# g3log is a KjellKod Logger # 2011 @author Kjell Hedström, hedstrom@kjellkod.cc # ================================================================== # 2010 by KjellKod.cc. This is PUBLIC DOMAIN to use at your own # risk and comes with no warranties. # # This code is yours to share, use and modify with no strings attached # and no restrictions or obligations. # =================================================================== # Below are details for compiling on Windows and Linux # by default only an example g3log binary is created # the performance and unit tests creation can be enabled by switching their # OPTIONs from OFF to ON --- See below at around line 110 # === WINDOWS === # Example for: Visual Studio 2013 (earlier should work too) # 1. please use the "Visual Studio Command Prompt 12 (2013)" # 2. from the g3log folder # mkdir build # cd build; # 3. cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G "Visual Studio XXX" .. # (cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G "Visual Studio 12") # (XXX is the Visual Studio version you are running) # 4. msbuild g3log.sln /p:Configuration=Release # # Try to run an example, such as: # 5. Release\g3log-FATAL-contract.exe # # # === LINUX: === To try this out from folder g3log: # mkdir build # cd build # >> create makefiles in g3log/build directory # cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. # make -jN (where N stands for number of cores you want to utilize) # # # # === Clang on Linux === # From g3log # mkdir build && cd build # cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ .. # if you want to double-check settings: "VERBOSE=1 make" # otherwise just run: "make -j" # # ============================================================================ cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8) ENABLE_LANGUAGE(CXX) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release) project (g3log) # Detect 64 or 32 bit if (CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) # 64-bit project SET(64_BIT_OS TRUE) MESSAGE("A 64-bit OS detected") else() SET(64_BIT_OS FALSE) MESSAGE("A 32-bit OS detected") endif() # ========================================================================= # G3LOG BUILD #========================================================================== INCLUDE (${g3log_SOURCE_DIR}/Build.cmake) # ============================================================================ # G3LOG DYNAMIC LEVELS OPTIONS # ============================================================================ # ENABLE WITH: -USE_DYNAMIC_LOGGING_LEVELS=ON : run-type turn on/off levels INCLUDE (${g3log_SOURCE_DIR}/Dynamic.cmake) # ============================================================================ # EXAMPLE OPTIONS: By defauls is ON. This will create 'g3log-FATAL-* examples' # ============================================================================ # DISABLE WITH: -DUSE_FATAL_EXAMPLE=OFF INCLUDE (${g3log_SOURCE_DIR}/example/Example.cmake) # ============================================================================ # PERFORMANCE TEST OPTIONS: Performance operations for g3log # ============================================================================ # ENABLE WITH: -USE_G3LOG_PERFORMANCE=ON INCLUDE (${g3log_SOURCE_DIR}/test_performance/Performance.cmake) # ========================================================================== # UNIT TEST OPTIONS: # ============================================================================ # ENABLE WITH: -DUSE_G2LOG_UNIT_TEST=ON INCLUDE (${g3log_SOURCE_DIR}/test_unit/Test.cmake) # ========================================================================== # BETA : package manager for G3Log,. not yet reliable. Use at your own risk # ========================================================================== # Package handling is done AFTER all other CMake setup # # usage: make package # # Check the output result and install accordingly. # ========================================================================== # INCLUDE (${g3log_SOURCE_DIR}/CPackLists.txt)