diff --git a/API.markdown b/API.markdown
index 0864d74..e21b1f0 100644
--- a/API.markdown
+++ b/API.markdown
@@ -18,11 +18,12 @@ Most of the API that you need for using g3log is described in this readme. For m
* Support for [dynamic message sizing](#dynamic_message_sizing)
* Fatal handling
* [Linux/*nix](#fatal_handling_linux)
- * [TOWRITE: Windows](#fatal_handling_windows)
* [TOWRITE: Custom fatal handling](#fatal_custom_handling)
* [TOWRITE: Pre fatal hook](#fatal_pre_hook)
* [TOWRITE: Override of signal handling](#fatal_signalhandler_override)
- * [Disable fatal handling](#fatal_handling_disabled)
+ * [Disable fatal handling](#fatal_handling_disabled)
+ * [PID1 Fatal Signal Recommendations](#PID1)
+ * [Windows](#fatal_handling_windows)
* Build Options
@@ -305,7 +306,10 @@ The default behaviour for G3log is to catch several fatal events before they for
Fatal signal handling can be disabled with a CMake option: `ENABLE_FATAL_SIGNALHANDLING`. See [Options.cmake](https://github.com/KjellKod/g3log/blob/master/Options.cmake) for more details
- ### Windows
+ ### PID1 Fatal Signal Recommendations
+ If you are using g3log on a PID1 process then you absolutely should provide your own signal handling (ref: [issue 269](https://github.com/KjellKod/g3log/issues/269)) as g3log re-emits the fatal signal after it has restored the previous signal handler for that signal. PID1 processed do *not* shutdown the process for a normal fatal signal so the choice to exit the PID1 process after such a signal must be taken by the coder - not by g3log.
+### Windows
Windows fatal handling also deals with fatal signals just like Linux. In addition to fatal signals it also deals with unhandled exceptions, vectored exceptions. Windows fatal handling is handled in [crashhandler.hpp](src/g3log/crashhandler.hpp), [crashhandler_windows.cpp](src/crashhandler_windows.cpp), [stacktrace_windows.hpp](src/g3log/stacktrace_windows.hpp), [stacktrace_windows.cpp](src/stacktrace_windows.cpp)
An example of a Windows stackdump as shown in the output from the fatal example g3log-FATAL-sigsegv.