diff --git a/libswscale/Makefile b/libswscale/Makefile
index 57e867a1b2..5671b2e1b3 100644
--- a/libswscale/Makefile
+++ b/libswscale/Makefile
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ OBJS-$(HAVE_MMX)           +=  x86/rgb2rgb.o            \
                                x86/swscale_mmx.o        \
 OBJS-$(HAVE_VIS)           +=  sparc/yuv2rgb_vis.o
+OBJS-$(HAVE_YASM)          +=  x86/scale.o
 TESTPROGS = colorspace swscale
diff --git a/libswscale/x86/scale.asm b/libswscale/x86/scale.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ebaab34666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libswscale/x86/scale.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+;* x86-optimized horizontal line scaling functions
+;* Copyright (c) 2011 Ronald S. Bultje <rsbultje@gmail.com>
+;* This file is part of Libav.
+;* Libav is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;* Libav is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;* Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;* License along with Libav; if not, write to the Free Software
+;* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+%include "x86inc.asm"
+%include "x86util.asm"
+max_19bit_int: times 4 dd 0x7ffff
+max_19bit_flt: times 4 dd 524287.0
+minshort:      times 8 dw 0x8000
+unicoeff:      times 4 dd 0x20000000
+SECTION .text
+; horizontal line scaling
+; void hscale<source_width>to<intermediate_nbits>_<filterSize>_<opt>
+;                               (SwsContext *c, int{16,32}_t *dst,
+;                                int dstW, const uint{8,16}_t *src,
+;                                const int16_t *filter,
+;                                const int16_t *filterPos, int filterSize);
+; Scale one horizontal line. Input is either 8-bits width or 16-bits width
+; ($source_width can be either 8, 9, 10 or 16, difference is whether we have to
+; downscale before multiplying). Filter is 14-bits. Output is either 15bits
+; (in int16_t) or 19bits (in int32_t), as given in $intermediate_nbits. Each
+; output pixel is generated from $filterSize input pixels, the position of
+; the first pixel is given in filterPos[nOutputPixel].
+; SCALE_FUNC source_width, intermediate_nbits, filtersize, filtersuffix, opt, n_args, n_xmm
+%macro SCALE_FUNC 7
+cglobal hscale%1to%2_%4_%5, %6, 7, %7
+%ifdef ARCH_X86_64
+    movsxd        r2, r2d
+%endif ; x86-64
+%if %2 == 19
+%if mmsize == 8 ; mmx
+    mova          m2, [max_19bit_int]
+%elifidn %5, sse4
+    mova          m2, [max_19bit_int]
+%else ; ssse3/sse2
+    mova          m2, [max_19bit_flt]
+%endif ; mmx/sse2/ssse3/sse4
+%endif ; %2 == 19
+%if %1 == 16
+    mova          m6, [minshort]
+    mova          m7, [unicoeff]
+%elif %1 == 8
+    pxor          m3, m3
+%endif ; %1 == 8/16
+%if %1 == 8
+%define movlh movd
+%define movbh movh
+%define srcmul 1
+%else ; %1 == 9-16
+%define movlh movq
+%define movbh movu
+%define srcmul 2
+%endif ; %1 == 8/9-16
+%ifnidn %3, X
+    ; setup loop
+%if %3 == 8
+    shl           r2, 1                  ; this allows *16 (i.e. now *8) in lea instructions for the 8-tap filter
+%define r2shr 1
+%else ; %3 == 4
+%define r2shr 0
+%endif ; %3 == 8
+    lea           r4, [r4+r2*8]
+%if %2 == 15
+    lea           r1, [r1+r2*(2>>r2shr)]
+%else ; %2 == 19
+    lea           r1, [r1+r2*(4>>r2shr)]
+%endif ; %2 == 15/19
+    lea           r5, [r5+r2*(2>>r2shr)]
+    neg           r2
+%if %3 == 4 ; filterSize == 4 scaling
+    ; load 2x4 or 4x4 source pixels into m0/m1
+    movsx         r0, word [r5+r2*2+0]   ; filterPos[0]
+    movsx         r6, word [r5+r2*2+2]   ; filterPos[1]
+    movlh         m0, [r3+r0*srcmul]     ; src[filterPos[0] + {0,1,2,3}]
+%if mmsize == 8
+    movlh         m1, [r3+r6*srcmul]     ; src[filterPos[1] + {0,1,2,3}]
+%else ; mmsize == 16
+%if %1 > 8
+    movhps        m0, [r3+r6*srcmul]     ; src[filterPos[1] + {0,1,2,3}]
+%else ; %1 == 8
+    movd          m4, [r3+r6*srcmul]     ; src[filterPos[1] + {0,1,2,3}]
+    movsx         r0, word [r5+r2*2+4]   ; filterPos[2]
+    movsx         r6, word [r5+r2*2+6]   ; filterPos[3]
+    movlh         m1, [r3+r0*srcmul]     ; src[filterPos[2] + {0,1,2,3}]
+%if %1 > 8
+    movhps        m1, [r3+r6*srcmul]     ; src[filterPos[3] + {0,1,2,3}]
+%else ; %1 == 8
+    movd          m5, [r3+r6*srcmul]     ; src[filterPos[3] + {0,1,2,3}]
+    punpckldq     m0, m4
+    punpckldq     m1, m5
+%endif ; %1 == 8 && %5 <= ssse
+%endif ; mmsize == 8/16
+%if %1 == 8
+    punpcklbw     m0, m3                 ; byte -> word
+    punpcklbw     m1, m3                 ; byte -> word
+%endif ; %1 == 8
+    ; multiply with filter coefficients
+%if %1 == 16 ; pmaddwd needs signed adds, so this moves unsigned -> signed, we'll
+             ; add back 0x8000 * sum(coeffs) after the horizontal add
+    psubw         m0, m6
+    psubw         m1, m6
+%endif ; %1 == 16
+    pmaddwd       m0, [r4+r2*8+mmsize*0] ; *= filter[{0,1,..,6,7}]
+    pmaddwd       m1, [r4+r2*8+mmsize*1] ; *= filter[{8,9,..,14,15}]
+    ; add up horizontally (4 srcpix * 4 coefficients -> 1 dstpix)
+%if mmsize == 8 ; mmx
+    movq          m4, m0
+    punpckldq     m0, m1
+    punpckhdq     m4, m1
+    paddd         m0, m4
+%elifidn %5, sse2
+    mova          m4, m0
+    shufps        m0, m1, 10001000b
+    shufps        m4, m1, 11011101b
+    paddd         m0, m4
+%else ; ssse3/sse4
+    phaddd        m0, m1                 ; filter[{ 0, 1, 2, 3}]*src[filterPos[0]+{0,1,2,3}],
+                                         ; filter[{ 4, 5, 6, 7}]*src[filterPos[1]+{0,1,2,3}],
+                                         ; filter[{ 8, 9,10,11}]*src[filterPos[2]+{0,1,2,3}],
+                                         ; filter[{12,13,14,15}]*src[filterPos[3]+{0,1,2,3}]
+%endif ; mmx/sse2/ssse3/sse4
+%else ; %3 == 8, i.e. filterSize == 8 scaling
+    ; load 2x8 or 4x8 source pixels into m0, m1, m4 and m5
+    movsx         r0, word [r5+r2*1+0]   ; filterPos[0]
+    movsx         r6, word [r5+r2*1+2]   ; filterPos[1]
+    movbh         m0, [r3+ r0   *srcmul] ; src[filterPos[0] + {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}]
+%if mmsize == 8
+    movbh         m1, [r3+(r0+4)*srcmul] ; src[filterPos[0] + {4,5,6,7}]
+    movbh         m4, [r3+ r6   *srcmul] ; src[filterPos[1] + {0,1,2,3}]
+    movbh         m5, [r3+(r6+4)*srcmul] ; src[filterPos[1] + {4,5,6,7}]
+%else ; mmsize == 16
+    movbh         m1, [r3+ r6   *srcmul] ; src[filterPos[1] + {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}]
+    movsx         r0, word [r5+r2*1+4]   ; filterPos[2]
+    movsx         r6, word [r5+r2*1+6]   ; filterPos[3]
+    movbh         m4, [r3+ r0   *srcmul] ; src[filterPos[2] + {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}]
+    movbh         m5, [r3+ r6   *srcmul] ; src[filterPos[3] + {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}]
+%endif ; mmsize == 8/16
+%if %1 == 8
+    punpcklbw     m0, m3                 ; byte -> word
+    punpcklbw     m1, m3                 ; byte -> word
+    punpcklbw     m4, m3                 ; byte -> word
+    punpcklbw     m5, m3                 ; byte -> word
+%endif ; %1 == 8
+    ; multiply
+%if %1 == 16 ; pmaddwd needs signed adds, so this moves unsigned -> signed, we'll
+             ; add back 0x8000 * sum(coeffs) after the horizontal add
+    psubw         m0, m6
+    psubw         m1, m6
+    psubw         m4, m6
+    psubw         m5, m6
+%endif ; %1 == 16
+    pmaddwd       m0, [r4+r2*8+mmsize*0] ; *= filter[{0,1,..,6,7}]
+    pmaddwd       m1, [r4+r2*8+mmsize*1] ; *= filter[{8,9,..,14,15}]
+    pmaddwd       m4, [r4+r2*8+mmsize*2] ; *= filter[{16,17,..,22,23}]
+    pmaddwd       m5, [r4+r2*8+mmsize*3] ; *= filter[{24,25,..,30,31}]
+    ; add up horizontally (8 srcpix * 8 coefficients -> 1 dstpix)
+%if mmsize == 8
+    paddd         m0, m1
+    paddd         m4, m5
+    movq          m1, m0
+    punpckldq     m0, m4
+    punpckhdq     m1, m4
+    paddd         m0, m1
+%elifidn %5, sse2
+%if %1 == 8
+%define mex m6
+%define mex m3
+    ; emulate horizontal add as transpose + vertical add
+    mova         mex, m0
+    punpckldq     m0, m1
+    punpckhdq    mex, m1
+    paddd         m0, mex
+    mova          m1, m4
+    punpckldq     m4, m5
+    punpckhdq     m1, m5
+    paddd         m4, m1
+    mova          m1, m0
+    punpcklqdq    m0, m4
+    punpckhqdq    m1, m4
+    paddd         m0, m1
+%else ; ssse3/sse4
+    ; FIXME if we rearrange the filter in pairs of 4, we can
+    ; load pixels likewise and use 2 x paddd + phaddd instead
+    ; of 3 x phaddd here, faster on older cpus
+    phaddd        m0, m1
+    phaddd        m4, m5
+    phaddd        m0, m4                 ; filter[{ 0, 1,..., 6, 7}]*src[filterPos[0]+{0,1,...,6,7}],
+                                         ; filter[{ 8, 9,...,14,15}]*src[filterPos[1]+{0,1,...,6,7}],
+                                         ; filter[{16,17,...,22,23}]*src[filterPos[2]+{0,1,...,6,7}],
+                                         ; filter[{24,25,...,30,31}]*src[filterPos[3]+{0,1,...,6,7}]
+%endif ; mmx/sse2/ssse3/sse4
+%endif ; %3 == 4/8
+%else ; %3 == X, i.e. any filterSize scaling
+%ifidn %4, X4
+%define r6sub 4
+%else ; %4 == X || %4 == X8
+%define r6sub 0
+%endif ; %4 ==/!= X4
+%ifdef ARCH_X86_64
+    push         r12
+    movsxd        r6, r6d                ; filterSize
+    lea          r12, [r3+(r6-r6sub)*srcmul] ; &src[filterSize&~4]
+%define src_reg r11
+%define r1x     r10
+%define filter2 r12
+%else ; x86-32
+    lea           r0, [r3+(r6-r6sub)*srcmul] ; &src[filterSize&~4]
+    mov          r6m, r0
+%define src_reg r3
+%define r1x     r1
+%define filter2 r6m
+%endif ; x86-32/64
+    lea           r5, [r5+r2*2]
+%if %2 == 15
+    lea           r1, [r1+r2*2]
+%else ; %2 == 19
+    lea           r1, [r1+r2*4]
+%endif ; %2 == 15/19
+    movifnidn   r1mp, r1
+    neg           r2
+    movsx         r0, word [r5+r2*2+0]   ; filterPos[0]
+    movsx        r1x, word [r5+r2*2+2]   ; filterPos[1]
+    ; FIXME maybe do 4px/iteration on x86-64 (x86-32 wouldn't have enough regs)?
+    pxor          m4, m4
+    pxor          m5, m5
+    mov      src_reg, r3mp
+    ; load 2x4 (mmx) or 2x8 (sse) source pixels into m0/m1 -> m4/m5
+    movbh         m0, [src_reg+r0 *srcmul]    ; src[filterPos[0] + {0,1,2,3(,4,5,6,7)}]
+    movbh         m1, [src_reg+(r1x+r6sub)*srcmul]    ; src[filterPos[1] + {0,1,2,3(,4,5,6,7)}]
+%if %1 == 8
+    punpcklbw     m0, m3
+    punpcklbw     m1, m3
+%endif ; %1 == 8
+    ; multiply
+%if %1 == 16 ; pmaddwd needs signed adds, so this moves unsigned -> signed, we'll
+             ; add back 0x8000 * sum(coeffs) after the horizontal add
+    psubw         m0, m6
+    psubw         m1, m6
+%endif ; %1 == 16
+    pmaddwd       m0, [r4     ]          ; filter[{0,1,2,3(,4,5,6,7)}]
+    pmaddwd       m1, [r4+(r6+r6sub)*2]          ; filter[filtersize+{0,1,2,3(,4,5,6,7)}]
+    paddd         m4, m0
+    paddd         m5, m1
+    add           r4, mmsize
+    add      src_reg, srcmul*mmsize/2
+    cmp      src_reg, filter2            ; while (src += 4) < &src[filterSize]
+    jl .innerloop
+%ifidn %4, X4
+    movsx        r1x, word [r5+r2*2+2]   ; filterPos[1]
+    movlh         m0, [src_reg+r0 *srcmul] ; split last 4 srcpx of dstpx[0]
+    sub          r1x, r6                   ; and first 4 srcpx of dstpx[1]
+%if %1 > 8
+    movhps        m0, [src_reg+(r1x+r6sub)*srcmul]
+%else ; %1 == 8
+    movd          m1, [src_reg+(r1x+r6sub)*srcmul]
+    punpckldq     m0, m1
+%endif ; %1 == 8 && %5 <= ssse
+%if %1 == 8
+    punpcklbw     m0, m3
+%endif ; %1 == 8
+%if %1 == 16 ; pmaddwd needs signed adds, so this moves unsigned -> signed, we'll
+             ; add back 0x8000 * sum(coeffs) after the horizontal add
+    psubw         m0, m6
+%endif ; %1 == 16
+    pmaddwd       m0, [r4]
+%endif ; %4 == X4
+    lea           r4, [r4+(r6+r6sub)*2]
+%if mmsize == 8 ; mmx
+    movq          m0, m4
+    punpckldq     m4, m5
+    punpckhdq     m0, m5
+    paddd         m0, m4
+%else ; mmsize == 16
+%ifidn %5, sse2
+    mova          m1, m4
+    punpcklqdq    m4, m5
+    punpckhqdq    m1, m5
+    paddd         m4, m1
+%else ; ssse3/sse4
+    phaddd        m4, m5
+%endif ; sse2/ssse3/sse4
+%ifidn %4, X4
+    paddd         m4, m0
+%endif ; %3 == X4
+%ifidn %5, sse2
+    pshufd        m4, m4, 11011000b
+    movhlps       m0, m4
+    paddd         m0, m4
+%else ; ssse3/sse4
+    phaddd        m4, m4
+    SWAP           0, 4
+%endif ; sse2/ssse3/sse4
+%endif ; mmsize == 8/16
+%endif ; %3 ==/!= X
+%if %1 == 16 ; add 0x8000 * sum(coeffs), i.e. back from signed -> unsigned
+    paddd         m0, m7
+%endif ; %1 == 16
+    ; clip, store
+    psrad         m0, 14 + %1 - %2
+%ifidn %3, X
+    movifnidn     r1, r1mp
+%endif ; %3 == X
+%if %2 == 15
+    packssdw      m0, m0
+%ifnidn %3, X
+    movh [r1+r2*(2>>r2shr)], m0
+%else ; %3 == X
+    movd   [r1+r2*2], m0
+%endif ; %3 ==/!= X
+%else ; %2 == 19
+%if mmsize == 8
+    PMINSD_MMX    m0, m2, m4
+%elifidn %5, sse4
+    pminsd        m0, m2
+%else ; sse2/ssse3
+    cvtdq2ps      m0, m0
+    minps         m0, m2
+    cvtps2dq      m0, m0
+%endif ; mmx/sse2/ssse3/sse4
+%ifnidn %3, X
+    movu [r1+r2*(4>>r2shr)], m0
+%else ; %3 == X
+    movq   [r1+r2*4], m0
+%endif ; %3 ==/!= X
+%endif ; %2 == 15/19
+%ifnidn %3, X
+    add           r2, (mmsize<<r2shr)/4  ; both 8tap and 4tap really only do 4 pixels (or for mmx: 2 pixels)
+                                         ; per iteration. see "shl r2,1" above as for why we do this
+%else ; %3 == X
+    add           r2, 2
+%endif ; %3 ==/!= X
+    jl .loop
+%ifnidn %3, X
+    REP_RET
+%else ; %3 == X
+%ifdef ARCH_X86_64
+    pop          r12
+    RET
+%else ; x86-32
+    REP_RET
+%endif ; x86-32/64
+%endif ; %3 ==/!= X
+; SCALE_FUNCS source_width, intermediate_nbits, opt, n_xmm
+%macro SCALE_FUNCS 4
+SCALE_FUNC %1, %2, 4, 4,  %3, 6, %4
+SCALE_FUNC %1, %2, 8, 8,  %3, 6, %4
+%if mmsize == 8
+SCALE_FUNC %1, %2, X, X,  %3, 7, %4
+SCALE_FUNC %1, %2, X, X4, %3, 7, %4
+SCALE_FUNC %1, %2, X, X8, %3, 7, %4
+; SCALE_FUNCS2 opt, 8_xmm_args, 9to10_xmm_args, 16_xmm_args
+%macro SCALE_FUNCS2 4
+%ifnidn %1, sse4
+SCALE_FUNCS  8, 15, %1, %2
+SCALE_FUNCS  9, 15, %1, %3
+SCALE_FUNCS 10, 15, %1, %3
+SCALE_FUNCS 16, 15, %1, %4
+%endif ; !sse4
+SCALE_FUNCS  8, 19, %1, %2
+SCALE_FUNCS  9, 19, %1, %3
+SCALE_FUNCS 10, 19, %1, %3
+SCALE_FUNCS 16, 19, %1, %4
+%ifdef ARCH_X86_32
+SCALE_FUNCS2 mmx,   0, 0, 0
+SCALE_FUNCS2 sse2,  6, 7, 8
+SCALE_FUNCS2 ssse3, 6, 6, 8
+SCALE_FUNCS2 sse4,  6, 6, 8
diff --git a/libswscale/x86/swscale_mmx.c b/libswscale/x86/swscale_mmx.c
index f855a75212..dd7aea1492 100644
--- a/libswscale/x86/swscale_mmx.c
+++ b/libswscale/x86/swscale_mmx.c
@@ -176,6 +176,41 @@ void updateMMXDitherTables(SwsContext *c, int dstY, int lumBufIndex, int chrBufI
+#define SCALE_FUNC(filter_n, from_bpc, to_bpc, opt) \
+extern void ff_hscale ## from_bpc ## to ## to_bpc ## _ ## filter_n ## _ ## opt( \
+                                                SwsContext *c, int16_t *data, \
+                                                int dstW, const uint8_t *src, \
+                                                const int16_t *filter, \
+                                                const int16_t *filterPos, int filterSize);
+#define SCALE_FUNCS(filter_n, opt) \
+    SCALE_FUNC(filter_n,  8, 15, opt); \
+    SCALE_FUNC(filter_n,  9, 15, opt); \
+    SCALE_FUNC(filter_n, 10, 15, opt); \
+    SCALE_FUNC(filter_n, 16, 15, opt); \
+    SCALE_FUNC(filter_n,  8, 19, opt); \
+    SCALE_FUNC(filter_n,  9, 19, opt); \
+    SCALE_FUNC(filter_n, 10, 19, opt); \
+    SCALE_FUNC(filter_n, 16, 19, opt)
+#define SCALE_FUNCS_MMX(opt) \
+    SCALE_FUNCS(4, opt); \
+    SCALE_FUNCS(8, opt); \
+    SCALE_FUNCS(X, opt)
+#define SCALE_FUNCS_SSE(opt) \
+    SCALE_FUNCS(4, opt); \
+    SCALE_FUNCS(8, opt); \
+    SCALE_FUNCS(X4, opt); \
+    SCALE_FUNCS(X8, opt)
+#if ARCH_X86_32
 void ff_sws_init_swScale_mmx(SwsContext *c)
     int cpu_flags = av_get_cpu_flags();
@@ -186,4 +221,55 @@ void ff_sws_init_swScale_mmx(SwsContext *c)
     if (cpu_flags & AV_CPU_FLAG_MMX2)
+#define ASSIGN_SCALE_FUNC2(hscalefn, filtersize, opt1, opt2) do { \
+    if (c->srcBpc == 8) { \
+        hscalefn = c->dstBpc <= 10 ? ff_hscale8to15_ ## filtersize ## _ ## opt2 : \
+                                     ff_hscale8to19_ ## filtersize ## _ ## opt1; \
+    } else if (c->srcBpc == 9) { \
+        hscalefn = c->dstBpc <= 10 ? ff_hscale9to15_ ## filtersize ## _ ## opt2 : \
+                                     ff_hscale9to19_ ## filtersize ## _ ## opt1; \
+    } else if (c->srcBpc == 10) { \
+        hscalefn = c->dstBpc <= 10 ? ff_hscale10to15_ ## filtersize ## _ ## opt2 : \
+                                     ff_hscale10to19_ ## filtersize ## _ ## opt1; \
+    } else /* c->srcBpc == 16 */ { \
+        hscalefn = c->dstBpc <= 10 ? ff_hscale16to15_ ## filtersize ## _ ## opt2 : \
+                                     ff_hscale16to19_ ## filtersize ## _ ## opt1; \
+    } \
+} while (0)
+#define ASSIGN_MMX_SCALE_FUNC(hscalefn, filtersize, opt1, opt2) \
+    switch (filtersize) { \
+    case 4:  ASSIGN_SCALE_FUNC2(hscalefn, 4, opt1, opt2); break; \
+    case 8:  ASSIGN_SCALE_FUNC2(hscalefn, 8, opt1, opt2); break; \
+    default: ASSIGN_SCALE_FUNC2(hscalefn, X, opt1, opt2); break; \
+    }
+#if ARCH_X86_32
+    if (cpu_flags & AV_CPU_FLAG_MMX) {
+        ASSIGN_MMX_SCALE_FUNC(c->hyScale, c->hLumFilterSize, mmx, mmx);
+        ASSIGN_MMX_SCALE_FUNC(c->hcScale, c->hChrFilterSize, mmx, mmx);
+    }
+#define ASSIGN_SSE_SCALE_FUNC(hscalefn, filtersize, opt1, opt2) \
+    switch (filtersize) { \
+    case 4:  ASSIGN_SCALE_FUNC2(hscalefn, 4, opt1, opt2); break; \
+    case 8:  ASSIGN_SCALE_FUNC2(hscalefn, 8, opt1, opt2); break; \
+    default: if (filtersize & 4) ASSIGN_SCALE_FUNC2(hscalefn, X4, opt1, opt2); \
+             else                ASSIGN_SCALE_FUNC2(hscalefn, X8, opt1, opt2); \
+             break; \
+    }
+    if (cpu_flags & AV_CPU_FLAG_SSE2) {
+        ASSIGN_SSE_SCALE_FUNC(c->hyScale, c->hLumFilterSize, sse2, sse2);
+        ASSIGN_SSE_SCALE_FUNC(c->hcScale, c->hChrFilterSize, sse2, sse2);
+    }
+    if (cpu_flags & AV_CPU_FLAG_SSSE3) {
+        ASSIGN_SSE_SCALE_FUNC(c->hyScale, c->hLumFilterSize, ssse3, ssse3);
+        ASSIGN_SSE_SCALE_FUNC(c->hcScale, c->hChrFilterSize, ssse3, ssse3);
+    }
+    if (cpu_flags & AV_CPU_FLAG_SSE4) {
+        /* Xto15 don't need special sse4 functions */
+        ASSIGN_SSE_SCALE_FUNC(c->hyScale, c->hLumFilterSize, sse4, ssse3);
+        ASSIGN_SSE_SCALE_FUNC(c->hcScale, c->hChrFilterSize, sse4, ssse3);
+    }
diff --git a/libswscale/x86/swscale_template.c b/libswscale/x86/swscale_template.c
index 705c62333c..50e4e4a022 100644
--- a/libswscale/x86/swscale_template.c
+++ b/libswscale/x86/swscale_template.c
@@ -1958,164 +1958,6 @@ static void RENAME(rgb24ToUV)(uint8_t *dstU, uint8_t *dstV,
     RENAME(bgr24ToUV_mmx)(dstU, dstV, src1, width, PIX_FMT_RGB24);
-// bilinear / bicubic scaling
-static void RENAME(hScale)(SwsContext *c, int16_t *dst, int dstW,
-                           const uint8_t *src, const int16_t *filter,
-                           const int16_t *filterPos, int filterSize)
-    assert(filterSize % 4 == 0 && filterSize>0);
-    if (filterSize==4) { // Always true for upscaling, sometimes for down, too.
-        x86_reg counter= -2*dstW;
-        filter-= counter*2;
-        filterPos-= counter/2;
-        dst-= counter/2;
-        __asm__ volatile(
-#if defined(PIC)
-            "push            %%"REG_b"              \n\t"
-            "pxor                %%mm7, %%mm7       \n\t"
-            "push           %%"REG_BP"              \n\t" // we use 7 regs here ...
-            "mov             %%"REG_a", %%"REG_BP"  \n\t"
-            ".p2align                4              \n\t"
-            "1:                                     \n\t"
-            "movzwl   (%2, %%"REG_BP"), %%eax       \n\t"
-            "movzwl  2(%2, %%"REG_BP"), %%ebx       \n\t"
-            "movq  (%1, %%"REG_BP", 4), %%mm1       \n\t"
-            "movq 8(%1, %%"REG_BP", 4), %%mm3       \n\t"
-            "movd      (%3, %%"REG_a"), %%mm0       \n\t"
-            "movd      (%3, %%"REG_b"), %%mm2       \n\t"
-            "punpcklbw           %%mm7, %%mm0       \n\t"
-            "punpcklbw           %%mm7, %%mm2       \n\t"
-            "pmaddwd             %%mm1, %%mm0       \n\t"
-            "pmaddwd             %%mm2, %%mm3       \n\t"
-            "movq                %%mm0, %%mm4       \n\t"
-            "punpckldq           %%mm3, %%mm0       \n\t"
-            "punpckhdq           %%mm3, %%mm4       \n\t"
-            "paddd               %%mm4, %%mm0       \n\t"
-            "psrad                  $7, %%mm0       \n\t"
-            "packssdw            %%mm0, %%mm0       \n\t"
-            "movd                %%mm0, (%4, %%"REG_BP")    \n\t"
-            "add                    $4, %%"REG_BP"  \n\t"
-            " jnc                   1b              \n\t"
-            "pop            %%"REG_BP"              \n\t"
-#if defined(PIC)
-            "pop             %%"REG_b"              \n\t"
-            : "+a" (counter)
-            : "c" (filter), "d" (filterPos), "S" (src), "D" (dst)
-#if !defined(PIC)
-            : "%"REG_b
-        );
-    } else if (filterSize==8) {
-        x86_reg counter= -2*dstW;
-        filter-= counter*4;
-        filterPos-= counter/2;
-        dst-= counter/2;
-        __asm__ volatile(
-#if defined(PIC)
-            "push             %%"REG_b"             \n\t"
-            "pxor                 %%mm7, %%mm7      \n\t"
-            "push            %%"REG_BP"             \n\t" // we use 7 regs here ...
-            "mov              %%"REG_a", %%"REG_BP" \n\t"
-            ".p2align                 4             \n\t"
-            "1:                                     \n\t"
-            "movzwl    (%2, %%"REG_BP"), %%eax      \n\t"
-            "movzwl   2(%2, %%"REG_BP"), %%ebx      \n\t"
-            "movq   (%1, %%"REG_BP", 8), %%mm1      \n\t"
-            "movq 16(%1, %%"REG_BP", 8), %%mm3      \n\t"
-            "movd       (%3, %%"REG_a"), %%mm0      \n\t"
-            "movd       (%3, %%"REG_b"), %%mm2      \n\t"
-            "punpcklbw            %%mm7, %%mm0      \n\t"
-            "punpcklbw            %%mm7, %%mm2      \n\t"
-            "pmaddwd              %%mm1, %%mm0      \n\t"
-            "pmaddwd              %%mm2, %%mm3      \n\t"
-            "movq  8(%1, %%"REG_BP", 8), %%mm1      \n\t"
-            "movq 24(%1, %%"REG_BP", 8), %%mm5      \n\t"
-            "movd      4(%3, %%"REG_a"), %%mm4      \n\t"
-            "movd      4(%3, %%"REG_b"), %%mm2      \n\t"
-            "punpcklbw            %%mm7, %%mm4      \n\t"
-            "punpcklbw            %%mm7, %%mm2      \n\t"
-            "pmaddwd              %%mm1, %%mm4      \n\t"
-            "pmaddwd              %%mm2, %%mm5      \n\t"
-            "paddd                %%mm4, %%mm0      \n\t"
-            "paddd                %%mm5, %%mm3      \n\t"
-            "movq                 %%mm0, %%mm4      \n\t"
-            "punpckldq            %%mm3, %%mm0      \n\t"
-            "punpckhdq            %%mm3, %%mm4      \n\t"
-            "paddd                %%mm4, %%mm0      \n\t"
-            "psrad                   $7, %%mm0      \n\t"
-            "packssdw             %%mm0, %%mm0      \n\t"
-            "movd                 %%mm0, (%4, %%"REG_BP")   \n\t"
-            "add                     $4, %%"REG_BP" \n\t"
-            " jnc                    1b             \n\t"
-            "pop             %%"REG_BP"             \n\t"
-#if defined(PIC)
-            "pop              %%"REG_b"             \n\t"
-            : "+a" (counter)
-            : "c" (filter), "d" (filterPos), "S" (src), "D" (dst)
-#if !defined(PIC)
-            : "%"REG_b
-        );
-    } else {
-        const uint8_t *offset = src+filterSize;
-        x86_reg counter= -2*dstW;
-        //filter-= counter*filterSize/2;
-        filterPos-= counter/2;
-        dst-= counter/2;
-        __asm__ volatile(
-            "pxor                  %%mm7, %%mm7     \n\t"
-            ".p2align                  4            \n\t"
-            "1:                                     \n\t"
-            "mov                      %2, %%"REG_c" \n\t"
-            "movzwl      (%%"REG_c", %0), %%eax     \n\t"
-            "movzwl     2(%%"REG_c", %0), %%edx     \n\t"
-            "mov                      %5, %%"REG_c" \n\t"
-            "pxor                  %%mm4, %%mm4     \n\t"
-            "pxor                  %%mm5, %%mm5     \n\t"
-            "2:                                     \n\t"
-            "movq                   (%1), %%mm1     \n\t"
-            "movq               (%1, %6), %%mm3     \n\t"
-            "movd (%%"REG_c", %%"REG_a"), %%mm0     \n\t"
-            "movd (%%"REG_c", %%"REG_d"), %%mm2     \n\t"
-            "punpcklbw             %%mm7, %%mm0     \n\t"
-            "punpcklbw             %%mm7, %%mm2     \n\t"
-            "pmaddwd               %%mm1, %%mm0     \n\t"
-            "pmaddwd               %%mm2, %%mm3     \n\t"
-            "paddd                 %%mm3, %%mm5     \n\t"
-            "paddd                 %%mm0, %%mm4     \n\t"
-            "add                      $8, %1        \n\t"
-            "add                      $4, %%"REG_c" \n\t"
-            "cmp                      %4, %%"REG_c" \n\t"
-            " jb                      2b            \n\t"
-            "add                      %6, %1        \n\t"
-            "movq                  %%mm4, %%mm0     \n\t"
-            "punpckldq             %%mm5, %%mm4     \n\t"
-            "punpckhdq             %%mm5, %%mm0     \n\t"
-            "paddd                 %%mm0, %%mm4     \n\t"
-            "psrad                    $7, %%mm4     \n\t"
-            "packssdw              %%mm4, %%mm4     \n\t"
-            "mov                      %3, %%"REG_a" \n\t"
-            "movd                  %%mm4, (%%"REG_a", %0)   \n\t"
-            "add                      $4, %0        \n\t"
-            " jnc                     1b            \n\t"
-            : "+r" (counter), "+r" (filter)
-            : "m" (filterPos), "m" (dst), "m"(offset),
-            "m" (src), "r" ((x86_reg)filterSize*2)
-            : "%"REG_a, "%"REG_c, "%"REG_d
-        );
-    }
-#endif /* !COMPILE_TEMPLATE_MMX2 */
 static void RENAME(hyscale_fast)(SwsContext *c, int16_t *dst,
                                  int dstWidth, const uint8_t *src,
@@ -2317,10 +2159,6 @@ static av_cold void RENAME(sws_init_swScale)(SwsContext *c)
     if (c->srcBpc == 8 && c->dstBpc <= 10) {
-    c->hyScale = c->hcScale = RENAME(hScale      );
-#endif /* !COMPILE_TEMPLATE_MMX2 */
     // Use the new MMX scaler if the MMX2 one can't be used (it is faster than the x86 ASM one).
     if (c->flags & SWS_FAST_BILINEAR && c->canMMX2BeUsed)