Make process @include texinfo directives wherever they are

placed, and not only if inside @c man begin/end sections.

Originally committed as revision 23544 to svn://
This commit is contained in:
Stefano Sabatini 2010-06-08 23:03:16 +00:00
parent 22cb270ca5
commit 4db960650c

@ -100,6 +100,17 @@ while(<$inf>) {
/^\@include\s+(.+)$/ and do {
push @instack, $inf;
$inf = gensym();
# Try cwd and $ibase.
open($inf, "<" . $1)
or open($inf, "<" . $ibase . "/" . $1)
or die "cannot open $1 or $ibase/$1: $!\n";
# Look for blocks surrounded by @c man begin SECTION ... @c man end.
# This really oughta be @ifman ... @end ifman and the like, but such
# would require rev'ing all other Texinfo translators.
@ -220,17 +231,6 @@ while(<$inf>) {
# Single line command handlers.
/^\@include\s+(.+)$/ and do {
push @instack, $inf;
$inf = gensym();
# Try cwd and $ibase.
open($inf, "<" . $1)
or open($inf, "<" . $ibase . "/" . $1)
or die "cannot open $1 or $ibase/$1: $!\n";
and $_ = "\n=head2 $1\n";