Michael Niedermayer 7b376b398a Merge remote branch 'qatar/master'
* qatar/master:
  Handle unicode file names on windows
  rtp: Rename the open/close functions to alloc/free
  Lowercase all ff* program names.
  Refer to ff* tools by their lowercase names.
NOT Pulled  Replace more FFmpeg instances by Libav or ffmpeg.
  Replace `` by $() syntax in shell scripts.
  patcheck: Allow overiding grep program(s) through environment variables.
NOT Pulled  Remove stray libavcore and _g binary references.
  vorbis: Rename decoder/encoder files to follow general file naming scheme.
  aacenc: Fix whitespace after last commit.
  cook: Fix small typo in av_log_ask_for_sample message.
  aacenc: Finish 3GPP psymodel analysis for non mid/side cases.
  Remove RDFT dependency from AAC decoder.
  Add some debug log messages to AAC extradata
  Fix mov debug (u)int64_t format strings.
  bswap: use native types for av_bwap16().
  doc: FLV muxing is supported.
  applehttp: Handle AES-128 encrypted streams
  Add a protocol handler for AES CBC decryption with PKCS7 padding
  doc: Mention that DragonFly BSD requires __BSD_VISIBLE set


Merged-by: Michael Niedermayer <michaelni@gmx.at>
2011-04-24 03:41:22 +02:00

1117 lines
35 KiB

* copyright (c) 2006 Oded Shimon <ods15@ods15.dyndns.org>
* This file is part of FFmpeg.
* FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @file
* Native Vorbis encoder.
* @author Oded Shimon <ods15@ods15.dyndns.org>
#include <float.h>
#include "avcodec.h"
#include "dsputil.h"
#include "fft.h"
#include "vorbis.h"
#include "vorbis_enc_data.h"
#include "put_bits.h"
#undef NDEBUG
#include <assert.h>
typedef struct {
int nentries;
uint8_t *lens;
uint32_t *codewords;
int ndimentions;
float min;
float delta;
int seq_p;
int lookup;
int *quantlist;
float *dimentions;
float *pow2;
} vorbis_enc_codebook;
typedef struct {
int dim;
int subclass;
int masterbook;
int *books;
} vorbis_enc_floor_class;
typedef struct {
int partitions;
int *partition_to_class;
int nclasses;
vorbis_enc_floor_class *classes;
int multiplier;
int rangebits;
int values;
vorbis_floor1_entry *list;
} vorbis_enc_floor;
typedef struct {
int type;
int begin;
int end;
int partition_size;
int classifications;
int classbook;
int8_t (*books)[8];
float (*maxes)[2];
} vorbis_enc_residue;
typedef struct {
int submaps;
int *mux;
int *floor;
int *residue;
int coupling_steps;
int *magnitude;
int *angle;
} vorbis_enc_mapping;
typedef struct {
int blockflag;
int mapping;
} vorbis_enc_mode;
typedef struct {
int channels;
int sample_rate;
int log2_blocksize[2];
FFTContext mdct[2];
const float *win[2];
int have_saved;
float *saved;
float *samples;
float *floor; // also used for tmp values for mdct
float *coeffs; // also used for residue after floor
float quality;
int ncodebooks;
vorbis_enc_codebook *codebooks;
int nfloors;
vorbis_enc_floor *floors;
int nresidues;
vorbis_enc_residue *residues;
int nmappings;
vorbis_enc_mapping *mappings;
int nmodes;
vorbis_enc_mode *modes;
int64_t sample_count;
} vorbis_enc_context;
#define MAX_CHANNELS 2
#define RESIDUE_SIZE 1600
static inline void put_codeword(PutBitContext *pb, vorbis_enc_codebook *cb,
int entry)
assert(entry >= 0);
assert(entry < cb->nentries);
put_bits(pb, cb->lens[entry], cb->codewords[entry]);
static int cb_lookup_vals(int lookup, int dimentions, int entries)
if (lookup == 1)
return ff_vorbis_nth_root(entries, dimentions);
else if (lookup == 2)
return dimentions *entries;
return 0;
static void ready_codebook(vorbis_enc_codebook *cb)
int i;
ff_vorbis_len2vlc(cb->lens, cb->codewords, cb->nentries);
if (!cb->lookup) {
cb->pow2 = cb->dimentions = NULL;
} else {
int vals = cb_lookup_vals(cb->lookup, cb->ndimentions, cb->nentries);
cb->dimentions = av_malloc(sizeof(float) * cb->nentries * cb->ndimentions);
cb->pow2 = av_mallocz(sizeof(float) * cb->nentries);
for (i = 0; i < cb->nentries; i++) {
float last = 0;
int j;
int div = 1;
for (j = 0; j < cb->ndimentions; j++) {
int off;
if (cb->lookup == 1)
off = (i / div) % vals; // lookup type 1
off = i * cb->ndimentions + j; // lookup type 2
cb->dimentions[i * cb->ndimentions + j] = last + cb->min + cb->quantlist[off] * cb->delta;
if (cb->seq_p)
last = cb->dimentions[i * cb->ndimentions + j];
cb->pow2[i] += cb->dimentions[i * cb->ndimentions + j] * cb->dimentions[i * cb->ndimentions + j];
div *= vals;
cb->pow2[i] /= 2.;
static void ready_residue(vorbis_enc_residue *rc, vorbis_enc_context *venc)
int i;
assert(rc->type == 2);
rc->maxes = av_mallocz(sizeof(float[2]) * rc->classifications);
for (i = 0; i < rc->classifications; i++) {
int j;
vorbis_enc_codebook * cb;
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if (rc->books[i][j] != -1)
if (j == 8) // zero
cb = &venc->codebooks[rc->books[i][j]];
assert(cb->ndimentions >= 2);
for (j = 0; j < cb->nentries; j++) {
float a;
if (!cb->lens[j])
a = fabs(cb->dimentions[j * cb->ndimentions]);
if (a > rc->maxes[i][0])
rc->maxes[i][0] = a;
a = fabs(cb->dimentions[j * cb->ndimentions + 1]);
if (a > rc->maxes[i][1])
rc->maxes[i][1] = a;
// small bias
for (i = 0; i < rc->classifications; i++) {
rc->maxes[i][0] += 0.8;
rc->maxes[i][1] += 0.8;
static void create_vorbis_context(vorbis_enc_context *venc,
AVCodecContext *avccontext)
vorbis_enc_floor *fc;
vorbis_enc_residue *rc;
vorbis_enc_mapping *mc;
int i, book;
venc->channels = avccontext->channels;
venc->sample_rate = avccontext->sample_rate;
venc->log2_blocksize[0] = venc->log2_blocksize[1] = 11;
venc->ncodebooks = FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(cvectors);
venc->codebooks = av_malloc(sizeof(vorbis_enc_codebook) * venc->ncodebooks);
// codebook 0..14 - floor1 book, values 0..255
// codebook 15 residue masterbook
// codebook 16..29 residue
for (book = 0; book < venc->ncodebooks; book++) {
vorbis_enc_codebook *cb = &venc->codebooks[book];
int vals;
cb->ndimentions = cvectors[book].dim;
cb->nentries = cvectors[book].real_len;
cb->min = cvectors[book].min;
cb->delta = cvectors[book].delta;
cb->lookup = cvectors[book].lookup;
cb->seq_p = 0;
cb->lens = av_malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * cb->nentries);
cb->codewords = av_malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * cb->nentries);
memcpy(cb->lens, cvectors[book].clens, cvectors[book].len);
memset(cb->lens + cvectors[book].len, 0, cb->nentries - cvectors[book].len);
if (cb->lookup) {
vals = cb_lookup_vals(cb->lookup, cb->ndimentions, cb->nentries);
cb->quantlist = av_malloc(sizeof(int) * vals);
for (i = 0; i < vals; i++)
cb->quantlist[i] = cvectors[book].quant[i];
} else {
cb->quantlist = NULL;
venc->nfloors = 1;
venc->floors = av_malloc(sizeof(vorbis_enc_floor) * venc->nfloors);
// just 1 floor
fc = &venc->floors[0];
fc->partitions = NUM_FLOOR_PARTITIONS;
fc->partition_to_class = av_malloc(sizeof(int) * fc->partitions);
fc->nclasses = 0;
for (i = 0; i < fc->partitions; i++) {
static const int a[] = {0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4};
fc->partition_to_class[i] = a[i];
fc->nclasses = FFMAX(fc->nclasses, fc->partition_to_class[i]);
fc->classes = av_malloc(sizeof(vorbis_enc_floor_class) * fc->nclasses);
for (i = 0; i < fc->nclasses; i++) {
vorbis_enc_floor_class * c = &fc->classes[i];
int j, books;
c->dim = floor_classes[i].dim;
c->subclass = floor_classes[i].subclass;
c->masterbook = floor_classes[i].masterbook;
books = (1 << c->subclass);
c->books = av_malloc(sizeof(int) * books);
for (j = 0; j < books; j++)
c->books[j] = floor_classes[i].nbooks[j];
fc->multiplier = 2;
fc->rangebits = venc->log2_blocksize[0] - 1;
fc->values = 2;
for (i = 0; i < fc->partitions; i++)
fc->values += fc->classes[fc->partition_to_class[i]].dim;
fc->list = av_malloc(sizeof(vorbis_floor1_entry) * fc->values);
fc->list[0].x = 0;
fc->list[1].x = 1 << fc->rangebits;
for (i = 2; i < fc->values; i++) {
static const int a[] = {
93, 23,372, 6, 46,186,750, 14, 33, 65,
130,260,556, 3, 10, 18, 28, 39, 55, 79,
fc->list[i].x = a[i - 2];
ff_vorbis_ready_floor1_list(fc->list, fc->values);
venc->nresidues = 1;
venc->residues = av_malloc(sizeof(vorbis_enc_residue) * venc->nresidues);
// single residue
rc = &venc->residues[0];
rc->type = 2;
rc->begin = 0;
rc->end = 1600;
rc->partition_size = 32;
rc->classifications = 10;
rc->classbook = 15;
rc->books = av_malloc(sizeof(*rc->books) * rc->classifications);
static const int8_t a[10][8] = {
{ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, },
{ -1, -1, 16, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, },
{ -1, -1, 17, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, },
{ -1, -1, 18, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, },
{ -1, -1, 19, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, },
{ -1, -1, 20, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, },
{ -1, -1, 21, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, },
{ 22, 23, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, },
{ 24, 25, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, },
{ 26, 27, 28, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, },
memcpy(rc->books, a, sizeof a);
ready_residue(rc, venc);
venc->nmappings = 1;
venc->mappings = av_malloc(sizeof(vorbis_enc_mapping) * venc->nmappings);
// single mapping
mc = &venc->mappings[0];
mc->submaps = 1;
mc->mux = av_malloc(sizeof(int) * venc->channels);
for (i = 0; i < venc->channels; i++)
mc->mux[i] = 0;
mc->floor = av_malloc(sizeof(int) * mc->submaps);
mc->residue = av_malloc(sizeof(int) * mc->submaps);
for (i = 0; i < mc->submaps; i++) {
mc->floor[i] = 0;
mc->residue[i] = 0;
mc->coupling_steps = venc->channels == 2 ? 1 : 0;
mc->magnitude = av_malloc(sizeof(int) * mc->coupling_steps);
mc->angle = av_malloc(sizeof(int) * mc->coupling_steps);
if (mc->coupling_steps) {
mc->magnitude[0] = 0;
mc->angle[0] = 1;
venc->nmodes = 1;
venc->modes = av_malloc(sizeof(vorbis_enc_mode) * venc->nmodes);
// single mode
venc->modes[0].blockflag = 0;
venc->modes[0].mapping = 0;
venc->have_saved = 0;
venc->saved = av_malloc(sizeof(float) * venc->channels * (1 << venc->log2_blocksize[1]) / 2);
venc->samples = av_malloc(sizeof(float) * venc->channels * (1 << venc->log2_blocksize[1]));
venc->floor = av_malloc(sizeof(float) * venc->channels * (1 << venc->log2_blocksize[1]) / 2);
venc->coeffs = av_malloc(sizeof(float) * venc->channels * (1 << venc->log2_blocksize[1]) / 2);
venc->win[0] = ff_vorbis_vwin[venc->log2_blocksize[0] - 6];
venc->win[1] = ff_vorbis_vwin[venc->log2_blocksize[1] - 6];
ff_mdct_init(&venc->mdct[0], venc->log2_blocksize[0], 0, 1.0);
ff_mdct_init(&venc->mdct[1], venc->log2_blocksize[1], 0, 1.0);
static void put_float(PutBitContext *pb, float f)
int exp, mant;
uint32_t res = 0;
mant = (int)ldexp(frexp(f, &exp), 20);
exp += 788 - 20;
if (mant < 0) {
res |= (1U << 31);
mant = -mant;
res |= mant | (exp << 21);
put_bits32(pb, res);
static void put_codebook_header(PutBitContext *pb, vorbis_enc_codebook *cb)
int i;
int ordered = 0;
put_bits(pb, 24, 0x564342); //magic
put_bits(pb, 16, cb->ndimentions);
put_bits(pb, 24, cb->nentries);
for (i = 1; i < cb->nentries; i++)
if (cb->lens[i] < cb->lens[i-1])
if (i == cb->nentries)
ordered = 1;
put_bits(pb, 1, ordered);
if (ordered) {
int len = cb->lens[0];
put_bits(pb, 5, len - 1);
i = 0;
while (i < cb->nentries) {
int j;
for (j = 0; j+i < cb->nentries; j++)
if (cb->lens[j+i] != len)
put_bits(pb, ilog(cb->nentries - i), j);
i += j;
} else {
int sparse = 0;
for (i = 0; i < cb->nentries; i++)
if (!cb->lens[i])
if (i != cb->nentries)
sparse = 1;
put_bits(pb, 1, sparse);
for (i = 0; i < cb->nentries; i++) {
if (sparse)
put_bits(pb, 1, !!cb->lens[i]);
if (cb->lens[i])
put_bits(pb, 5, cb->lens[i] - 1);
put_bits(pb, 4, cb->lookup);
if (cb->lookup) {
int tmp = cb_lookup_vals(cb->lookup, cb->ndimentions, cb->nentries);
int bits = ilog(cb->quantlist[0]);
for (i = 1; i < tmp; i++)
bits = FFMAX(bits, ilog(cb->quantlist[i]));
put_float(pb, cb->min);
put_float(pb, cb->delta);
put_bits(pb, 4, bits - 1);
put_bits(pb, 1, cb->seq_p);
for (i = 0; i < tmp; i++)
put_bits(pb, bits, cb->quantlist[i]);
static void put_floor_header(PutBitContext *pb, vorbis_enc_floor *fc)
int i;
put_bits(pb, 16, 1); // type, only floor1 is supported
put_bits(pb, 5, fc->partitions);
for (i = 0; i < fc->partitions; i++)
put_bits(pb, 4, fc->partition_to_class[i]);
for (i = 0; i < fc->nclasses; i++) {
int j, books;
put_bits(pb, 3, fc->classes[i].dim - 1);
put_bits(pb, 2, fc->classes[i].subclass);
if (fc->classes[i].subclass)
put_bits(pb, 8, fc->classes[i].masterbook);
books = (1 << fc->classes[i].subclass);
for (j = 0; j < books; j++)
put_bits(pb, 8, fc->classes[i].books[j] + 1);
put_bits(pb, 2, fc->multiplier - 1);
put_bits(pb, 4, fc->rangebits);
for (i = 2; i < fc->values; i++)
put_bits(pb, fc->rangebits, fc->list[i].x);
static void put_residue_header(PutBitContext *pb, vorbis_enc_residue *rc)
int i;
put_bits(pb, 16, rc->type);
put_bits(pb, 24, rc->begin);
put_bits(pb, 24, rc->end);
put_bits(pb, 24, rc->partition_size - 1);
put_bits(pb, 6, rc->classifications - 1);
put_bits(pb, 8, rc->classbook);
for (i = 0; i < rc->classifications; i++) {
int j, tmp = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
tmp |= (rc->books[i][j] != -1) << j;
put_bits(pb, 3, tmp & 7);
put_bits(pb, 1, tmp > 7);
if (tmp > 7)
put_bits(pb, 5, tmp >> 3);
for (i = 0; i < rc->classifications; i++) {
int j;
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if (rc->books[i][j] != -1)
put_bits(pb, 8, rc->books[i][j]);
static int put_main_header(vorbis_enc_context *venc, uint8_t **out)
int i;
PutBitContext pb;
uint8_t buffer[50000] = {0}, *p = buffer;
int buffer_len = sizeof buffer;
int len, hlens[3];
// identification header
init_put_bits(&pb, p, buffer_len);
put_bits(&pb, 8, 1); //magic
for (i = 0; "vorbis"[i]; i++)
put_bits(&pb, 8, "vorbis"[i]);
put_bits32(&pb, 0); // version
put_bits(&pb, 8, venc->channels);
put_bits32(&pb, venc->sample_rate);
put_bits32(&pb, 0); // bitrate
put_bits32(&pb, 0); // bitrate
put_bits32(&pb, 0); // bitrate
put_bits(&pb, 4, venc->log2_blocksize[0]);
put_bits(&pb, 4, venc->log2_blocksize[1]);
put_bits(&pb, 1, 1); // framing
hlens[0] = put_bits_count(&pb) >> 3;
buffer_len -= hlens[0];
p += hlens[0];
// comment header
init_put_bits(&pb, p, buffer_len);
put_bits(&pb, 8, 3); //magic
for (i = 0; "vorbis"[i]; i++)
put_bits(&pb, 8, "vorbis"[i]);
put_bits32(&pb, 0); // vendor length TODO
put_bits32(&pb, 0); // amount of comments
put_bits(&pb, 1, 1); // framing
hlens[1] = put_bits_count(&pb) >> 3;
buffer_len -= hlens[1];
p += hlens[1];
// setup header
init_put_bits(&pb, p, buffer_len);
put_bits(&pb, 8, 5); //magic
for (i = 0; "vorbis"[i]; i++)
put_bits(&pb, 8, "vorbis"[i]);
// codebooks
put_bits(&pb, 8, venc->ncodebooks - 1);
for (i = 0; i < venc->ncodebooks; i++)
put_codebook_header(&pb, &venc->codebooks[i]);
// time domain, reserved, zero
put_bits(&pb, 6, 0);
put_bits(&pb, 16, 0);
// floors
put_bits(&pb, 6, venc->nfloors - 1);
for (i = 0; i < venc->nfloors; i++)
put_floor_header(&pb, &venc->floors[i]);
// residues
put_bits(&pb, 6, venc->nresidues - 1);
for (i = 0; i < venc->nresidues; i++)
put_residue_header(&pb, &venc->residues[i]);
// mappings
put_bits(&pb, 6, venc->nmappings - 1);
for (i = 0; i < venc->nmappings; i++) {
vorbis_enc_mapping *mc = &venc->mappings[i];
int j;
put_bits(&pb, 16, 0); // mapping type
put_bits(&pb, 1, mc->submaps > 1);
if (mc->submaps > 1)
put_bits(&pb, 4, mc->submaps - 1);
put_bits(&pb, 1, !!mc->coupling_steps);
if (mc->coupling_steps) {
put_bits(&pb, 8, mc->coupling_steps - 1);
for (j = 0; j < mc->coupling_steps; j++) {
put_bits(&pb, ilog(venc->channels - 1), mc->magnitude[j]);
put_bits(&pb, ilog(venc->channels - 1), mc->angle[j]);
put_bits(&pb, 2, 0); // reserved
if (mc->submaps > 1)
for (j = 0; j < venc->channels; j++)
put_bits(&pb, 4, mc->mux[j]);
for (j = 0; j < mc->submaps; j++) {
put_bits(&pb, 8, 0); // reserved time configuration
put_bits(&pb, 8, mc->floor[j]);
put_bits(&pb, 8, mc->residue[j]);
// modes
put_bits(&pb, 6, venc->nmodes - 1);
for (i = 0; i < venc->nmodes; i++) {
put_bits(&pb, 1, venc->modes[i].blockflag);
put_bits(&pb, 16, 0); // reserved window type
put_bits(&pb, 16, 0); // reserved transform type
put_bits(&pb, 8, venc->modes[i].mapping);
put_bits(&pb, 1, 1); // framing
hlens[2] = put_bits_count(&pb) >> 3;
len = hlens[0] + hlens[1] + hlens[2];
p = *out = av_mallocz(64 + len + len/255);
*p++ = 2;
p += av_xiphlacing(p, hlens[0]);
p += av_xiphlacing(p, hlens[1]);
buffer_len = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
memcpy(p, buffer + buffer_len, hlens[i]);
p += hlens[i];
buffer_len += hlens[i];
return p - *out;
static float get_floor_average(vorbis_enc_floor * fc, float *coeffs, int i)
int begin = fc->list[fc->list[FFMAX(i-1, 0)].sort].x;
int end = fc->list[fc->list[FFMIN(i+1, fc->values - 1)].sort].x;
int j;
float average = 0;
for (j = begin; j < end; j++)
average += fabs(coeffs[j]);
return average / (end - begin);
static void floor_fit(vorbis_enc_context *venc, vorbis_enc_floor *fc,
float *coeffs, uint_fast16_t *posts, int samples)
int range = 255 / fc->multiplier + 1;
int i;
float tot_average = 0.;
float averages[MAX_FLOOR_VALUES];
for (i = 0; i < fc->values; i++) {
averages[i] = get_floor_average(fc, coeffs, i);
tot_average += averages[i];
tot_average /= fc->values;
tot_average /= venc->quality;
for (i = 0; i < fc->values; i++) {
int position = fc->list[fc->list[i].sort].x;
float average = averages[i];
int j;
average = sqrt(tot_average * average) * pow(1.25f, position*0.005f); // MAGIC!
for (j = 0; j < range - 1; j++)
if (ff_vorbis_floor1_inverse_db_table[j * fc->multiplier] > average)
posts[fc->list[i].sort] = j;
static int render_point(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x)
return y0 + (x - x0) * (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0);
static void floor_encode(vorbis_enc_context *venc, vorbis_enc_floor *fc,
PutBitContext *pb, uint_fast16_t *posts,
float *floor, int samples)
int range = 255 / fc->multiplier + 1;
int coded[MAX_FLOOR_VALUES]; // first 2 values are unused
int i, counter;
put_bits(pb, 1, 1); // non zero
put_bits(pb, ilog(range - 1), posts[0]);
put_bits(pb, ilog(range - 1), posts[1]);
coded[0] = coded[1] = 1;
for (i = 2; i < fc->values; i++) {
int predicted = render_point(fc->list[fc->list[i].low].x,
int highroom = range - predicted;
int lowroom = predicted;
int room = FFMIN(highroom, lowroom);
if (predicted == posts[i]) {
coded[i] = 0; // must be used later as flag!
} else {
if (!coded[fc->list[i].low ])
coded[fc->list[i].low ] = -1;
if (!coded[fc->list[i].high])
coded[fc->list[i].high] = -1;
if (posts[i] > predicted) {
if (posts[i] - predicted > room)
coded[i] = posts[i] - predicted + lowroom;
coded[i] = (posts[i] - predicted) << 1;
} else {
if (predicted - posts[i] > room)
coded[i] = predicted - posts[i] + highroom - 1;
coded[i] = ((predicted - posts[i]) << 1) - 1;
counter = 2;
for (i = 0; i < fc->partitions; i++) {
vorbis_enc_floor_class * c = &fc->classes[fc->partition_to_class[i]];
int k, cval = 0, csub = 1<<c->subclass;
if (c->subclass) {
vorbis_enc_codebook * book = &venc->codebooks[c->masterbook];
int cshift = 0;
for (k = 0; k < c->dim; k++) {
int l;
for (l = 0; l < csub; l++) {
int maxval = 1;
if (c->books[l] != -1)
maxval = venc->codebooks[c->books[l]].nentries;
// coded could be -1, but this still works, cause that is 0
if (coded[counter + k] < maxval)
assert(l != csub);
cval |= l << cshift;
cshift += c->subclass;
put_codeword(pb, book, cval);
for (k = 0; k < c->dim; k++) {
int book = c->books[cval & (csub-1)];
int entry = coded[counter++];
cval >>= c->subclass;
if (book == -1)
if (entry == -1)
entry = 0;
put_codeword(pb, &venc->codebooks[book], entry);
ff_vorbis_floor1_render_list(fc->list, fc->values, posts, coded,
fc->multiplier, floor, samples);
static float *put_vector(vorbis_enc_codebook *book, PutBitContext *pb,
float *num)
int i, entry = -1;
float distance = FLT_MAX;
for (i = 0; i < book->nentries; i++) {
float * vec = book->dimentions + i * book->ndimentions, d = book->pow2[i];
int j;
if (!book->lens[i])
for (j = 0; j < book->ndimentions; j++)
d -= vec[j] * num[j];
if (distance > d) {
entry = i;
distance = d;
put_codeword(pb, book, entry);
return &book->dimentions[entry * book->ndimentions];
static void residue_encode(vorbis_enc_context *venc, vorbis_enc_residue *rc,
PutBitContext *pb, float *coeffs, int samples,
int real_ch)
int pass, i, j, p, k;
int psize = rc->partition_size;
int partitions = (rc->end - rc->begin) / psize;
int channels = (rc->type == 2) ? 1 : real_ch;
int classwords = venc->codebooks[rc->classbook].ndimentions;
assert(rc->type == 2);
assert(real_ch == 2);
for (p = 0; p < partitions; p++) {
float max1 = 0., max2 = 0.;
int s = rc->begin + p * psize;
for (k = s; k < s + psize; k += 2) {
max1 = FFMAX(max1, fabs(coeffs[ k / real_ch]));
max2 = FFMAX(max2, fabs(coeffs[samples + k / real_ch]));
for (i = 0; i < rc->classifications - 1; i++)
if (max1 < rc->maxes[i][0] && max2 < rc->maxes[i][1])
classes[0][p] = i;
for (pass = 0; pass < 8; pass++) {
p = 0;
while (p < partitions) {
if (pass == 0)
for (j = 0; j < channels; j++) {
vorbis_enc_codebook * book = &venc->codebooks[rc->classbook];
int entry = 0;
for (i = 0; i < classwords; i++) {
entry *= rc->classifications;
entry += classes[j][p + i];
put_codeword(pb, book, entry);
for (i = 0; i < classwords && p < partitions; i++, p++) {
for (j = 0; j < channels; j++) {
int nbook = rc->books[classes[j][p]][pass];
vorbis_enc_codebook * book = &venc->codebooks[nbook];
float *buf = coeffs + samples*j + rc->begin + p*psize;
if (nbook == -1)
assert(rc->type == 0 || rc->type == 2);
assert(!(psize % book->ndimentions));
if (rc->type == 0) {
for (k = 0; k < psize; k += book->ndimentions) {
float *a = put_vector(book, pb, &buf[k]);
int l;
for (l = 0; l < book->ndimentions; l++)
buf[k + l] -= a[l];
} else {
int s = rc->begin + p * psize, a1, b1;
a1 = (s % real_ch) * samples;
b1 = s / real_ch;
s = real_ch * samples;
for (k = 0; k < psize; k += book->ndimentions) {
int dim, a2 = a1, b2 = b1;
float vec[MAX_CODEBOOK_DIM], *pv = vec;
for (dim = book->ndimentions; dim--; ) {
*pv++ = coeffs[a2 + b2];
if ((a2 += samples) == s) {
a2 = 0;
pv = put_vector(book, pb, vec);
for (dim = book->ndimentions; dim--; ) {
coeffs[a1 + b1] -= *pv++;
if ((a1 += samples) == s) {
a1 = 0;
static int apply_window_and_mdct(vorbis_enc_context *venc, const signed short *audio,
int samples)
int i, j, channel;
const float * win = venc->win[0];
int window_len = 1 << (venc->log2_blocksize[0] - 1);
float n = (float)(1 << venc->log2_blocksize[0]) / 4.;
// FIXME use dsp
if (!venc->have_saved && !samples)
return 0;
if (venc->have_saved) {
for (channel = 0; channel < venc->channels; channel++)
memcpy(venc->samples + channel * window_len * 2,
venc->saved + channel * window_len, sizeof(float) * window_len);
} else {
for (channel = 0; channel < venc->channels; channel++)
memset(venc->samples + channel * window_len * 2, 0,
sizeof(float) * window_len);
if (samples) {
for (channel = 0; channel < venc->channels; channel++) {
float * offset = venc->samples + channel*window_len*2 + window_len;
j = channel;
for (i = 0; i < samples; i++, j += venc->channels)
offset[i] = audio[j] / 32768. / n * win[window_len - i - 1];
} else {
for (channel = 0; channel < venc->channels; channel++)
memset(venc->samples + channel * window_len * 2 + window_len,
0, sizeof(float) * window_len);
for (channel = 0; channel < venc->channels; channel++)
venc->mdct[0].mdct_calc(&venc->mdct[0], venc->coeffs + channel * window_len,
venc->samples + channel * window_len * 2);
if (samples) {
for (channel = 0; channel < venc->channels; channel++) {
float *offset = venc->saved + channel * window_len;
j = channel;
for (i = 0; i < samples; i++, j += venc->channels)
offset[i] = audio[j] / 32768. / n * win[i];
venc->have_saved = 1;
} else {
venc->have_saved = 0;
return 1;
static av_cold int vorbis_encode_init(AVCodecContext *avccontext)
vorbis_enc_context *venc = avccontext->priv_data;
if (avccontext->channels != 2) {
av_log(avccontext, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Current FFmpeg Vorbis encoder only supports 2 channels.\n");
return -1;
create_vorbis_context(venc, avccontext);
if (avccontext->flags & CODEC_FLAG_QSCALE)
venc->quality = avccontext->global_quality / (float)FF_QP2LAMBDA / 10.;
venc->quality = 0.03;
venc->quality *= venc->quality;
avccontext->extradata_size = put_main_header(venc, (uint8_t**)&avccontext->extradata);
avccontext->frame_size = 1 << (venc->log2_blocksize[0] - 1);
avccontext->coded_frame = avcodec_alloc_frame();
avccontext->coded_frame->key_frame = 1;
return 0;
static int vorbis_encode_frame(AVCodecContext *avccontext,
unsigned char *packets,
int buf_size, void *data)
vorbis_enc_context *venc = avccontext->priv_data;
const signed short *audio = data;
int samples = data ? avccontext->frame_size : 0;
vorbis_enc_mode *mode;
vorbis_enc_mapping *mapping;
PutBitContext pb;
int i;
if (!apply_window_and_mdct(venc, audio, samples))
return 0;
samples = 1 << (venc->log2_blocksize[0] - 1);
init_put_bits(&pb, packets, buf_size);
put_bits(&pb, 1, 0); // magic bit
put_bits(&pb, ilog(venc->nmodes - 1), 0); // 0 bits, the mode
mode = &venc->modes[0];
mapping = &venc->mappings[mode->mapping];
if (mode->blockflag) {
put_bits(&pb, 1, 0);
put_bits(&pb, 1, 0);
for (i = 0; i < venc->channels; i++) {
vorbis_enc_floor *fc = &venc->floors[mapping->floor[mapping->mux[i]]];
uint_fast16_t posts[MAX_FLOOR_VALUES];
floor_fit(venc, fc, &venc->coeffs[i * samples], posts, samples);
floor_encode(venc, fc, &pb, posts, &venc->floor[i * samples], samples);
for (i = 0; i < venc->channels * samples; i++)
venc->coeffs[i] /= venc->floor[i];
for (i = 0; i < mapping->coupling_steps; i++) {
float *mag = venc->coeffs + mapping->magnitude[i] * samples;
float *ang = venc->coeffs + mapping->angle[i] * samples;
int j;
for (j = 0; j < samples; j++) {
float a = ang[j];
ang[j] -= mag[j];
if (mag[j] > 0)
ang[j] = -ang[j];
if (ang[j] < 0)
mag[j] = a;
residue_encode(venc, &venc->residues[mapping->residue[mapping->mux[0]]],
&pb, venc->coeffs, samples, venc->channels);
avccontext->coded_frame->pts = venc->sample_count;
venc->sample_count += avccontext->frame_size;
return put_bits_count(&pb) >> 3;
static av_cold int vorbis_encode_close(AVCodecContext *avccontext)
vorbis_enc_context *venc = avccontext->priv_data;
int i;
if (venc->codebooks)
for (i = 0; i < venc->ncodebooks; i++) {
if (venc->floors)
for (i = 0; i < venc->nfloors; i++) {
int j;
if (venc->floors[i].classes)
for (j = 0; j < venc->floors[i].nclasses; j++)
if (venc->residues)
for (i = 0; i < venc->nresidues; i++) {
if (venc->mappings)
for (i = 0; i < venc->nmappings; i++) {
return 0 ;
AVCodec ff_vorbis_encoder = {
.sample_fmts = (const enum AVSampleFormat[]){AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16,AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE},
.long_name = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("Vorbis"),