libc++ Kona Status

This is a temporary page; please check the c++1z status here

This page shows the status of the papers and issues that are expected to be adopted in Kona.

The groups that have contributed papers:

Paper Status

Paper #GroupPaper NameMeetingStatusFirst released version

Library Working group Issues Status

Issue #Issue NameMeetingStatus
1169num_get not fully compatible with strto*Kona
2072Unclear wording about capacity of temporary buffersKonaComplete
2101Some transformation types can produce impossible typesKona
2111Which unexpected/terminate handler is called from the exception handling runtime?KonaComplete
2119Missing hash specializations for extended integer typesKona
2127Move-construction with raw_storage_iteratorKonaPatch Ready
2133Attitude to overloaded comma for iteratorsKonaComplete
2156Unordered containers' reserve(n) reserves for n-1 elementsKona
2181Exceptions from seed sequence operationsKona
2218Unclear how containers use allocator_traits::construct()Kona
2219INVOKE-ing a pointer to member with a reference_wrapper as the object expressionKona
2244Issue on basic_istream::seekgKonaPatch Ready
2250Follow-up On Library Issue 2207Kona
2259Issues in rules for member functionsKonaComplete
2336is_trivially_constructible/is_trivially_assignable traits are always falseKona
2353std::next is over-constrainedKona
2367pair and tuple are not correctly implemented for is_constructible with no argsKona
2380May <cstdlib> provide long ::abs(long) and long long ::abs(long long)?KonaComplete
2384Allocator's deallocate function needs better specificationKonaComplete
2385function::assign allocator argument doesn't make senseKona
2435reference_wrapper::operator()'s Remark should be deletedKonaComplete
2447Allocators and volatile-qualified value typesKonaComplete
2462std::ios_base::failure is overspecifiedKonaComplete
2466allocator_traits::max_size() default behavior is incorrectKonaPatch Ready
2469Wrong specification of Requires clause of operator[] for map and unordered_mapKona
2473basic_filebuf's relation to C FILE semanticsKonaComplete
2476scoped_allocator_adaptor is not assignableKonaPatch Ready
2477Inconsistency of wordings in std::vector::erase() and std::deque::erase()KonaComplete
2483throw_with_nested() should use is_finalKonaComplete
2484rethrow_if_nested() is doubly unimplementableKonaComplete
2485get() should be overloaded for const tuple&&Kona
2486mem_fn() should be required to use perfect forwardingKona
2487bind() should be const-overloaded, not cv-overloadedKonaComplete
2489mem_fn() should be noexceptKonaPatch Ready
2492Clarify requirements for compKonaComplete
2494[fund.ts.v2] ostream_joiner needs noexceptKona

Comments about the issues

Last Updated: 5-Oct-2015