Right now those muxers use the default timebase in all cases(1/90000). This patch avoid unnecessary rescaling and makes the printed timestamps more readable. Also, extend the printed information to include the timebases and packet pts/duration and align the columns. Obviously changes the results of all fate tests which use those two muxers.
146 lines
8.1 KiB
146 lines
8.1 KiB
#tb 0: 524288/15712911
#tb 1: 1/32000
0, 0, 0, 1, 291840, 0xbd7e0b22
1, 0, 0, 1078, 4312, 0x469714f6
0, 1, 1, 1, 291840, 0xf6e12ca5
1, 1078, 1078, 1064, 4256, 0xe03dd882
0, 2, 2, 1, 291840, 0x528c7049
1, 2142, 2142, 1078, 4312, 0x46b901f7
0, 3, 3, 1, 291840, 0x93055de9
1, 3220, 3220, 1064, 4256, 0x8d4a54e4
0, 4, 4, 1, 291840, 0xf95a51c1
1, 4284, 4284, 1064, 4256, 0xfd616b67
0, 5, 5, 1, 291840, 0x6ad3a65a
1, 5348, 5348, 1078, 4312, 0xefe62302
0, 6, 6, 1, 291840, 0x494684a7
1, 6426, 6426, 1064, 4256, 0xab11684e
0, 7, 7, 1, 291840, 0x74c14eb1
1, 7490, 7490, 1064, 4256, 0xb4b3feb8
0, 8, 8, 1, 291840, 0x149fcb7e
1, 8554, 8554, 1078, 4312, 0x71db6461
0, 9, 9, 1, 291840, 0x25649761
1, 9632, 9632, 1064, 4256, 0x090e5efa
0, 10, 10, 1, 291840, 0xbc3f9052
1, 10696, 10696, 1064, 4256, 0x36f49c28
0, 11, 11, 1, 291840, 0x080edfff
1, 11760, 11760, 1078, 4312, 0x0fe3d262
0, 12, 12, 1, 291840, 0x6d7ad684
1, 12838, 12838, 1064, 4256, 0x199ce269
0, 13, 13, 1, 291840, 0x6d53844d
1, 13902, 13902, 1064, 4256, 0x98342d05
0, 14, 14, 1, 291840, 0xf7ad5385
1, 14966, 14966, 1078, 4312, 0xb6fb7ebe
0, 15, 15, 1, 291840, 0x0241b56a
1, 16044, 16044, 1064, 4256, 0x033dd562
0, 16, 16, 1, 291840, 0x120122c8
1, 17108, 17108, 1064, 4256, 0xc2cc17e0
0, 17, 17, 1, 291840, 0x31b0f32a
1, 18172, 18172, 1078, 4312, 0x4bb3ff50
0, 18, 18, 1, 291840, 0x14068b98
1, 19250, 19250, 1064, 4256, 0x6f2671ef
0, 19, 19, 1, 291840, 0xeeec658b
1, 20314, 20314, 1064, 4256, 0x5a337bf4
0, 20, 20, 1, 291840, 0x9376374c
1, 21378, 21378, 1078, 4312, 0xa71f6967
0, 21, 21, 1, 291840, 0x091e8c6e
1, 22456, 22456, 1064, 4256, 0x48084aa9
0, 22, 22, 1, 291840, 0x744ad07f
1, 23520, 23520, 1064, 4256, 0x3cce4218
0, 23, 23, 1, 291840, 0xf99c554e
1, 24584, 24584, 1078, 4312, 0xcbb8f73d
0, 24, 24, 1, 291840, 0xc84bd677
1, 25662, 25662, 1064, 4256, 0x36825021
0, 25, 25, 1, 291840, 0x3898d474
1, 26726, 26726, 1064, 4256, 0xeae036c6
0, 26, 26, 1, 291840, 0x1e2910c8
1, 27790, 27790, 1078, 4312, 0x0d650ac6
0, 27, 27, 1, 291840, 0xb11f58bc
1, 28868, 28868, 1064, 4256, 0xfba4f58c
0, 28, 28, 1, 291840, 0xf89170ee
1, 29932, 29932, 1064, 4256, 0x54311f9b
0, 29, 29, 1, 291840, 0x8f239dc3
1, 30996, 30996, 1078, 4312, 0x286386b3
0, 30, 30, 1, 291840, 0x8538c76c
1, 32074, 32074, 1064, 4256, 0x871896de
0, 31, 31, 1, 291840, 0x162ee66f
1, 33138, 33138, 1064, 4256, 0x9ef9f970
0, 32, 32, 1, 291840, 0x5f8708a5
1, 34202, 34202, 1078, 4312, 0xf9ae97f1
0, 33, 33, 1, 291840, 0x95802dfb
1, 35280, 35280, 1064, 4256, 0x0ad0d765
0, 34, 34, 1, 291840, 0xc424630d
1, 36344, 36344, 1064, 4256, 0x8e6aa9b5
0, 35, 35, 1, 291840, 0xfb8a8667
1, 37408, 37408, 1078, 4312, 0x8362787b
0, 36, 36, 1, 291840, 0xbad79af5
1, 38486, 38486, 1064, 4256, 0x9b6a5d9c
0, 37, 37, 1, 291840, 0xc733b325
1, 39550, 39550, 1064, 4256, 0xfb715d8f
0, 38, 38, 1, 291840, 0x4bfbcd70
1, 40614, 40614, 1078, 4312, 0x02bd8075
0, 39, 39, 1, 291840, 0x502cd950
1, 41692, 41692, 1064, 4256, 0x428eb932
0, 40, 40, 1, 291840, 0x8461ca2c
1, 42756, 42756, 1064, 4256, 0x17ea8c94
0, 41, 41, 1, 291840, 0x00219b0d
1, 43820, 43820, 1078, 4312, 0xb3e761d7
0, 42, 42, 1, 291840, 0xa4de45e1
1, 44898, 44898, 1064, 4256, 0x0919755a
0, 43, 43, 1, 291840, 0xacd3f4df
1, 45962, 45962, 1064, 4256, 0x5e520edd
0, 44, 44, 1, 291840, 0x2203a369
1, 47026, 47026, 1078, 4312, 0x69aa070e
0, 45, 45, 1, 291840, 0x0a66effa
1, 48104, 48104, 1064, 4256, 0xf8192f7d
0, 46, 46, 1, 291840, 0x7ac1fd91
1, 49168, 49168, 1064, 4256, 0xaad4475c
0, 47, 47, 1, 291840, 0x84970aa7
1, 50232, 50232, 1078, 4312, 0x0cabcfcb
0, 48, 48, 1, 291840, 0x569d145f
1, 51310, 51310, 1064, 4256, 0x952f0f96
0, 49, 49, 1, 291840, 0xe51efe1b
1, 52374, 52374, 1064, 4256, 0x1b805a0c
0, 50, 50, 1, 291840, 0x38e2cd78
1, 53438, 53438, 1078, 4312, 0x93043d2a
0, 51, 51, 1, 291840, 0x93428ea2
1, 54516, 54516, 1064, 4256, 0x38b99e44
0, 52, 52, 1, 291840, 0x3d3f5b17
1, 55580, 55580, 1064, 4256, 0x60cc52ff
0, 53, 53, 1, 291840, 0x9546127d
1, 56644, 56644, 1078, 4312, 0x6a875849
0, 54, 54, 1, 291840, 0x4178be54
1, 57722, 57722, 1064, 4256, 0xd08d6d0e
0, 55, 55, 1, 291840, 0x0d0f8036
1, 58786, 58786, 1064, 4256, 0x36bfe48e
0, 56, 56, 1, 291840, 0xc20557b9
1, 59850, 59850, 1078, 4312, 0x795c6134
0, 57, 57, 1, 291840, 0x6d4b2d64
1, 60928, 60928, 1064, 4256, 0x4fd79583
0, 58, 58, 1, 291840, 0xa750125d
1, 61992, 61992, 1064, 4256, 0x65e2ab9f
0, 59, 59, 1, 291840, 0x04623ce3
1, 63056, 63056, 1078, 4312, 0xedeede4a
0, 60, 60, 1, 291840, 0xc7f2bbc7
1, 64134, 64134, 1064, 4256, 0x097e0d09
0, 61, 61, 1, 291840, 0x6e271336
1, 65198, 65198, 1064, 4256, 0x58afa133
0, 62, 62, 1, 291840, 0xcfbd4246
1, 66262, 66262, 1078, 4312, 0x442525b5
0, 63, 63, 1, 291840, 0xe1493be9
1, 67340, 67340, 1064, 4256, 0x6645c591
0, 64, 64, 1, 291840, 0x6c731194
1, 68404, 68404, 1064, 4256, 0xb0dd948a
0, 65, 65, 1, 291840, 0x0fc30cc2
1, 69468, 69468, 1078, 4312, 0x12684e69
0, 66, 66, 1, 291840, 0x967427f3
1, 70546, 70546, 1064, 4256, 0xb45098e3
0, 67, 67, 1, 291840, 0x55ae3b00
1, 71610, 71610, 1064, 4256, 0xb6d3c61c
0, 68, 68, 1, 291840, 0xbe4f200c
1, 72674, 72674, 1078, 4312, 0xb46b5b22
0, 69, 69, 1, 291840, 0xc515e443
1, 73752, 73752, 1064, 4256, 0x9a556830
0, 70, 70, 1, 291840, 0xd738bd69
1, 74816, 74816, 1064, 4256, 0x67ca2b35
0, 71, 71, 1, 291840, 0xa8e0ab69