Kjell Hedström
profiling update do not merge to master
2024-01-02 11:41:00 -07:00
Kjell Hedström - seeking Senior Engineering roles as well as contract opportunities
adding consistent and easy formatting ( #508 )
* clang format configuration file replaces sublime Astyleformatter
* instructions added to pull request template
* code base re-formatted to be consistent throughout.
2023-11-30 16:17:45 -07:00
Benjamin Beichler
Fix several CMake Issues ( #294 )
* Restructure Build.cmake to use "modern" Cmake
Since it is deprecated to modify the global compiler flags and similar options, the Build.cmake is converted to use only per target operations.
Additionally, the checks for backtrace and Pthread lib is converted to use the in cmake included functions. Also the check for the cxa_demangle function should be more robust now.
* fixed option for performance test
* use CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR in git cmd-lines to get current version, for better integration as cmake subdirectory
* bump required cmake version to 3.2 and use target_compile_feature to fix OSX compiler recognition and c++14 compiler flags
2019-02-18 12:43:04 -07:00
Andreas Schönle
CMake messages changed to message( STATUS "..." ) ( #190 )
2017-05-17 14:31:19 -06:00
Kjell Hedstrom
removed false positives as detected by Checkmarx code analysis tool. Not impressed so far though with the tool
2016-03-18 10:50:59 -06:00
Kjell Hedstrom
Breaking change but a good change: Cleared up the API for Creating log worker and Adding sinks
2015-08-19 10:08:41 -06:00
Kjell Hedstrom
Easier to install. continues
1) Breaking change: g3 namespace replaces g2
2) g2log.hpp remains in src/g2log.hpp... but now all it does is to include the g3log.hpp, etc
3) ALL HEADER FILES ARE IN src/g3log/ while all .cpp and .ipp files are in /src (exception for g2log.hpp)
This should make it EASIER for clients to copy/install the header files to the new location. It greatly simplifies
rpm and cpackage installationsw
2015-07-19 23:10:56 -06:00
Kjell Hedstrom
g2log.hpp is kept as a helper include. It will pull in the most frequent include files
All other are under g3log. Example: #include <g3log/time.hpp> #include <g3log/g3log.hpp> etc
This makes sure that the package manager (to be used soon) does NOT clutter any /usr/local/include space
instead all the includes will be in /usr/local/include/g3log (or similar)
2015-07-16 01:55:23 -06:00
Kjell Hedstrom
Auto generate macro defintions in a file. This way you don't have to re-state them in your library
if no options are given a blank file will be generated
2015-07-13 07:49:44 -06:00
What a mess to merge from Github/KjellKod/g3log to BitBucket/KjellKod/g3log
2015-02-02 00:31:43 -07:00
cleanup. Use G3Log instead of G2Log for binaries and configuration files
2014-10-03 01:53:21 -06:00
Renamed directories for a cleaner project structure
rename : g2log/Build.cmake => Build.cmake
rename : g2log/CMakeLists.txt => CMakeLists.txt
rename : g2log/CPackLists.txt => CPackLists.txt
rename : g2log/Dynamic.cmake => Dynamic.cmake
rename : g2log/example/Example.cmake => example/Example.cmake
rename : g2log/example/main_contract.cpp => example/main_contract.cpp
rename : g2log/example/main_sigsegv.cpp => example/main_sigsegv.cpp
rename : g2log/src/active.hpp => src/active.hpp
rename : g2log/src/crashhandler.hpp => src/crashhandler.hpp
rename : g2log/src/crashhandler_unix.cpp => src/crashhandler_unix.cpp
rename : g2log/src/crashhandler_win.cpp => src/crashhandler_win.cpp
rename : g2log/src/g2filesink.cpp => src/g2filesink.cpp
rename : g2log/src/g2filesink.hpp => src/g2filesink.hpp
rename : g2log/src/g2filesinkhelper.ipp => src/g2filesinkhelper.ipp
rename : g2log/src/g2future.hpp => src/g2future.hpp
rename : g2log/src/g2log.cpp => src/g2log.cpp
rename : g2log/src/g2log.hpp => src/g2log.hpp
rename : g2log/src/g2loglevels.cpp => src/g2loglevels.cpp
rename : g2log/src/g2loglevels.hpp => src/g2loglevels.hpp
rename : g2log/src/g2logmessage.cpp => src/g2logmessage.cpp
rename : g2log/src/g2logmessage.hpp => src/g2logmessage.hpp
rename : g2log/src/g2logmessagecapture.cpp => src/g2logmessagecapture.cpp
rename : g2log/src/g2logmessagecapture.hpp => src/g2logmessagecapture.hpp
rename : g2log/src/g2logworker.cpp => src/g2logworker.cpp
rename : g2log/src/g2logworker.hpp => src/g2logworker.hpp
rename : g2log/src/g2moveoncopy.hpp => src/g2moveoncopy.hpp
rename : g2log/src/g2sink.hpp => src/g2sink.hpp
rename : g2log/src/g2sinkhandle.hpp => src/g2sinkhandle.hpp
rename : g2log/src/g2sinkwrapper.hpp => src/g2sinkwrapper.hpp
rename : g2log/src/g2time.cpp => src/g2time.cpp
rename : g2log/src/g2time.hpp => src/g2time.hpp
rename : g2log/src/shared_queue.hpp => src/shared_queue.hpp
rename : g2log/src/std2_make_unique.hpp => src/std2_make_unique.hpp
rename : g2log/src/stlpatch_future.hpp => src/stlpatch_future.hpp
rename : g2log/test_performance/Performance.cmake => test_performance/Performance.cmake
rename : g2log/test_performance/main_threaded_mean.cpp => test_performance/main_threaded_mean.cpp
rename : g2log/test_performance/main_threaded_worst.cpp => test_performance/main_threaded_worst.cpp
rename : g2log/test_performance/performance.h => test_performance/performance.h
rename : g2log/test_unit/Test.cmake => test_unit/Test.cmake
rename : g2log/test_unit/test_concept_sink.cpp => test_unit/test_concept_sink.cpp
rename : g2log/test_unit/test_configuration.cpp => test_unit/test_configuration.cpp
rename : g2log/test_unit/test_filechange.cpp => test_unit/test_filechange.cpp
rename : g2log/test_unit/test_io.cpp => test_unit/test_io.cpp
rename : g2log/test_unit/test_linux_dynamic_loaded_sharedlib.cpp => test_unit/test_linux_dynamic_loaded_sharedlib.cpp
rename : g2log/test_unit/test_sink.cpp => test_unit/test_sink.cpp
rename : g2log/test_unit/tester_sharedlib.cpp => test_unit/tester_sharedlib.cpp
rename : g2log/test_unit/tester_sharedlib.h => test_unit/tester_sharedlib.h
rename : g2log/test_unit/testing_helpers.cpp => test_unit/testing_helpers.cpp
rename : g2log/test_unit/testing_helpers.h => test_unit/testing_helpers.h
2014-10-03 01:20:33 -06:00