diff --git a/www/index.html b/www/index.html
index 6cd5108d..f70493c5 100644
--- a/www/index.html
+++ b/www/index.html
@@ -115,9 +115,7 @@
   <h2 id="dir-structure">Current Status</h2>
-   <p><a href="libcxx_by_chapter.pdf">Here</a> is a by-chapter breakdown of what
-   is passing tests and what isn't. This chart is currently based on testing
-   against clang++ with -std=c++11 on Apple's OS X. </p>
+   <p>libc++ is a 100% complete C++11 implemenation on Apple's OS X. </p>
    Ports to other platforms are underway. Here are recent test
diff --git a/www/libcxx_by_chapter.pdf b/www/libcxx_by_chapter.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index d29ef3e6..00000000
Binary files a/www/libcxx_by_chapter.pdf and /dev/null differ