diff --git a/www/cxx1y_status.html b/www/cxx1y_status.html
index 8e50e757..10cba9db 100644
--- a/www/cxx1y_status.html
+++ b/www/cxx1y_status.html
@@ -131,19 +131,6 @@
2222 | Inconsistency in description of forward_list::splice_after single-element overload | Bristol | |
2225 | Unrealistic header inclusion checks required | Bristol | |
2231 | DR 704 removes complexity guarantee for clear() | Bristol | |
- 2094 | duration conversion overflow shouldn't participate in overload resolution | Bristol | |
- 2122 | merge() stability for lists versus forward lists | Bristol | |
- 2128 | Absence of global functions cbegin/cend | Bristol | |
- 2148 | Hashing enums should be supported directly by std::hash | Bristol | |
- 2149 | Concerns about 20.8/5 | Bristol | |
- 2162 | allocator_traits::max_size missing noexcept | Bristol | |
- 2176 | Special members for wstring_convert and wbuffer_convert | Bristol | |
- 2196 | Specification of is_*[copy/move]_[constructible/assignable] unclear for non-referencable types | Bristol | |
- 2203 | scoped_allocator_adaptor uses wrong argument types for piecewise construction | Bristol | |
- 2207 | basic_string::at should not have a Requires clause | Bristol | |
- 2210 | Missing allocator-extended constructor for allocator-aware containers | Bristol | |
- 2229 | Standard code conversion facets underspecified | Bristol | |
- 2235 | Undefined behavior without proper requirements on basic_string constructors | Bristol | |
Last Updated: 13-Aug-2013