Kjell Hedstrom
g2log.hpp is kept as a helper include. It will pull in the most frequent include files
All other are under g3log. Example: #include <g3log/time.hpp> #include <g3log/g3log.hpp> etc
This makes sure that the package manager (to be used soon) does NOT clutter any /usr/local/include space
instead all the includes will be in /usr/local/include/g3log (or similar)
2015-07-16 01:55:23 -06:00
Kjell Hedstrom
remove windows warnings. Thanks to @ctapmex
2015-06-24 14:50:46 -06:00
Kjell Hedstrom
Thanks to @Bob Flynn:
Separated the microseconds counter with a space instead of a period.
Also added explanation that the counter is from the initialization
2015-06-24 14:32:31 -06:00
merging headswq
2015-05-03 22:41:20 -06:00
Kostya Bazhanov
Fix -Wextra-semi Clang warning.
branch : pr4
2015-04-29 12:24:11 +03:00
Kostya Bazhanov
Remove trailing spaces.
branch : pr4
2015-04-29 12:23:30 +03:00
Kostya Bazhanov
Fix -Wunused-function Clang warning.
branch : pr4
2015-04-29 12:22:26 +03:00
Kostya Bazhanov
Remove trailing spaces.
branch : pr4
2015-04-29 12:21:45 +03:00
David Gayerie
fixing cross compilation on Linux for MINGW gcc 4.8.2
2015-03-29 14:29:07 +02:00
Kjell Hedstrom
thread_local issues on Linux, using atomic instead
2015-03-02 02:02:43 -07:00
Kjell Hedstrom
Clarified issue with __debugbreak()
2015-03-02 01:17:52 -07:00
Kjell Hedstrom
__debugbreak in windows can easily cause recursive crashes if you are
NOT in debug mode in your visual IDE
2015-03-02 01:14:03 -07:00
Kjell Hedstrom
After code review by Kamil.
Moved internal API to public API.
g2log.hpp/cpp g2::setFatalPreLoggingHook(...) and g2::setFatalExitHandler(...)
2015-02-23 23:29:02 -07:00
Kjell Hedstrom
Pre-fatal-log hook for usage before the fata log is sent to sinks
2015-02-22 23:31:17 -07:00
Kjell Hedstrom
1) windows exception will now trigger break point in VS
2) Fatal signal will in DEBUG trigger a break point in VS
- It can be disabled by a #define
3) signal handler can be disabled by a #define
2015-02-18 03:55:16 -07:00
Kjell Hedstrom
Added exception handling comment
2015-02-16 02:31:16 -07:00
Kjell Hedstrom
Enabled vectored exception crash handling, it can also be turned off easily with a define
2015-02-16 01:37:55 -07:00
Kjell Hedstrom
Disabled Vectored exception handling: TEMPORARILY.
It will likely be enabled shortly but with
1) options for enabling/disabling it
2) use of unit test for unknown exceptions (and known)
to make sure that 3rd party libraries that use exceptions (sigh)
way too frequently are not affected.
3) only handling "known exceptions" unknown exceptions will get perhaps a
LOG(WARNING) but no more "exiting"
2015-02-03 22:53:01 -07:00
Kjell Hedstrom
Signals seems to have to be installed for EVERY thread
2015-02-02 21:35:48 -07:00
What a mess to merge from Github/KjellKod/g3log to BitBucket/KjellKod/g3log
2015-02-02 00:31:43 -07:00
Remove warning in Windows by using vsnprintf_s
2014-12-11 00:10:47 -07:00
Renamed directories for a cleaner project structure
rename : g2log/Build.cmake => Build.cmake
rename : g2log/CMakeLists.txt => CMakeLists.txt
rename : g2log/CPackLists.txt => CPackLists.txt
rename : g2log/Dynamic.cmake => Dynamic.cmake
rename : g2log/example/Example.cmake => example/Example.cmake
rename : g2log/example/main_contract.cpp => example/main_contract.cpp
rename : g2log/example/main_sigsegv.cpp => example/main_sigsegv.cpp
rename : g2log/src/active.hpp => src/active.hpp
rename : g2log/src/crashhandler.hpp => src/crashhandler.hpp
rename : g2log/src/crashhandler_unix.cpp => src/crashhandler_unix.cpp
rename : g2log/src/crashhandler_win.cpp => src/crashhandler_win.cpp
rename : g2log/src/g2filesink.cpp => src/g2filesink.cpp
rename : g2log/src/g2filesink.hpp => src/g2filesink.hpp
rename : g2log/src/g2filesinkhelper.ipp => src/g2filesinkhelper.ipp
rename : g2log/src/g2future.hpp => src/g2future.hpp
rename : g2log/src/g2log.cpp => src/g2log.cpp
rename : g2log/src/g2log.hpp => src/g2log.hpp
rename : g2log/src/g2loglevels.cpp => src/g2loglevels.cpp
rename : g2log/src/g2loglevels.hpp => src/g2loglevels.hpp
rename : g2log/src/g2logmessage.cpp => src/g2logmessage.cpp
rename : g2log/src/g2logmessage.hpp => src/g2logmessage.hpp
rename : g2log/src/g2logmessagecapture.cpp => src/g2logmessagecapture.cpp
rename : g2log/src/g2logmessagecapture.hpp => src/g2logmessagecapture.hpp
rename : g2log/src/g2logworker.cpp => src/g2logworker.cpp
rename : g2log/src/g2logworker.hpp => src/g2logworker.hpp
rename : g2log/src/g2moveoncopy.hpp => src/g2moveoncopy.hpp
rename : g2log/src/g2sink.hpp => src/g2sink.hpp
rename : g2log/src/g2sinkhandle.hpp => src/g2sinkhandle.hpp
rename : g2log/src/g2sinkwrapper.hpp => src/g2sinkwrapper.hpp
rename : g2log/src/g2time.cpp => src/g2time.cpp
rename : g2log/src/g2time.hpp => src/g2time.hpp
rename : g2log/src/shared_queue.hpp => src/shared_queue.hpp
rename : g2log/src/std2_make_unique.hpp => src/std2_make_unique.hpp
rename : g2log/src/stlpatch_future.hpp => src/stlpatch_future.hpp
rename : g2log/test_performance/Performance.cmake => test_performance/Performance.cmake
rename : g2log/test_performance/main_threaded_mean.cpp => test_performance/main_threaded_mean.cpp
rename : g2log/test_performance/main_threaded_worst.cpp => test_performance/main_threaded_worst.cpp
rename : g2log/test_performance/performance.h => test_performance/performance.h
rename : g2log/test_unit/Test.cmake => test_unit/Test.cmake
rename : g2log/test_unit/test_concept_sink.cpp => test_unit/test_concept_sink.cpp
rename : g2log/test_unit/test_configuration.cpp => test_unit/test_configuration.cpp
rename : g2log/test_unit/test_filechange.cpp => test_unit/test_filechange.cpp
rename : g2log/test_unit/test_io.cpp => test_unit/test_io.cpp
rename : g2log/test_unit/test_linux_dynamic_loaded_sharedlib.cpp => test_unit/test_linux_dynamic_loaded_sharedlib.cpp
rename : g2log/test_unit/test_sink.cpp => test_unit/test_sink.cpp
rename : g2log/test_unit/tester_sharedlib.cpp => test_unit/tester_sharedlib.cpp
rename : g2log/test_unit/tester_sharedlib.h => test_unit/tester_sharedlib.h
rename : g2log/test_unit/testing_helpers.cpp => test_unit/testing_helpers.cpp
rename : g2log/test_unit/testing_helpers.h => test_unit/testing_helpers.h
2014-10-03 01:20:33 -06:00