Implements #48 - Wifi Support & Checks
Signed-off-by: Shazron Abdullah <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -121,10 +121,12 @@ def autoexit_command(debugger, command, result, internal_dict):\n\
typedef struct am_device * AMDeviceRef;
mach_error_t AMDeviceSecureStartService(struct am_device *device, CFStringRef service_name, unsigned int *unknown, service_conn_t *handle);
int AMDeviceSecureTransferPath(int zero, AMDeviceRef device, CFURLRef url, CFDictionaryRef options, void *callback, int cbarg);
int AMDeviceSecureInstallApplication(int zero, AMDeviceRef device, CFURLRef url, CFDictionaryRef options, void *callback, int cbarg);
int AMDeviceMountImage(AMDeviceRef device, CFStringRef image, CFDictionaryRef options, void *callback, int cbarg);
mach_error_t AMDeviceLookupApplications(AMDeviceRef device, CFDictionaryRef options, CFDictionaryRef *result);
int AMDeviceGetInterfaceType(struct am_device *device);
bool found_device = false, debug = false, verbose = false, unbuffered = false, nostart = false, detect_only = false, install = true, uninstall = false;
bool command_only = false;
@ -145,6 +147,7 @@ pid_t parent = 0;
pid_t child = 0;
// Signal sent from child to parent process when LLDB finishes.
const int SIGLLDB = SIGUSR1;
AMDeviceRef best_device_match = NULL;
// Error codes we report on different failures, so scripts can distinguish between user app exit
// codes and our exit codes. For non app errors we use codes in reserved 128-255 range.
@ -268,6 +271,125 @@ CFStringRef copy_xcode_path_for(CFStringRef subPath, CFStringRef search) {
// Please ensure that device is connected or the name will be unknown
const CFStringRef get_device_hardware_name(const AMDeviceRef device) {
CFStringRef model = AMDeviceCopyValue(device, 0, CFSTR("HardwareModel"));
const char *hwmodel = CFStringGetCStringPtr(model, CFStringGetSystemEncoding());
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("M68AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPhone");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("N45AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPod touch");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("N82AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPhone 3G");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("N72AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPod touch 2G");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("N88AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPhone 3GS");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("N18AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPod touch 3G");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("K48AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPad");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("N90AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPhone 4 (GSM)");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("N81AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPod touch 4G");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("K66AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("Apple TV 2G");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("N92AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPhone 4 (CDMA)");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("N90BAP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPhone 4 (GSM, revision A)");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("K93AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPad 2");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("K94AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPad 2 (GSM)");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("K95AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPad 2 (CDMA)");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("K93AAP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPad 2 (Wi-Fi, revision A)");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("P105AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPad mini");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("P106AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPad mini (GSM)");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("P107AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPad mini (CDMA)");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("N94AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPhone 4S");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("N41AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPhone 5 (GSM)");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("N42AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPhone 5 (Global/CDMA)");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("N48AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPhone 5c (GSM)");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("N49AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPhone 5c (Global/CDMA)");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("N51AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPhone 5s (GSM)");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("N53AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPhone 5s (Global/CDMA)");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("J1AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPad 3");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("J2AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPad 3 (GSM)");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("J2AAP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPad 3 (CDMA)");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("P101AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPad 4");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("P102AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPad 4 (GSM)");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("P103AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPad 4 (CDMA)");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("N78AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("iPod touch 5G");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("J33AP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("Apple TV 3G");
if (hwmodel && !strcmp("J33IAP", hwmodel))
return CFSTR("Apple TV 3.1G");
return CFSTR("Unknown Device");
CFStringRef get_device_full_name(const AMDeviceRef device) {
CFStringRef full_name = NULL,
device_udid = AMDeviceCopyDeviceIdentifier(device),
device_name = NULL,
model_name = NULL;
device_name = AMDeviceCopyValue(device, 0, CFSTR("DeviceName")),
model_name = get_device_hardware_name(device);
if(device_name != NULL && model_name != NULL)
full_name = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%@ '%@' (%@)"), model_name, device_name, device_udid);
full_name = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("(%@)"), device_udid);
if(device_udid != NULL)
if(device_name != NULL)
if(model_name != NULL)
return full_name;
CFStringRef get_device_interface_name(const AMDeviceRef device) {
// AMDeviceGetInterfaceType(device) 0=Unknown, 1 = Direct/USB, 2 = Indirect/WIFI
switch(AMDeviceGetInterfaceType(device)) {
case 1:
return CFSTR("USB");
case 2:
return CFSTR("WIFI");
return CFSTR("Unknown Connection");
CFMutableArrayRef get_device_product_version_parts(AMDeviceRef device) {
CFStringRef version = AMDeviceCopyValue(device, 0, CFSTR("ProductVersion"));
CFArrayRef parts = CFStringCreateArrayBySeparatingStrings(NULL, version, CFSTR("."));
@ -748,6 +870,9 @@ void setup_dummy_pipe_on_stdin(int pfd[2]) {
void launch_debugger(AMDeviceRef device, CFURLRef url) {
CFStringRef device_full_name = get_device_full_name(device),
device_interface_name = get_device_interface_name(device);
assert(AMDeviceValidatePairing(device) == 0);
@ -755,6 +880,14 @@ void launch_debugger(AMDeviceRef device, CFURLRef url) {
printf("------ Debug phase ------\n");
if(AMDeviceGetInterfaceType(device) == 2)
printf("Cannot debug %s over %s.\n", CFStringGetCStringPtr(device_full_name, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()), CFStringGetCStringPtr(device_interface_name, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()));
printf("Starting debug of %s connected through %s...\n", CFStringGetCStringPtr(device_full_name, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()), CFStringGetCStringPtr(device_interface_name, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()));
mount_developer_image(device); // put debugserver on the device
start_remote_debug_server(device); // start debugserver
write_lldb_prep_cmds(device, url); // dump the necessary lldb commands into a file
@ -1030,8 +1163,12 @@ void upload_file(AMDeviceRef device) {
void handle_device(AMDeviceRef device) {
if (found_device) return; // handle one device only
CFStringRef found_device_id = AMDeviceCopyDeviceIdentifier(device);
if (found_device)
return; // handle one device only
CFStringRef found_device_id = AMDeviceCopyDeviceIdentifier(device),
device_full_name = get_device_full_name(device),
device_interface_name = get_device_interface_name(device);
if (device_id != NULL) {
if(strcmp(device_id, CFStringGetCStringPtr(found_device_id, CFStringGetSystemEncoding())) == 0) {
@ -1044,7 +1181,7 @@ void handle_device(AMDeviceRef device) {
if (detect_only) {
printf("[....] Found device (%s).\n", CFStringGetCStringPtr(found_device_id, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()));
printf("[....] Found %s connected through %s.\n", CFStringGetCStringPtr(device_full_name, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()), CFStringGetCStringPtr(device_interface_name, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()));
@ -1089,7 +1226,7 @@ void handle_device(AMDeviceRef device) {
if(install) {
printf("------ Install phase ------\n");
printf("[ 0%%] Found device (%s), beginning install\n", CFStringGetCStringPtr(found_device_id, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()));
printf("[ 0%%] Found %s connected through %s, beginning install\n", CFStringGetCStringPtr(device_full_name, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()), CFStringGetCStringPtr(device_interface_name, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()));
@ -1097,31 +1234,37 @@ void handle_device(AMDeviceRef device) {
assert(AMDeviceStartSession(device) == 0);
// NOTE: the secure version doesn't seem to require us to start the AFC service
service_conn_t afcFd;
assert(AMDeviceStartService(device, CFSTR(""), &afcFd, NULL) == 0);
assert(AMDeviceSecureStartService(device, CFSTR(""), NULL, &afcFd) == 0);
assert(AMDeviceStopSession(device) == 0);
assert(AMDeviceDisconnect(device) == 0);
assert(AMDeviceTransferApplication(afcFd, path, NULL, transfer_callback, NULL) == 0);
CFStringRef keys[] = { CFSTR("PackageType") };
CFStringRef values[] = { CFSTR("Developer") };
CFDictionaryRef options = CFDictionaryCreate(NULL, (const void **)&keys, (const void **)&values, 1, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
//assert(AMDeviceTransferApplication(afcFd, path, NULL, transfer_callback, NULL) == 0);
assert(AMDeviceSecureTransferPath(0, device, url, options, transfer_callback, 0)==0);
assert(AMDeviceValidatePairing(device) == 0);
assert(AMDeviceStartSession(device) == 0);
service_conn_t installFd;
assert(AMDeviceStartService(device, CFSTR(""), &installFd, NULL) == 0);
// // NOTE: the secure version doesn't seem to require us to start the installation_proxy service
// // Although I can't find it right now, I in some code that the first param of AMDeviceSecureInstallApplication was a "dontStartInstallProxy"
// // implying this is done for us by iOS already
assert(AMDeviceStopSession(device) == 0);
assert(AMDeviceDisconnect(device) == 0);
//service_conn_t installFd;
//assert(AMDeviceSecureStartService(device, CFSTR(""), NULL, &installFd) == 0);
mach_error_t result = AMDeviceInstallApplication(installFd, path, options, install_callback, NULL);
//mach_error_t result = AMDeviceInstallApplication(installFd, path, options, install_callback, NULL);
mach_error_t result = AMDeviceSecureInstallApplication(0, device, url, options, install_callback, 0);
if (result != 0)
char* error = "Unknown error.";
@ -1131,7 +1274,10 @@ void handle_device(AMDeviceRef device) {
// close(installFd);
assert(AMDeviceStopSession(device) == 0);
assert(AMDeviceDisconnect(device) == 0);
@ -1139,14 +1285,21 @@ void handle_device(AMDeviceRef device) {
printf("[100%%] Installed package %s\n", app_path);
if (!debug) exit(0); // no debug phase
if (!debug)
exit(0); // no debug phase
launch_debugger(device, url);
void device_callback(struct am_device_notification_callback_info *info, void *arg) {
switch (info->msg) {
if(device_id != NULL || !debug || AMDeviceGetInterfaceType(info->dev) != 2) {
} else if(best_device_match == NULL) {
best_device_match = info->dev;
@ -1154,8 +1307,17 @@ void device_callback(struct am_device_notification_callback_info *info, void *ar
void timeout_callback(CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, void *info) {
if (!found_device) {
printf("[....] Timed out waiting for device.\n");
if(best_device_match != NULL) {
best_device_match = NULL;
if(!found_device) {
printf("[....] Timed out waiting for device.\n");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user