config_h.com is a new file that generates a config.h file based on the curl_config.h.in file and a quick scan of the configure script. This is actually a generic procedure that is shared with other VMS packages. The existing pre-built config-vms.h had over 100 entries that were not correct and in some cases conflicted with the build options available in the build_vms.com. generate_config_vms_h_curl.com is a helper procedure to the config_h.com. It covers the cases that the generic config_h.com is not able to figure out, and accepts input from the build_vms.com procedure. build_curlbuild_h.com is a new file to generate the curlbuild.h file that Curl is now using when it is using a curl_config.h file. post-config-vms.h is a new file that is needed to provide VMS specific definitions, and most of them need to be set before the system header files are included. The VMS build procedure is fixed: 1. Fixed to link in the correct HP ssl library. 2. Fixed to detect if HP Kerberos is installed. 3. Fixed to detect if HP LDAP is installed. 4. Fixed to detect if gnv$libzshr is installed. 5. Simplified the input parameter parsing to not use a loop. 6. Warn that 64 bit pointer option support is not complete in comments. 7. Default to IEEE floating if platform supports it so resulting libcurl will be compatible with other open source projects on VMS. 8. Default to LARGEFILE if platform supports it. 9. Default to enable SSL, LDAP, Kerberos, libz if the libraries are present. 10. Build with exact case global symbols for libcurl. 11. Generate linker option file needed. 12. Compiler list option only commonly needed items. 13. fulllist option for those who really want it. 14. Create debug symbol file on Alpha, IA64.
_ _ ____ _ ___| | | | _ \| | / __| | | | |_) | | ( (__| |_| | _ <| |___ \___|\___/|_| \_\_____| for OpenVMS History: 9-MAR-2004, Created this readme. file. Marty Kuhrt (MSK). 15-MAR-2004, MSK, Updated to reflect the new files in this directory. 14-FEB-2005, MSK, removed config-vms.h_with* file comments 10-FEB-2010, SMS. General update. Prerequisites: OpenVMS V7.0 or later (any platform) DECC V6.5 or later OpenSSL or hp SSL, if you want SSL support What is Here: This directory contains the following files: build_vms.com Build procedure. config-vms.h VMS-specific config.h. curlmsg.h C header defining cURL status code macros. curlmsg.msg Error message source for curlmsg.h and curlmsg.sdl. curlmsg.sdl SDL source defining cURL status code constants. curlmsg_vms.h Mapping of cURL status codes to VMS-form codes. hpssl_alpha.opt LINK options file for HP SSL on Alpha. hpssl_ia64.opt LINK options file for HP SSL on IA64. hpssl_vax.opt LINK options file for HP SSL on VAX. ldap.opt LINK options file for LDAP. Makefile.am cURL kit file list for this directory. Makefile.in cURL kit makefile source for this directory. openssl_alpha.opt LINK options file for OpenSSL on Alpha. openssl_ia64.opt LINK options file for OpenSSL on IA64. openssl_ssl_alpha.opt LINK options file for OpenSSL (SSL_ prefix) on Alpha. openssl_ssl_ia64.opt LINK options file for OpenSSL (SSL_ prefix) on IA64. openssl_ssl_vax.opt LINK options file for OpenSSL (SSL_ prefix) on VAX. openssl_vax.opt LINK options file for OpenSSL on VAX. readme. This file. How to Build: The (brute-force) builder is [.packages.vms]build_vms.com. Comments in this procedure describe various optional parameters which enable or disable optional program features, or which control the build in other ways. Product files (.EXE, .H, .LIS, .MAP, .OBJ, .OLB, ...) should be produced in an architecture-specific subdirectory under this directory ([.ALPHA], [.IA64], [.VAX]). Example build commands: @ [.packages.vms]build_vms.com CLEAN @ [.packages.vms]build_vms.com LARGE LDAP submit /noprint [.packages.vms]build_vms.com /param = (LARGE, LDAP) Other Notes: The test suites are not supported as of 7.11.0. The curlmsg.sdl and curlmsg.h files are generated from curlmsg.msg. This is not done automatically, since the .MSG file is a hand edit of the relevant stuff from the curl.h file. If you want to do this yourself you'll need the SDL package from the freeware collection.