGS_Darwin = -f macho64 --prefix=_ ARFLAGS_Darwin = -r $@ ifeq ($(shell uname),Darwin) LDFLAGS_so = STRIP_gcc = endif INCLUDE = $(patsubst %,-I%/,$(subst :, ,$(VPATH))) CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS_$(arch)) $(CFLAGS_$(CC)) $(DEBUG) -O2 $(DEFINES) $(INCLUDE) ASFLAGS = $(ASFLAGS_$(arch)) $(ASFLAGS_$(CC)) $(DEBUG_$(AS)) $(DEFINES) $(INCLUDE) ARFLAGS = $(ARFLAGS_$(arch)) DEFINES += $(addprefix -D , $D) CLEANFILES += $(O) *.o *.a $(all_tests) $(bin_PROGRAMS) $(lib_name) $(so_lib_name) $(all_llvm_fuzz_tests) # set host_cpu=base_aliases for unsupported CPUs ifeq ($(filter aarch64 x86_%,$(host_cpu)),) host_cpu=base_aliases endif other_tests += $(other_tests_$(host_cpu)) lsrc += $(lsrc_$(host_cpu)) O = bin lobj += $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(patsubst %.S,%.o,$(patsubst %.asm,%.o,$(lsrc) $(lsrc_intrinsic)))) objs = $(addprefix $(O)/,$(notdir $(lobj))) lib_name ?= isa-l.a default: lib slib progs # Defaults for windows build ifeq ($(arch),win64) AR=lib CC=cl OUTPUT_OPTION = -Fo$@ DEBUG= lib_name := $(basename $(lib_name)).lib endif lsrcwin64 = $(lsrc) unit_testswin64 = $(unit_tests) exampleswin64 = $(examples) perf_testswin64 = $(perf_tests) # Build and run unit tests, performance tests, etc. all_tests = $(notdir $(sort $(perf_tests) $(check_tests) $(unit_tests) $(examples) $(other_tests))) all_unit_tests = $(notdir $(sort $(check_tests) $(unit_tests))) all_perf_tests = $(notdir $(sort $(perf_tests))) all_check_tests = $(notdir $(sort $(check_tests))) all_llvm_fuzz_tests = $(notdir $(sort $(llvm_fuzz_tests))) $(all_unit_tests): % : %.c $(lib_name) $(all_perf_tests): % : %.c $(lib_name) $(sort $(notdir $(examples))): % : %.c $(lib_name) $(sort $(notdir $(other_tests))): % : %.c $(lib_name) fuzz_args = -fsanitize=fuzzer,address $(all_llvm_fuzz_tests): FUZZLINK = $(fuzz_args) $(all_llvm_fuzz_tests): CFLAGS += $(fuzz_args) $(all_llvm_fuzz_tests): CXXFLAGS += $(fuzz_args) $(all_llvm_fuzz_tests): % : %.o $(lib_name) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $^ $(LDLIBS) $(FUZZLINK) -o $@ # Check for modern as test-as = $(shell hash printf && printf $(3) > $(2) && $(AS) $(ASFLAGS) ${tmpf} -o /dev/null 2> /dev/null && echo $(1) || echo $(4)) as_4 := "pblendvb xmm2, xmm1;" as_6 := "vinserti32x8 zmm0, ymm1, 1;" as_10 := "vpcompressb zmm0 {k1}, zmm1;" tmpf := $(shell mktemp) as_feature_level := $(call test-as, 4, $(tmpf), $(as_4), $(as_feature_level)) as_feature_level := $(call test-as, 6, $(tmpf), $(as_6), $(as_feature_level)) as_feature_level := $(call test-as, 10, $(tmpf), $(as_10), $(as_feature_level)) tmpf := $(shell rm ${tmpf}) ifneq ($(findstring $(as_feature_level),6 10),) D_HAVE_AS_KNOWS_AVX512_y := -DHAVE_AS_KNOWS_AVX512 endif CFLAGS += -DAS_FEATURE_LEVEL=$(as_feature_level) $(D_HAVE_AS_KNOWS_AVX512_y) ASFLAGS += -DAS_FEATURE_LEVEL=$(as_feature_level) $(D_HAVE_AS_KNOWS_AVX512_y) # Check for pthreads have_threads ?= $(shell printf "int main(void){return 0;}\n" | $(CC) -x c - -o /dev/null -lpthread && echo y ) THREAD_LD_$(have_threads) := -lpthread THREAD_CFLAGS_$(have_threads) := -DHAVE_THREADS progs: $(bin_PROGRAMS) $(bin_PROGRAMS): CFLAGS += -DVERSION=\"$(version)\" $(bin_PROGRAMS): LDLIBS += $(THREAD_LD_y) $(bin_PROGRAMS): CFLAGS += $(THREAD_CFLAGS_y) sim test trace: $(addsuffix .run,$(all_unit_tests)) perf: $(addsuffix .run,$(all_perf_tests)) check: $(addsuffix .run,$(all_check_tests)) ex: $(notdir $(examples)) all: lib $(all_tests) other: $(notdir $(other_tests)) llvm_fuzz_tests: $(all_llvm_fuzz_tests) tests: $(all_unit_tests) perfs: $(all_perf_tests) checks: $(all_check_tests) trace: SIM=sde -debugtrace -- sim: SIM=sde -- check test sim: @echo Finished running $@ $(objs): | $(O) $(O): ; mkdir -p $(O) # Build rule to run tests $(addsuffix .run,$(all_tests)): %.run : % $(SIM) ./$<$(EXT) @echo Completed run: $< # Other build rules msg = $(if $(DEBUG),DEBUG) $(patsubst 32,32-bit,$(host_cpu)) $D # yasm/nasm assembly files $(O)/%.o: %.asm @echo " ---> Building $< $(msg)" @$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -o $@ $< # gcc assembly files $(O)/%.o: $(host_cpu)/%.S @echo " ---> Building $< $(msg)" @$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(O)/%.o : $(host_cpu)/%.c @echo " ---> Building $< $(msg)" @$(COMPILE.c) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $< $(O)/%.o %.o: %.c @echo " ---> Building $< $(msg)" @$(COMPILE.c) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $< $(all_tests): @echo " ---> Building Test $@ $(msg)" @$(LINK.o) $(CFLAGS) $^ $(LDLIBS) -o $@ $(bin_PROGRAMS): % : %_cli.c $(lib_name) @echo " ---> Building Programs $@ $(msg)" @$(LINK.o) $(CFLAGS) $^ $(LDLIBS) -o $@ # Target to build lib files lib: $(lib_name) ifneq ($(lib_debug),1) $(lib_name): DEBUG_$(AS)= # Don't put debug symbols in the lib $(lib_name): DEBUG= $(lib_name): DEFINES+=-D NDEBUG endif ifeq ($(lib_debug),1) DEBUG+=-D DEBUG # Define DEBUG for macros endif #lib $(lib_name): $(lib_name)(${objs}) $(lib_name): $(objs) @echo " ---> Creating Lib $@" @$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $^ ifneq ($(lib_debug),1) @$(STRIP_$(CC)) endif # Target for shared lib so_lib_name = bin/libisal.so so_lib_inst = $(notdir $(so_lib_name)) so_lib_ver = $(so_lib_inst).$(version) soname = $(so_lib_inst).$(word 1, $(subst ., ,$(version))) slib: $(so_lib_name) aobjs += $(addprefix $(O)/,$(patsubst %.asm,%.o,$(filter %.asm,$(notdir $(lsrc) $(lsrc_intrinsic))))) aobjs += $(addprefix $(O)/,$(patsubst %.S,%.o,$(filter %.S,$(notdir $(lsrc) $(lsrc_intrinsic))))) shared_objs += $(addprefix $(O)/shared_ver_,$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(filter %.c,$(notdir $(lsrc) $(lsrc_intrinsic))))) $(O)/shared_ver_%.o: %.c @echo " ---> Building shared $< $(msg)" @$(COMPILE.c) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $< $(O)/shared_ver_%.o: $(host_cpu)/%.c @echo " ---> Building shared $< $(msg)" @$(COMPILE.c) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $< ifneq ($(lib_debug),1) $(so_lib_name): DEBUG_$(AS)= $(so_lib_name): DEBUG= $(so_lib_name): DEFINES+=-D NDEBUG endif $(shared_objs): CFLAGS += -fPIC $(shared_objs) $(aobjs): | $(O) $(so_lib_name): LDFLAGS+=$(LDFLAGS_so) $(so_lib_name): $(shared_objs) $(aobjs) @echo " ---> Creating Shared Lib $@" @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) --shared $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ @(cd $(@D); ln -f -s $(so_lib_inst) $(soname)) isa-l.h: @echo 'Building $@' @echo '' >> $@ @echo '/**' >> $@ @echo ' * @file isa-l.h' >> $@ @echo ' * @brief Include for ISA-L library' >> $@ @echo ' */' >> $@ @echo '' >> $@ @echo '#ifndef _ISAL_H_' >> $@ @echo '#define _ISAL_H_' >> $@ @echo '' >> $@ @echo '#define.ISAL_MAJOR_VERSION.${version}' | ${AWK} -F . '{print $$1, $$2, $$3}' >> $@ @echo '#define.ISAL_MINOR_VERSION.${version}' | ${AWK} -F . '{print $$1, $$2, $$4}' >> $@ @echo '#define.ISAL_PATCH_VERSION.${version}' | ${AWK} -F . '{print $$1, $$2, $$5}' >> $@ @echo '#define ISAL_MAKE_VERSION(maj, min, patch) ((maj) * 0x10000 + (min) * 0x100 + (patch))' >> $@ @echo '#define ISAL_VERSION ISAL_MAKE_VERSION(ISAL_MAJOR_VERSION, ISAL_MINOR_VERSION, ISAL_PATCH_VERSION)' >> $@ @echo '' >> $@ @for unit in $(sort $(extern_hdrs)); do echo "#include " | sed -e 's;include/;;' >> $@; done @echo '#endif //_ISAL_H_' >> $@ # Target for install prefix = /usr/local man1dir ?= $(prefix)/share/man/man1 install_dirs = $(prefix)/lib $(prefix)/include/isa-l $(prefix)/bin $(man1dir) $(install_dirs): ; mkdir -p $@ install: $(sort $(extern_hdrs)) | $(install_dirs) $(lib_name) $(so_lib_name) isa-l.h $(bin_PROGRAMS) install -m 644 $(lib_name) $(prefix)/lib/libisal.a install -m 644 $^ $(prefix)/include/isa-l/. install -m 664 isa-l.h $(prefix)/include/. install -m 664 include/types.h $(prefix)/include/isa-l/. install -m 664 $(so_lib_name) $(prefix)/lib/$(so_lib_ver) (cd $(prefix)/lib && ln -f -s $(so_lib_ver) $(soname) && ln -f -s $(so_lib_ver) $(so_lib_inst)) ifeq ($(shell uname),Darwin) (cd $(prefix)/lib && ln -f -s $(so_lib_ver) $(basename $(so_lib_inst)).dylib) which glibtool && glibtool --mode=finish $(prefix)/lib else which libtool && libtool --mode=finish $(prefix)/lib || \ echo 'Lib installed at $(prefix)/lib. Run system-dependent programs to add shared lib path.' endif install -m 774 $(bin_PROGRAMS) $(prefix)/bin/. install -m 664 $(dist_man_MANS) $(man1dir)/. uninstall: $(RM) $(prefix)/lib/libisal.a $(RM) $(prefix)/lib/$(soname) $(RM) $(prefix)/lib/$(so_lib_ver) $(RM) $(prefix)/lib/$(so_lib_inst) $(RM) -r $(prefix)/include/isa-l $(RM) $(prefix)/include/isa-l.h $(RM) $(prefix)/lib/$(basename $(so_lib_inst)).dylib $(RM) $(prefix)/bin/$(notdir $(bin_PROGRAMS)) $(RM) $(man1dir)/$(notdir $(dist_man_MANS)) # Collect performance data rpt_name = perf_report_$(shell uname -n)_$(shell date +%y%m%d).perf perf_report: echo Results for $(rpt_name) >> $(rpt_name) $(MAKE) -f Makefile.unx -k perf | tee -a $(rpt_name) @echo Summary: -grep runtime $(rpt_name) clean: @echo Cleaning up @$(RM) -r $(CLEANFILES) doc: isa-l.h (cat Doxyfile; echo 'PROJECT_NUMBER=$(version)') | doxygen - $(MAKE) -C generated_doc/latex &> generated_doc/latex_build_api.log cp generated_doc/latex/refman.pdf isa-l_api_$(version).pdf