Width, Height and Sample Rate should be in the AdaptationSet tag only if all the contained representations have the same width, height and sampling rate. Otherwise they should go into the Representation tag. This patch adds this functionality and a fate test for the same. Signed-off-by: Vignesh Venkatasubramanian <vigneshv@google.com> Signed-off-by: Michael Niedermayer <michaelni@gmx.at>
107 lines
5.8 KiB
107 lines
5.8 KiB
FATE_VP3-$(call DEMDEC, MATROSKA, THEORA) += fate-theora-coeff-level64
fate-theora-coeff-level64: CMD = framecrc -flags +bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp3/coeff_level64.mkv
FATE_VP3-$(call DEMDEC, AVI, VP3) += fate-vp31
fate-vp31: CMD = framecrc -flags +bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp3/vp31.avi
fate-vp3: $(FATE_VP3-yes)
FATE_SAMPLES_AVCONV-$(call DEMDEC, AVI, VP5) += fate-vp5
fate-vp5: CMD = framecrc -flags +bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp5/potter512-400-partial.avi -an
FATE_VP6-$(call DEMDEC, EA, VP6) += fate-vp60
fate-vp60: CMD = framecrc -flags +bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/ea-vp6/g36.vp6
FATE_VP6-$(call DEMDEC, EA, VP6) += fate-vp61
fate-vp61: CMD = framecrc -flags +bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/ea-vp6/MovieSkirmishGondor.vp6 -t 4
FATE_VP6-$(call DEMDEC, FLV, VP6A) += fate-vp6a
fate-vp6a: CMD = framecrc -flags +bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/flash-vp6/300x180-Scr-f8-056alpha.flv
FATE_VP6-$(call DEMDEC, FLV, VP6A) += fate-vp6a-skip_alpha
fate-vp6a-skip_alpha: CMD = framecrc -flags +bitexact -skip_alpha 1 -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/flash-vp6/300x180-Scr-f8-056alpha.flv
FATE_VP6-$(call DEMDEC, FLV, VP6F) += fate-vp6f
fate-vp6f: CMD = framecrc -flags +bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/flash-vp6/clip1024.flv
FATE_VP8-$(call DEMDEC, FLV, VP8) += fate-vp8-alpha
fate-vp8-alpha: CMD = framecrc -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8_alpha/vp8_video_with_alpha.webm -vcodec copy
FATE_VP8-$(call DEMDEC, WEBM_DASH_MANIFEST, VP8) += fate-webm-dash-manifest
fate-webm-dash-manifest: CMD = run ffmpeg -f webm_dash_manifest -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_video1.webm -f webm_dash_manifest -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_video2.webm -f webm_dash_manifest -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_audio1.webm -f webm_dash_manifest -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_audio2.webm -c copy -map 0 -map 1 -map 2 -map 3 -f webm_dash_manifest -adaptation_sets "id=0,streams=0,1 id=1,streams=2,3" -
FATE_VP8-$(call DEMDEC, WEBM_DASH_MANIFEST, VP8) += fate-webm-dash-manifest-unaligned-video-streams
fate-webm-dash-manifest-unaligned-video-streams: CMD = run ffmpeg -f webm_dash_manifest -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_video1.webm -f webm_dash_manifest -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_video3.webm -c copy -map 0 -map 1 -f webm_dash_manifest -adaptation_sets "id=0,streams=0,1" -
FATE_VP8-$(call DEMDEC, WEBM_DASH_MANIFEST, VP8) += fate-webm-dash-manifest-unaligned-audio-streams
fate-webm-dash-manifest-unaligned-audio-streams: CMD = run ffmpeg -f webm_dash_manifest -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_audio1.webm -f webm_dash_manifest -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_audio3.webm -c copy -map 0 -map 1 -f webm_dash_manifest -adaptation_sets "id=0,streams=0,1" -
FATE_VP8-$(call DEMDEC, WEBM_DASH_MANIFEST, VP8) += fate-webm-dash-manifest-representations
fate-webm-dash-manifest-representations: CMD = run ffmpeg -f webm_dash_manifest -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_video1.webm -f webm_dash_manifest -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/dash_video4.webm -c copy -map 0 -map 1 -f webm_dash_manifest -adaptation_sets "id=0,streams=0,1" -
fate-vp6: $(FATE_VP6-yes)
FATE_SAMPLES_AVCONV-$(call DEMDEC, AVI, VP7) += fate-vp7
fate-vp7: CMD = framecrc -flags +bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp7/potter-40.vp7 -frames 30 -an
VP8_SUITE = 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017
FATE_VP8-$(CONFIG_IVF_DEMUXER) += fate-vp8-test-vector$(2)-$(1)
fate-vp8-test-vector$(2)-$(1): CMD = framemd5 $(3) -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8-test-vectors-r1/vp80-00-comprehensive-$(1).ivf
fate-vp8-test-vector$(2)-$(1): REF = $(SRC_PATH)/tests/ref/fate/vp8-test-vector-$(1)
define FATE_VP8_FULL
$(foreach N,$(VP8_SUITE),$(eval $(call FATE_VP8_SUITE,$(N),$(1),$(2))))
# FIXME this file contains two frames with identical timestamps,
# so ffmpeg drops one of them
FATE_VP8-$(CONFIG_IVF_DEMUXER) += fate-vp8-sign-bias$(1)
fate-vp8-sign-bias$(1): CMD = framemd5 $(2) -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/sintel-signbias.ivf
fate-vp8-sign-bias$(1): REF = $(SRC_PATH)/tests/ref/fate/vp8-sign-bias
FATE_VP8-$(CONFIG_MATROSKA_DEMUXER) += fate-vp8-size-change$(1)
fate-vp8-size-change$(1): CMD = framemd5 $(2) -flags +bitexact -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp8/frame_size_change.webm -frames:v 30 -sws_flags bitexact+bilinear
fate-vp8-size-change$(1): REF = $(SRC_PATH)/tests/ref/fate/vp8-size-change
$(eval $(call FATE_VP8_FULL))
fate-vp8: $(FATE_VP8-yes)
FATE_VP9-$(CONFIG_MATROSKA_DEMUXER) += fate-vp9$(2)-$(1)
fate-vp9$(2)-$(1): CMD = framemd5 $(3) -i $(TARGET_SAMPLES)/vp9-test-vectors/vp90-2-$(1).webm
fate-vp9$(2)-$(1): REF = $(SRC_PATH)/tests/ref/fate/vp9-$(1)
VP9_Q = 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 \
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 \
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 \
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
VP9_SHARP = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
VP9_SIZE_A = 08 10 16 18 32 34 64 66
VP9_SIZE_B = 196 198 200 202 208 210 224 226
define FATE_VP9_FULL
$(foreach Q,$(VP9_Q),$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,00-quantizer-$(Q),$(1),$(2))))
$(foreach SHARP,$(VP9_SHARP),$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,01-sharpness-$(SHARP),$(1),$(2))))
$(foreach W,$(VP9_SIZE_A),$(eval $(foreach H,$(VP9_SIZE_A),$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,02-size-$(W)x$(H),$(1),$(2))))))
$(foreach W,$(VP9_SIZE_B),$(eval $(foreach H,$(VP9_SIZE_B),$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,03-size-$(W)x$(H),$(1),$(2))))))
$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,03-deltaq,$(1),$(2)))
$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,2pass-akiyo,$(1),$(2)))
$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,parallelmode-akiyo,$(1),$(2)))
$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,segmentation-aq-akiyo,$(1),$(2)))
$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,segmentation-sf-akiyo,$(1),$(2)))
$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_SUITE,tiling-pedestrian,$(1),$(2)))
$(eval $(call FATE_VP9_FULL))
fate-vp9: $(FATE_VP9-yes)