SSLeay was the name of the library that was subsequently turned into OpenSSL many moons ago (1999). curl does not work with the old SSLeay library since years. This is now reflected by only using USE_OPENSSL in code that depends on OpenSSL.
165 lines
4.4 KiB
165 lines
4.4 KiB
# Makefile.b32 - Borland's C++ Compiler 5.X
# 'lib' directory
# 'BCCDIR' has to be set up to point to the base directory
# of the compiler, i.e. SET BCCDIR = c:\Borland\BCC55
# Initially written by Jaepil Kim, pit@paradise.net.nz
!if "$(__MAKE__)" == ""
!error __MAKE__ not defined. Use Borlands's MAKE to process this makefile.
# Borland's $(MAKEDIR) expands to the path where make.exe is located,
# use this feature to define BCCDIR when user has not defined BCCDIR.
!ifndef BCCDIR
# Edit the path below to point to the base of your Zlib sources.
!ifndef ZLIB_PATH
ZLIB_PATH = ..\..\zlib-1.2.8
# Edit the path below to point to the base of your OpenSSL package.
OPENSSL_PATH = ..\..\openssl-0.9.8zc
# Set libcurl static lib, dll and import lib
LIBCURL_LIB = libcurl.lib
LIBCURL_DLL = libcurl.dll
LIBCURL_IMPLIB = libcurl_imp.lib
# Setup environment
PP_CMD = cpp32 -q -P-
CC_CMD = bcc32 -q -c
LD = bcc32
RM = del 2>NUL
MKDIR = md
RMDIR = rd /q
LIB = tlib
IMPLIB = implib
CC_FLAGS = -5 -O2 -tWM -w -w-aus -w-ccc -w-dup -w-prc -w-pro -w-rch -w-sig -w-spa -w-inl -w-pia -w-pin -Dinline=__inline
LDFLAGS = -q -lq -laa -tWD
SRCDIR = .;.\vtls
OBJDIR = .\BCC_objs
INCDIRS = -I.;.\lib;..\include
LINKLIB = $(BCCDIR)\lib\cw32mt.lib $(BCCDIR)\lib\ws2_32.lib
# By default SSPI support is enabled for BCC
# By default LDAP support is disabled for BCC
!ifndef WITH_LDAP
# ZLIB support is enabled setting WITH_ZLIB=1
!ifdef WITH_ZLIB
# SSL support is enabled setting WITH_SSL=1
!ifdef WITH_SSL
INCDIRS = $(INCDIRS);$(OPENSSL_PATH)\inc32;$(OPENSSL_PATH)\inc32\openssl
LINKLIB = $(LINKLIB) $(OPENSSL_PATH)\out32\ssleay32.lib $(OPENSSL_PATH)\out32\libeay32.lib
.path.c = $(SRCDIR)
.path.obj = $(OBJDIR)
.path.int = $(OBJDIR)
# Makefile.inc provides the CSOURCES and HHEADERS defines
!include Makefile.inc
# Borland's command line librarian program TLIB version 4.5 is not capable
# of building a library when any of its objects contains an hypen in its
# name, due to a command line parsing bug. In order to workaround this, we
# build source files with hyphens in their name as objects with underscores
# using explicit compilation build rules instead of implicit ones.
OBJECTS = $(NOHYPHEN2:.c=.obj)
# Borland's command line compiler (BCC32) version 5.5.1 integrated
# preprocessor has a bug which results in silently generating wrong
# definitions for libcurl macros such as CURL_OFF_T_C, on the other
# hand Borland's command line preprocessor (CPP32) version 5.5.1 does
# not have the bug and achieves proper results. In order to avoid the
# silent bug we first preprocess source files and later compile the
# preprocessed result.
@-$(RM) $(@R).int
$(PP_CMD) $(CC_FLAGS) $(INCDIRS) $(DEFINES) -o$(@R).int $(<)
$(CC_CMD) $(CC_FLAGS) -o$(@) $(@R).int
asyn_ares.obj: asyn-ares.c
@-$(RM) $(@R).int
$(PP_CMD) $(CC_FLAGS) $(INCDIRS) $(DEFINES) -o$(@R).int $(?)
$(CC_CMD) $(CC_FLAGS) -o$(@) $(@R).int
asyn_thread.obj: asyn-thread.c
@-$(RM) $(@R).int
$(PP_CMD) $(CC_FLAGS) $(INCDIRS) $(DEFINES) -o$(@R).int $(?)
$(CC_CMD) $(CC_FLAGS) -o$(@) $(@R).int
non_ascii.obj: non-ascii.c
@-$(RM) $(@R).int
$(PP_CMD) $(CC_FLAGS) $(INCDIRS) $(DEFINES) -o$(@R).int $(?)
$(CC_CMD) $(CC_FLAGS) -o$(@) $(@R).int
cd $(OBJDIR)
@-$(RM) $(OBJECTS)
cd ..
@-$(RM) libcurl.tds
$(LIB) $(LIBFLAGS) $@ @&&!
+$(**: = &^
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -e$(LIBCURL_DLL) @&&!
$(**: = ^
# End of Makefile.b32