/** ========================================================================== * 2014 by KjellKod.cc. This is PUBLIC DOMAIN to use at your own risk and comes * with no warranties. This code is yours to share, use and modify with no * strings attached and no restrictions or obligations. * * For more information see g3log/LICENSE or refer refer to http://unlicense.org * ============================================================================*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { #if (defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__)) const std::string path_to_log_file = "./"; #else const std::string path_to_log_file = "/tmp/"; #endif void ToLower(std::string &str) { for (auto &character : str) { character = std::tolower(character); } } void RaiseSIGABRT() { std::cout << "Calling :" << __FUNCTION__ << " Line: " << __LINE__ << std::endl << std::flush; raise(SIGABRT); LOG(WARNING) << "Expected to have died by now..."; } void RaiseSIGFPE() { std::cout << "Calling :" << __FUNCTION__ << " Line: " << __LINE__ << std::endl << std::flush; LOGF_IF(INFO, (false != true), "Exiting %s SIGFPE", "by"); raise(SIGFPE); LOG(WARNING) << "Expected to have died by now..."; } void RaiseSIGSEGV() { std::cout << "Calling :" << __FUNCTION__ << " Line: " << __LINE__ << std::endl << std::flush; LOG(DEBUG) << "Exit by SIGSEGV"; raise(SIGSEGV); LOG(WARNING) << "Expected to have died by now..."; } void RaiseSIGILL() { std::cout << "Calling :" << __FUNCTION__ << " Line: " << __LINE__ << std::endl << std::flush; LOGF(DEBUG, "Exit by %s", "SIGILL"); raise(SIGILL); LOG(WARNING) << "Expected to have died by now..."; } void RAiseSIGTERM() { std::cout << "Calling :" << __FUNCTION__ << " Line: " << __LINE__ << std::endl << std::flush; LOGF_IF(INFO, (false != true), "Exiting %s SIGFPE", "by"); raise(SIGTERM); LOG(WARNING) << "Expected to have died by now..."; } int gShouldBeZero = 1; void DivisionByZero() { std::cout << "Calling :" << __FUNCTION__ << " Line: " << __LINE__ << std::endl << std::flush; std::cout << "Executing DivisionByZero: gShouldBeZero: " << gShouldBeZero << std::endl; LOG(INFO) << "Division by zero is a big no-no"; int value = 3; auto test = value / gShouldBeZero; LOG(WARNING) << "Expected to have died by now..., test value: " << test; } void IllegalPrintf() { std::cout << "Calling :" << __FUNCTION__ << " Line: " << __LINE__ << std::endl << std::flush; LOG(DEBUG) << "Impending doom due to illeteracy"; LOGF(INFO, "2nd attempt at ILLEGAL PRINTF_SYNTAX %d EXAMPLE. %s %s", "hello", 1); LOG(WARNING) << "Expected to have died by now..."; } void OutOfBoundsArrayIndexing() { std::cout << "Calling :" << __FUNCTION__ << " Line: " << __LINE__ << std::endl << std::flush; std::vector v; v[0] = 5; LOG(WARNING) << "Expected to have died by now..."; } void AccessViolation() { std::cout << "Calling :" << __FUNCTION__ << " Line: " << __LINE__ << std::endl << std::flush; char* ptr = 0; LOG(INFO) << "Death by access violation is imminent"; *ptr = 0; LOG(WARNING) << "Expected to have died by now..."; } void NoExitFunction() { std::cout << "Calling :" << __FUNCTION__ << " Line: " << __LINE__ << std::endl << std::flush; CHECK(false) << "This function should never be called"; } void RaiseSIGABRTAndAccessViolation() { std::cout << "Calling :" << __FUNCTION__ << " Line: " << __LINE__ << std::endl << std::flush; auto f1 = std::async(std::launch::async, &RaiseSIGABRT); auto f2 = std::async(std::launch::async, &AccessViolation); f1.wait(); f2.wait(); } void ThrowInt() { throw 1233210; } void FailedCHECK() { CHECK(false) << "This is fatal"; } void CallActualExitFunction(std::function fatal_function) { fatal_function(); } void CallExitFunction(std::function fatal_function) { CallActualExitFunction(fatal_function); } void ExecuteDeathFunction(const bool runInNewThread, int fatalChoice) { std::cout << "Calling :" << __FUNCTION__ << " Line: " << __LINE__ << std::endl << std::flush; auto exitFunction = &NoExitFunction; switch (fatalChoice) { case 1: exitFunction = &RaiseSIGABRT; break; case 2: exitFunction = &RaiseSIGFPE; break; case 3: exitFunction = &RaiseSIGSEGV; break; case 4: exitFunction = &RaiseSIGILL; break; case 5: exitFunction = &RAiseSIGTERM; break; case 6: exitFunction = &DivisionByZero; gShouldBeZero = 0; DivisionByZero(); break; case 7: exitFunction = &IllegalPrintf; break; case 8: exitFunction = &OutOfBoundsArrayIndexing; break; case 9: exitFunction = &AccessViolation; break; case 10: exitFunction = &RaiseSIGABRTAndAccessViolation; break; case 11: exitFunction = &ThrowInt; break; case 12: exitFunction = &FailedCHECK; break; default: break; } if (runInNewThread) { auto dieInNearFuture = std::async(std::launch::async, CallExitFunction, exitFunction); dieInNearFuture.wait(); } else { CallExitFunction(exitFunction); } std::string unexpected = "Expected to exit by FATAL event. That did not happen (printf choice in Windows?)."; unexpected.append("Choice was: ").append(std::to_string(fatalChoice)).append(", async?: ") .append(std::to_string(runInNewThread)).append("\n\n***** TEST WILL RUN AGAIN *****\n\n"); std::cerr << unexpected << std::endl; LOG(WARNING) << unexpected; } bool AskForAsyncDeath() { std::string option; while (true) { option.clear(); std::cout << "Do you want to run the test in a separate thread? [yes/no]" << std::endl; std::getline(std::cin, option); ToLower(option); if (("yes" != option) && ("no" != option)) { std::cout << "\nInvalid value: [" << option << "]\n\n\n"; } else { break; } } return ("yes" == option); } int ChoiceOfFatalExit() { std::string option; int choice = {0}; while (true) { std::cout << "\n\n\n\nChoose your exit" << std::endl; std::cout << "By throwing an fatal signal" << std::endl; std::cout << "or By executing a fatal code snippet" << std::endl; std::cout << "[1] Signal SIGABRT" << std::endl; std::cout << "[2] Signal SIGFPE" << std::endl; std::cout << "[3] Signal SIGSEGV" << std::endl; std::cout << "[4] Signal IGILL" << std::endl; std::cout << "[5] Signal SIGTERM" << std::endl; std::cout << "[6] Division By Zero" << std::endl; std::cout << "[7] Illegal printf" << std::endl; std::cout << "[8] Out of bounds array indexing " << std::endl; std::cout << "[9] Access violation" << std::endl; std::cout << "[10] Rasing SIGABRT + Access Violation in two separate threads" << std::endl; std::cout << "[11] Just throw (in this thread)" << std::endl; std::cout << "[12] Just CHECK(false) (in this thread)" << std::endl; std::cout << std::flush; try { std::getline(std::cin, option); choice = std::stoi(option); if (choice <= 0 || choice > 12) { std::cout << "Invalid choice: [" << option << "\n\n"; } else { return choice; } } catch (...) { std::cout << "Invalid choice: [" << option << "\n\n"; } } } void ForwardChoiceForFatalExit(bool runInNewThread, int fatalChoice) { ExecuteDeathFunction(runInNewThread, fatalChoice); } void ChooseFatalExit() { const bool runInNewThread = AskForAsyncDeath(); const int exitChoice = ChoiceOfFatalExit(); ForwardChoiceForFatalExit(runInNewThread, exitChoice); } } // namespace int main(int argc, char** argv) { auto logger_n_handle = g2::LogWorker::createWithDefaultLogger(argv[0], path_to_log_file); g2::initializeLogging(logger_n_handle.worker.get()); std::future log_file_name = logger_n_handle.sink->call(&g2::FileSink::fileName); std::cout << "**** G3LOG FATAL EXAMPLE ***\n\n" << "Choose your type of fatal exit, then " << " read the generated log and backtrace.\n" << "The logfile is generated at: [" << log_file_name.get() << "]\n\n" << std::endl; LOGF(DEBUG, "Fatal exit example starts now, it's as easy as %d", 123); LOG(INFO) << "Feel free to read the source code also in g3log/example/main_fatal_choice.cpp"; while (true) { ChooseFatalExit(); } LOG(WARNING) << "Expected to exit by fatal event, this code line should never be reached"; CHECK(false) << "Forced death"; return 0; }