diff --git a/www/cxx1y_status.html b/www/cxx1y_status.html
index fa083952..4d5153ed 100644
--- a/www/cxx1y_status.html
+++ b/www/cxx1y_status.html
@@ -185,31 +185,31 @@
2235 | Undefined behavior without proper requirements on basic_string constructors | Bristol | Complete |
| | | |
2141 | common_type trait produces reference types | Chicago | Complete |
- 2235 | Undefined behavior without proper requirements on basic_string constructors | Chicago | |
- 2246 | unique_ptr assignment effects w.r.t. deleter | Chicago | |
+ 2235 | Undefined behavior without proper requirements on basic_string constructors | Chicago | Complete |
+ 2246 | unique_ptr assignment effects w.r.t. deleter | Chicago | Complete |
2247 | Type traits and std::nullptr_t | Chicago | Complete |
- 2085 | Wrong description of effect 1 of basic_istream::ignore | Chicago | |
- 2087 | iostream_category() and noexcept | Chicago | |
- 2143 | ios_base::xalloc should be thread-safe | Chicago | |
- 2150 | Unclear specification of find_end | Chicago | |
+ 2085 | Wrong description of effect 1 of basic_istream::ignore | Chicago | Complete |
+ 2087 | iostream_category() and noexcept | Chicago | Complete |
+ 2143 | ios_base::xalloc should be thread-safe | Chicago | Complete |
+ 2150 | Unclear specification of find_end | Chicago | Complete |
2180 | Exceptions from std::seed_seq operations | Chicago | |
- 2194 | Impossible container requirements for adaptor types | Chicago | |
+ 2194 | Impossible container requirements for adaptor types | Chicago | Complete |
2013 | Do library implementers have the freedom to add constexpr? | Chicago | Complete |
2018 | regex_traits::isctype Returns clause is wrong | Chicago | |
2078 | Throw specification of async() incomplete | Chicago | |
- 2097 | packaged_task constructors should be constrained | Chicago | |
+ 2097 | packaged_task constructors should be constrained | Chicago | Complete |
2100 | Timed waiting functions cannot timeout if launch::async policy used | Chicago | |
2120 | What should async do if neither 'async' nor 'deferred' is set in policy? | Chicago | |
- 2159 | atomic_flag initialization | Chicago | |
+ 2159 | atomic_flag initialization | Chicago | Complete |
2275 | Why is forward_as_tuple not constexpr? | Chicago | Complete |
2284 | Inconsistency in allocator_traits::max_size | Chicago | Complete |
- 2298 | is_nothrow_constructible is always false because of create<> | Chicago | |
+ 2298 | is_nothrow_constructible is always false because of create<> | Chicago | Complete |
2300 | Redundant sections for map and multimap members should be removed | Chicago | Complete |
- National Body comment 'GB 9' | Remove gets from C++14 | Chicago | |
+ National Body comment 'GB 9' | Remove gets from C++14 | Chicago | Complete |
- Last Updated: 6-Oct-2013
+ Last Updated: 12-Oct-2013