# g3log is a KjellKod Logger # 2015 @author Kjell Hedström, hedstrom@kjellkod.cc # ================================================================== # 2015 by KjellKod.cc. This is PUBLIC DOMAIN to use at your own # risk and comes with no warranties. # # This code is yours to share, use and modify with no strings attached # and no restrictions or obligations. # =================================================================== # GENERIC STEPS SET(LOG_SRC ${g3log_SOURCE_DIR}/src) file(GLOB SRC_FILES ${LOG_SRC}/*.cpp ${LOG_SRC}/*.ipp) file(GLOB HEADER_FILES ${LOG_SRC}/g3log/*.hpp) list( APPEND HEADER_FILES ${GENERATED_G3_DEFINITIONS} ) list( APPEND SRC_FILES ${GENERATED_G3_DEFINITIONS} ) IF (MSVC OR MINGW) list(REMOVE_ITEM SRC_FILES ${LOG_SRC}/crashhandler_unix.cpp) ELSE() list(REMOVE_ITEM SRC_FILES ${LOG_SRC}/crashhandler_windows.cpp ${LOG_SRC}/g3log/stacktrace_windows.hpp ${LOG_SRC}/stacktrace_windows.cpp) ENDIF (MSVC OR MINGW) set(SRC_FILES ${SRC_FILES} ${SRC_PLATFORM_SPECIFIC}) # Create the g3log library SET(G3LOG_LIBRARY g3logger) IF( G3_SHARED_LIB ) IF( WIN32 ) IF(NOT(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "3.4")) set(CMAKE_WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS ON) ELSE() message( FATAL_ERROR "Need CMake version >=3.4 to build shared windows library!" ) ENDIF() ENDIF() ADD_LIBRARY(${G3LOG_LIBRARY} SHARED ${SRC_FILES}) ELSE() IF(MSVC) IF(NOT G3_SHARED_RUNTIME) SET(CompilerFlags CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE CMAKE_C_FLAGS CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE ) foreach(CompilerFlag ${CompilerFlags}) string(REPLACE "/MDd" "/MTd" ${CompilerFlag} "${${CompilerFlag}}") string(REPLACE "/MD" "/MT" ${CompilerFlag} "${${CompilerFlag}}") endforeach() ENDIF() ENDIF() ADD_LIBRARY(${G3LOG_LIBRARY} STATIC ${SRC_FILES}) ENDIF() SET(${G3LOG_LIBRARY}_VERSION_STRING ${VERSION}) MESSAGE( STATUS "Creating ${G3LOG_LIBRARY} VERSION: ${VERSION}" ) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${G3LOG_LIBRARY} PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE CXX OUTPUT_NAME g3logger CLEAN_DIRECT_OUTPUT 1 CXX_STANDARD 14 CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED YES CXX_EXTENSIONS NO SOVERSION ${VERSION} ) IF(APPLE) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${G3LOG_LIBRARY} PROPERTIES MACOSX_RPATH TRUE) ENDIF() # require here some proxy for c++14 standard to avoid problems TARGET_PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD TARGET_COMPILE_FEATURES(${G3LOG_LIBRARY} PUBLIC cxx_variable_templates) TARGET_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${G3LOG_LIBRARY} PUBLIC ${LOG_SRC} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include") SET(ACTIVE_CPP0xx_DIR "Release") # find corresponding thread lib (e.g. whether -lpthread is needed or not) FIND_PACKAGE(Threads REQUIRED) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${G3LOG_LIBRARY} Threads::Threads ) # check for backtrace and cxa_demangle only in non-Windows dev environments IF(NOT(MSVC OR MINGW)) # the backtrace module does not provide a modern cmake target FIND_PACKAGE(Backtrace REQUIRED) if(Backtrace_FOUND) TARGET_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${G3LOG_LIBRARY} PRIVATE ${Backtrace_INCLUDE_DIRS}) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${G3LOG_LIBRARY} ${Backtrace_LIBRARIES}) else() message( FATAL_ERROR "Could not find Library to create backtraces") endif() INCLUDE(CheckLibraryExists) INCLUDE(CheckCXXSymbolExists) #if demangle is in c++ runtime lib CHECK_CXX_SYMBOL_EXISTS(abi::__cxa_demangle "cxxabi.h" DEMANGLE_EXISTS) IF( NOT (DEMANGLE_EXISTS)) #try to link against c++abi to get demangle CHECK_LIBRARY_EXISTS(c++abi abi::__cxa_demangle "cxxabi.h" NEED_C++ABI) IF( NEED_C++ABI) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${G3LOG_LIBRARY} c++abi) ELSE() message( FATAL_ERROR "Could not find function abi::__cxa_demangle") ENDIF() endif() ENDIF() # add Warnings target_compile_options(${G3LOG_LIBRARY} PRIVATE # clang/GCC warnings $<$,$>:-Wall -Wunused> # MSVC warnings $<$:/W4>) # add GCC specific stuff target_compile_options(${G3LOG_LIBRARY} PRIVATE # clang/GCC warnings $<$:-rdynamic> ) #cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ .. # WARNING: If Clang for Linux does not work with full c++14 support it might be your # installation that is faulty. When I tested Clang on Ubuntu I followed the following # description # 1) http://kjellkod.wordpress.com/2013/09/23/experimental-g3log-with-clang/ # 2) https://github.com/maidsafe/MaidSafe/wiki/Hacking-with-Clang-llvm-abi-and-llvm-libc # Windows Stuff IF(MSVC OR MINGW) TARGET_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS(${G3LOG_LIBRARY} PRIVATE NOGDI) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${G3LOG_LIBRARY} dbghelp) # VC11 bug: http://code.google.com/p/googletest/issues/detail?id=408 # add_definition(-D_VARIADIC_MAX=10) # https://github.com/anhstudios/swganh/pull/186/files TARGET_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS(${G3LOG_LIBRARY} PRIVATE _VARIADIC_MAX=10) MESSAGE(STATUS "- MSVC: Set variadic max to 10 for MSVC compatibility") # Remember to set set target properties if using GTEST similar to done below on target "unit_test" # "set_target_properties(unit_test PROPERTIES COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "GTEST_USE_OWN_TR1_TUPLE=0") message( STATUS "" ) message( STATUS "Windows: Run cmake with the appropriate Visual Studio generator" ) message( STATUS "The generator is one number below the official version number. I.e. VS2013 -> Generator 'Visual Studio 12'" ) MESSAGE( STATUS "I.e. if VS2013: Please run the command [cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G \"Visual Studio 12\" ..]") message( STATUS "if cmake finishes OK, do 'msbuild g3log.sln /p:Configuration=Release'" ) message( STATUS "then run 'Release\\g3log-FATAL-*' examples" ) message( STATUS "" ) ENDIF() TARGET_COMPILE_OPTIONS(${G3LOG_LIBRARY} PRIVATE $<$:/utf-8> # source code already in utf-8, force it for compilers in non-utf8_windows_locale $<$:$<$:/arch:IA32>> )