diff --git a/www/cxx1y_status.html b/www/cxx1y_status.html index 4b11fa84..b3a796ce 100644 --- a/www/cxx1y_status.html +++ b/www/cxx1y_status.html @@ -39,37 +39,64 @@

The draft standard includes papers and issues that were voted on at the previous three meetings (Kona, Portland, and Bristol)


The groups that have contributed papers: +



Paper Status

- - + - - + + - - - - + + + + + + + + + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Paper #Paper NameMeetingStatus
3346Terminology for Container Element Requirements - Rev 1KonaComplete
Paper #GroupPaper NameMeetingStatusFirst released version
3421Making Operator Functors greater<>PortlandComplete
3462std::result_of and SFINAEPortlandComplete
3346LWGTerminology for Container Element Requirements - Rev 1KonaComplete3.4
3469Constexpr Library Additions: chrono, v3PortlandComplete
3470Constexpr Library Additions: containers, v2PortlandComplete
3471Constexpr Library Additions: utilities, v3PortlandComplete
3302Constexpr Library Additions: complex, v2PortlandComplete
3323CWGA Proposal to Tweak Certain C++ Contextual Conversions, v3Portland
3421LWGMaking Operator Functors greater<>PortlandComplete3.4
3462LWGstd::result_of and SFINAEPortlandComplete3.4
3469LWGConstexpr Library Additions: chrono, v3PortlandComplete3.4
3470LWGConstexpr Library Additions: containers, v2PortlandComplete3.4
3471LWGConstexpr Library Additions: utilities, v3PortlandComplete3.4
3302LWGConstexpr Library Additions: complex, v2PortlandComplete3.4
3545An Incremental Improvement to integral_constantBristolComplete
3644Null Forward IteratorsBristolComplete
3658Compile-time integer sequencesBristolComplete
3670Addressing Tuples by TypeBristolComplete
3671Making non-modifying sequence operations more robustBristolComplete
3654Quoted StringsBristolImplemented, but not checked in
3642User-defined LiteralsBristolComplete
3655TransformationTraits Redux (excluding part 4)BristolComplete
3657Adding heterogeneous comparison lookup to associative containersBristolComplete
3672A proposal to add a utility class to represent optional objectsBristol
3669Fixing constexpr member functions without constBristolComplete
3662C++ Dynamic Arrays (dynarray)Bristol
3472CWGBinary Literals in the C++ Core LanguageBristol
3624CWGCore Issue 1512: Pointer comparison vs qualification conversions (revision 3)Bristol
3639CWGRuntime-sized arrays with automatic storage duration (revision 5)Bristol
3638CWGReturn type deduction for normal functionsBristol
3648CWGWording Changes for Generalized Lambda-captureBristol
3653CWGMember initializers and aggregatesBristol
3667CWGDrafting for Core 1402Bristol
3652CWGRelaxing constraints on constexpr functions" and "constexpr member functions and implicit constBristol
3664CWGClarifying Memory AllocationBristol
3651CWGVariable Templates (Revision 1)Bristol
3649CWGGeneric (Polymorphic) Lambda Expressions (Revision 3)Bristol
3545LWGAn Incremental Improvement to integral_constantBristolComplete3.4
3644LWGNull Forward IteratorsBristolComplete3.4
3658LWGCompile-time integer sequencesBristolComplete3.4
3670LWGAddressing Tuples by TypeBristolComplete3.4
3671LWGMaking non-modifying sequence operations more robustBristolComplete3.4
3654LWGQuoted StringsBristolImplemented, but not checked in
3642LWGUser-defined LiteralsBristolComplete3.4
3655LWGTransformationTraits Redux (excluding part 4)BristolComplete3.4
3657LWGAdding heterogeneous comparison lookup to associative containersBristolComplete3.4
3672LWGA proposal to add a utility class to represent optional objectsBristol
3669LWGFixing constexpr member functions without constBristolComplete3.4
3662LWGC++ Dynamic Arrays (dynarray)Bristol
3659SG1Shared Locking in C++Bristol

Issue Status

- Note: "NAD" means that the issue was deemed "Not a defect" +

Library Working group Issues Status

Issue #Issue NameMeetingStatus
1214Insufficient/inconsistent key immutability requirements for associative containersKona