* static build with MS libs; remove vc11 support from cmake
* support AMD processor on winXp
* mingw build
* support older versions
* removed cmake warnings
* fix cmake >= 3.1 warnings (CMP0054)
* add target_include_directories - in projects that depend on g3log, do not need to specify include_directories
* Improved CPackage installation
* cleanup of build and test scripts
* c++14 gives for cleaner syntax
* build cleanup libg3logger.so will be a link to the actual libg3logger.so.<major><minor><build>. Only shared libraries from now on
* disableAll for log levels
* new setLogLevel impl
* cleaned up levels, now it should be easy for the user to understand how to add custom levels
All other are under g3log. Example: #include <g3log/time.hpp> #include <g3log/g3log.hpp> etc
This makes sure that the package manager (to be used soon) does NOT clutter any /usr/local/include space
instead all the includes will be in /usr/local/include/g3log (or similar)