Kjell Hedstrom 78103cb415 Auto generate macro defintions in a file. This way you don't have to re-state them in your library
if no options are given a blank file will be generated
2015-07-13 07:49:44 -06:00

43 lines
1.6 KiB

# g3log is a KjellKod Logger
# 2015 @author Kjell Hedström, hedstrom@kjellkod.cc
# ==================================================================
# 2015 by KjellKod.cc. This is PUBLIC DOMAIN to use at your own
# risk and comes with no warranties.
# This code is yours to share, use and modify with no strings attached
# and no restrictions or obligations.
# ===================================================================
# ==============================================================
# -DUSE_SIMPLE_EXAMPLE=OFF : to turn off the fatal examples
# Leaving it to ON will create
# g3log-FATAL-sigsegv
# g3log-FATAL-contract
# ==============================================================
set(DIR_EXAMPLE ${g3log_SOURCE_DIR}/example)
option (ADD_FATAL_EXAMPLE "Fatal (fatal-crashes/contract) examples " ON)
MESSAGE("-DADD_FATAL_EXAMPLE=ON\t\t[contract][sigsegv][fatal choice] are examples of when g3log comes in handy")
include_directories (${DIR_EXAMPLE})
add_executable(g3log-FATAL-contract ${DIR_EXAMPLE}/main_contract.cpp)
add_executable(g3log-FATAL-sigsegv ${DIR_EXAMPLE}/main_sigsegv.cpp)
add_executable(g3log-FATAL-choice ${DIR_EXAMPLE}/main_fatal_choice.cpp)
target_link_libraries(g3log-FATAL-contract ${G3LOG_LIBRARY})
target_link_libraries(g3log-FATAL-sigsegv ${G3LOG_LIBRARY})
target_link_libraries(g3log-FATAL-choice ${G3LOG_LIBRARY})