#.rst: # FindG3log # ------- # # Find libg3logger, G3log is an asynchronous, "crash safe", logger that is easy to use with default logging sinks or you can add your own. # # Result variables # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # # This module will set the following variables in your project: # # ``G3LOG_INCLUDE_DIRS`` # where to find g3log.hpp, etc. # # ``G3LOG_LIBRARIES`` # the libraries to link against to use libg3logger. # # that includes libg3logger library files. # ``G3LOG_FOUND`` # # If false, do not try to use G3LOG. include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_path(G3LOG_INCLUDE_DIR g3log/active.hpp g3log/atomicbool.hpp g3log/crashhandler.hpp g3log/filesink.hpp g3log/future.hpp g3log/g3log.hpp g3log/generated_definitions.hpp g3log/logcapture.hpp g3log/loglevels.hpp g3log/logmessage.hpp g3log/logworker.hpp g3log/moveoncopy.hpp g3log/shared_queue.hpp g3log/sinkhandle.hpp g3log/sink.hpp g3log/sinkwrapper.hpp g3log/stacktrace_windows.hpp g3log/stlpatch_future.hpp g3log/time.hpp ) find_library(G3LOG_LIBRARY NAMES libg3logger g3logger) find_package_handle_standard_args(G3LOG DEFAULT_MSG G3LOG_INCLUDE_DIR G3LOG_LIBRARY) mark_as_advanced(G3LOG_INCLUDE_DIR G3LOG_LIBRARY) set(G3LOG_LIBRARIES ${G3LOG_LIBRARY}) set(G3LOG_INCLUDE_DIRS ${G3LOG_INCLUDE_DIR})