http://sources.redhat.com/automake/automake.html#Extending-aclocal documents that starting with Automake 1.8, aclocal will warn about all underquoted calls to AC_DEFUN due to the fact that in a single aclocal run it might include more than once all .m4 files which it finds available, this includes .m4 files from other software packages. If the first argument to AC_DEFUN is underquoted and the same macro is included more than once, successive inclusions after the first one will expand the macro instead of assuming it is the same as the first one included.
637 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
637 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# _ _ ____ _
# Project ___| | | | _ \| |
# / __| | | | |_) | |
# | (__| |_| | _ <| |___
# \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
# Copyright (C) 1998 - 2008, Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at http://curl.haxx.se/docs/copyright.html.
# You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
# This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
# KIND, either express or implied.
# $Id$
# What is This Script?
# testcurl.pl is the master script to use for automatic testing of CVS-curl.
# This is written for the purpose of being run from a crontab job or similar
# at a regular interval. The output is suitable to be mailed to
# curl-autocompile@haxx.se to be dealt with automatically (make sure the
# subject includes the word "autobuild" as the mail gets silently discarded
# otherwise). The most current build status (with a resonable backlog) will
# be published on the curl site, at http://curl.haxx.se/auto/
# testcurl.pl [options] [curl-daily-name] > output
# Options:
# --configure=[options] Configure options
# --crosscompile This is a crosscompile
# --desc=[desc] Description of your test system
# --email=[email] Set email address to report as
# --extvercmd=[command] Command to use for displaying version with cross compiles.
# --mktarball=[command] Command to run after completed test
# --name=[name] Set name to report as
# --nocvsup Don't update from CVS even though it is a CVS tree
# --nobuildconf Don't run buildconf
# --runtestopts=[options] Options to pass to runtests.pl
# --setup=[file name] File name to read setup from (deprecated)
# --target=[your os] Specify your target environment.
# if [curl-daily-name] is omitted, a 'curl' CVS directory is assumed.
use strict;
use Cwd;
# Turn on warnings (equivalent to -w, which can't be used with /usr/bin/env)
#BEGIN { $^W = 1; }
use vars qw($version $fixed $infixed $CURLDIR $CVS $pwd $build $buildlog
$buildlogname $configurebuild $targetos $confsuffix $binext
use vars qw($name $email $desc $confopts $runtestopts $setupfile $mktarball
$extvercmd $nocvsup $nobuildconf $crosscompile $timestamp);
# version of this script
# Determine if we're running from CVS or a canned copy of curl,
# or if we got a specific target option or setup file option.
$setupfile = 'setup';
while ($ARGV[0]) {
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /--target=/) {
$targetos = (split(/=/, shift @ARGV))[1];
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--setup=/) {
$setupfile = (split(/=/, shift @ARGV))[1];
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--extvercmd=/) {
$extvercmd = (split(/=/, shift @ARGV))[1];
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--mktarball=/) {
$mktarball = (split(/=/, shift @ARGV))[1];
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--name=/) {
$name = (split(/=/, shift @ARGV))[1];
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--email=/) {
$email = (split(/=/, shift @ARGV))[1];
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--desc=/) {
$desc = (split(/=/, shift @ARGV))[1];
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--configure=/) {
$confopts = (split(/=/, shift @ARGV))[1];
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--nocvsup/) {
shift @ARGV;
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--nobuildconf/) {
shift @ARGV;
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--crosscompile/) {
shift @ARGV;
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--runtestopts=/) {
$runtestopts = (split(/=/, shift @ARGV, 2))[1];
else {
# Do the platform-specific stuff here
$configurebuild = 1;
$confsuffix = '';
$binext = '';
$libext = '.la'; # .la since both libcurl and libcares are made with libtool
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $targetos) {
if (!$targetos) {
# If no target defined on Win32 lets assume vc
$targetos = 'vc';
if ($targetos =~ /vc/ || $targetos =~ /borland/) {
$binext = '.exe';
$libext = '.lib';
elsif ($targetos =~ /mingw32/) {
$binext = '.exe';
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
$libext = '.a';
elsif ($targetos =~ /netware/) {
$configurebuild = 0;
$binext = '.nlm';
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
$libext = '.lib';
else {
$libext = '.a';
if (($^O eq 'MSWin32') &&
($targetos =~ /vc/ || $targetos =~ /mingw32/ || $targetos =~ /borland/)) {
# Set these things only when building ON Windows and for Win32 platform.
# FOR Windows since we might be cross-compiling on another system. Non-
# Windows builds still default to configure-style builds with no confsuffix.
$configurebuild = 0;
$confsuffix = '-win32';
sub rmtree($) {
my $target = $_[0];
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
foreach (glob($target)) {
system("rd /s /q $_");
} else {
system("rm -rf $target");
sub grepfile($$) {
my ($target, $fn) = @_;
open(F, $fn) or die;
while (<F>) {
if (/$target/) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub logit($) {
my $text=$_[0];
if ($text) {
print "testcurl: $text\n";
sub mydie($){
my $text=$_[0];
logit "$text";
chdir $pwd; # cd back to the original root dir
if ($pwd && $build) {
# we have a build directory name, remove the dir
logit "removing the $build dir";
rmtree "$pwd/$build";
if (-r $buildlog) {
# we have a build log output file left, remove it
logit "removing the $buildlogname file";
unlink "$buildlog";
logit "ENDING HERE"; # last line logged!
exit 1;
if (open(F, "$setupfile")) {
while (<F>) {
if (/(\w+)=(.*)/) {
eval "\$$1=$2;";
} else {
$infixed=0; # so that "additional args to configure" works properly first time...
if (!$name) {
print "please enter your name\n";
$name = <>;
chomp $name;
if (!$email) {
print "please enter your contact email address\n";
$email = <>;
chomp $email;
if (!$desc) {
print "please enter a one line system description\n";
$desc = <>;
chomp $desc;
if (!$confopts) {
if ($infixed < 4) {
print "please enter your additional arguments to configure\n";
print "examples: --with-ssl --enable-debug --enable-ipv6 --with-krb4\n";
$confopts = <>;
chomp $confopts;
if ($fixed < 4) {
open(F, ">$setupfile") or die;
print F "name='$name'\n";
print F "email='$email'\n";
print F "desc='$desc'\n";
print F "confopts='$confopts'\n";
print F "fixed='$fixed'\n";
my $str1066os = 'o' x 1066;
# Set timestamp to the UTC this script is running. Its value might
# be changed later in the script to the value present in curlver.h
$timestamp = scalar(gmtime)." UTC";
logit "STARTING HERE"; # first line logged, for scripts to trigger on
logit 'TRANSFER CONTROL ==== 1120 CHAR LINE' . $str1066os . 'LINE_END';
logit "NAME = $name";
logit "EMAIL = $email";
logit "DESC = $desc";
logit "CONFOPTS = $confopts";
logit "CFLAGS = ".$ENV{CFLAGS};
logit "CC = ".$ENV{CC};
logit "target = ".$targetos;
logit "version = $version"; # script version
logit "date = $timestamp"; # When the test build starts
$str1066os = undef;
# Make $pwd to become the path without newline. We'll use that in order to cut
# off that path from all possible logs and error messages etc.
$pwd = getcwd();
if (-d $CURLDIR) {
if ($CVS && -d "$CURLDIR/CVS") {
logit "$CURLDIR is verified to be a fine source dir";
# remove the generated sources to force them to be re-generated each
# time we run this test
unlink "$CURLDIR/src/hugehelp.c";
} elsif (!$CVS && -f "$CURLDIR/tests/testcurl.pl") {
logit "$CURLDIR is verified to be a fine daily source dir"
} else {
mydie "$CURLDIR is not a daily source dir or checked out from CVS!"
# remove any previous left-overs
rmtree "build-*";
rmtree "buildlog-*";
# this is to remove old build logs that ended up in the wrong dir
foreach (glob("$CURLDIR/buildlog-*")) { unlink $_; }
# create a dir to build in
mkdir $build, 0777;
if (-d $build) {
logit "build dir $build was created fine";
} else {
mydie "failed to create dir $build";
# get in the curl source tree root
chdir $CURLDIR;
# Do the CVS thing, or not...
if ($CVS) {
# this is a temporary fix to make things work again, remove later
logit "remove ares/aclocal.m4";
unlink "ares/aclocal.m4";
logit "update from CVS";
my $cvsstat;
sub cvsup() {
# update quietly to the latest CVS
if($nocvsup) {
logit "Skipping CVS update (--nocvsup)";
return 1;
else {
logit "run cvs up";
system("cvs -Q up -dP 2>&1");
# return !RETURNVALUE so that errors return 0 while goodness
# returns 1
return !$cvsstat;
my $att=0;
while (!cvsup()) {
logit "failed CVS update attempt number $att.";
if ($att > 10) {
last; # get out of the loop
sleep 5;
if ($cvsstat != 0) {
mydie "failed to update from CVS ($cvsstat), exiting";
elsif (!$nocvsup) {
# Set timestamp to the UTC the CVS update took place.
$timestamp = scalar(gmtime)." UTC";
if($nobuildconf) {
logit "told to not run buildconf";
elsif ($configurebuild) {
# remove possible left-overs from the past
unlink "configure";
unlink "autom4te.cache";
# generate the build files
logit "invoke buildconf, but filter off the silly aclocal warnings";
open(F, "./buildconf 2>&1 |") or die;
open(LOG, ">$buildlog") or die;
while (<F>) {
print LOG;
if (grepfile("^buildconf: OK", $buildlog)) {
logit "buildconf was successful";
else {
mydie "buildconf was NOT successful";
else {
logit "buildconf was successful (dummy message)";
# Set timestamp to the one in curlver.h if this isn't a CVS test build.
if ((-f "include/curl/curlver.h") &&
(open(F, "<include/curl/curlver.h"))) {
while (<F>) {
if ($_ =~ /^\#define\s+LIBCURL_TIMESTAMP\s+\"(.+)\".*$/) {
my $stampstring = $1;
if ($stampstring !~ /CVS/) {
$stampstring =~ s/\s+UTC//;
$timestamp = $stampstring." UTC";
# Show timestamp we are using for this test build.
logit "timestamp = $timestamp";
if ($configurebuild) {
if (-f "configure") {
logit "configure created (at least it exists)";
} else {
mydie "no configure created/found";
} else {
logit "configure created (dummy message)"; # dummy message to feign success
sub findinpath {
my $c;
my $e;
my $x='';
$x='.exe' if ($^O eq 'MSWin32');
my $s=':';
$s=';' if ($^O eq 'MSWin32');
my $p=$ENV{'PATH'};
my @pa = split($s, $p);
for $c (@_) {
for $e (@pa) {
if( -x "$e/$c$x") {
return $c;
my $make = findinpath("gmake", "make", "nmake");
if(!$make) {
mydie "Couldn't find make in the PATH";
logit "going with $make as make";
# change to build dir
chdir "$pwd/$build";
if ($configurebuild) {
# run configure script
print `../$CURLDIR/configure $confopts 2>&1`;
if (-f "lib/Makefile") {
logit "configure seems to have finished fine";
} else {
mydie "configure didn't work";
} else {
logit "copying files to build dir ...";
if (($^O eq 'MSWin32') && ($targetos !~ /netware/)) {
system("xcopy /s /q ..\\$CURLDIR .");
elsif (($^O eq 'linux') || ($targetos =~ /netware/)) {
system("cp -afr ../$CURLDIR/* .");
system("cp -af ../$CURLDIR/Makefile.dist Makefile");
system("$make -i -C lib -f Makefile.$targetos prebuild");
system("$make -i -C src -f Makefile.$targetos prebuild");
logit "display lib/config$confsuffix.h";
open(F, "lib/config$confsuffix.h") or die "lib/config$confsuffix.h: $!";
while (<F>) {
print if /^ *#/;
if (grepfile("define USE_ARES", "lib/config$confsuffix.h")) {
logit "setup to build ares";
logit "display ares/config$confsuffix.h";
if(open(F, "ares/config$confsuffix.h")) {
while (<F>) {
print if /^ *#/;
logit "build ares";
chdir "ares";
if ($targetos && !$configurebuild) {
logit "$make -f Makefile.$targetos";
open(F, "$make -f Makefile.$targetos 2>&1 |") or die;
else {
logit "$make";
open(F, "$make 2>&1 |") or die;
while (<F>) {
if (-f "libcares$libext") {
logit "ares is now built successfully (libcares$libext)";
} else {
logit "ares build failed (libares$libext)";
# cd back to the curl build dir
chdir "$pwd/$build";
if ($configurebuild) {
logit "$make -i";
open(F, "$make -i 2>&1 |") or die;
while (<F>) {
else {
logit "$make -i $targetos";
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
if ($targetos =~ /vc/) {
open(F, "nmake -i $targetos|") or die;
else {
open(F, "$make -i $targetos |") or die;
else {
open(F, "$make -i $targetos 2>&1 |") or die;
while (<F>) {
if (-f "lib/libcurl$libext") {
logit "libcurl was created fine (libcurl$libext)";
else {
mydie "libcurl was not created (libcurl$libext)";
if (-f "src/curl$binext") {
logit "curl was created fine (curl$binext)";
else {
mydie "curl was not created (curl$binext)";
if (!$crosscompile || (($extvercmd ne '') && (-x $extvercmd))) {
logit "display curl${binext} --version output";
my $cmd = ($extvercmd ne '' ? $extvercmd.' ' : '')."./src/curl${binext} --version|";
open(F, $cmd);
while(<F>) {
print LOG;
if ($configurebuild && !$crosscompile) {
my $o;
if($runtestopts) {
$o = "TEST_F=\"$runtestopts\" ";
logit "$make -k ${o}test-full";
open(F, "$make -k ${o}test-full 2>&1 |") or die;
open(LOG, ">$buildlog") or die;
while (<F>) {
print LOG;
if (grepfile("^TEST", $buildlog)) {
logit "tests were run";
} else {
mydie "test suite failure";
if (grepfile("^TESTFAIL:", $buildlog)) {
logit "the tests were not successful";
} else {
logit "the tests were successful!";
} else {
# dummy message to feign success
if($crosscompile) {
logit "cross-compiling, can't run tests";
print "TESTDONE: 1 tests out of 0 (dummy message)\n";
# create a tarball if we got that option.
if (($mktarball ne '') && (-x $mktarball)) {
# mydie to cleanup
mydie "ending nicely";