#.rst: # FindG3log # ------- # # Find libg3log, G3log is an asynchronous, "crash safe", logger that is easy to use with default logging sinks or you can add your own. # # This defines the cmake import target "g3log" you can use like this #``` # target_link_libraries(YourTarget PUBLIC g3log) #``` # Variables and features # ---------------------- # * ``G3LOG`` -- if this environment variable is set, it'll be used as a hint as to where the g3log files are. # * ``G3LOG_INCLUDE_DIRS`` -- raw cmake variable with include path # * ``G3LOG_LIBRARIES`` -- raw cmake variable with library link line # * ``G3LOG_FOUND`` -- check if the lib was found without using the newer ``if(TARGET g3log)...`` include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) include(SelectLibraryConfigurations) @PACKAGE_INIT@ find_package(Threads REQUIRED) if (NOT TARGET g3log) include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/g3logTargets.cmake") get_target_property(G3LOG_INCLUDE_DIR g3log INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) get_target_property(G3LOG_LIBRARY_DEBUG g3log IMPORTED_IMPLIB_DEBUG) if (G3LOG_LIBRARY_DEBUG MATCHES ".*-NOTFOUND") get_target_property(G3LOG_LIBRARY_DEBUG g3log IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG) endif () get_target_property(G3LOG_LIBRARY_RELEASE g3log IMPORTED_IMPLIB_RELEASE) if (G3LOG_LIBRARY_RELEASE MATCHES ".*-NOTFOUND") get_target_property(G3LOG_LIBRARY_RELEASE g3log IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE) endif () select_library_configurations(G3LOG) if (G3LOG_LIBRARY) list(APPEND G3LOG_LIBRARY Threads::Threads) if (WIN32) list(APPEND G3LOG_LIBRARY DbgHelp.lib) endif () endif () endif () find_package_handle_standard_args(G3LOG REQUIRED_VARS G3LOG_INCLUDE_DIR G3LOG_LIBRARY) mark_as_advanced(G3LOG_INCLUDE_DIR G3LOG_LIBRARY) set(G3LOG_INCLUDE_DIRS ${G3LOG_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(G3LOG_LIBRARIES ${G3LOG_LIBRARY})