CURLOPT_NOBODY is set true. PREQUOTE is then run roughly at the same place in the command sequence as it would have run if there would've been a transfer.
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Curl and libcurl 7.15.6
Public curl release number: 96
Releases counted from the very beginning: 123
Available command line options: 114
Available curl_easy_setopt() options: 133
Number of public functions in libcurl: 54
Amount of public web site mirrors: 33
Number of known libcurl bindings: 32
Number of contributors: 515
This release includes the following changes:
o CURLOPT_PREQUOTE works even when CURLOPT_NOBODY is set true
This release includes the following bugfixes:
o "Expect: 100-continue" disable on second POST on re-used connection
o src/config.h.in is fixed
This release would not have looked like this without help, code, reports and
advice from friends like these:
Domenico Andreoli, Armel Asselin, Gisle Vanem, Yang Tse
Thanks! (and sorry if I forgot to mention someone)