curl_multi perform has two phases: run through every easy handle calling
multi_runsingle and remove expired timers (timer removal).
If a small timer (e.g. 1-10ms) is set during multi_runsingle, then it's
possible that the timer has passed by when the timer removal runs. The
timer which was just added is then removed. This will potentially cause
the timer list to be empty and cause the next call to curl_multi_timeout
to return -1. Ideally, curl_multi_timeout should return 0 in this case.
One way to fix this is to move the struct timeval now = Curl_tvnow(); to
the top of curl_multi_perform. The change does that.
As mentioned in bug report #2956968, the HTTP code wouldn't send the
first empty chunk during the auth negotiation phase of the HTTP request
sending, so the server would wait for data to come and libcurl would
wait for data to arrive... I've made the code not enable chunked
encoding until the auth negotiation is done and thus this scenario
doesn't occur anymore.
Reported by: Sidney San Mart�n
When curl_multi_remove_handle() is called and an easy handle is returned
to the connection cache held in the multi handle, then we cannot allow
CURLINFO_LASTSOCKET to extract it since that will more or less encourage
that the user uses the socket while it can get used by libcurl again.
Without this fix, we'd get a segfault in Curl_getconnectinfo() trying to
dereference the NULL pointer in 'data->state.connc'.
When configured with '--without-ssl --with-nss', NTLM authentication
now uses NSS crypto library for MD5 and DES. For MD4 we have a local
implementation in that case. More details are available at
In order to get it working, curl_global_init() must be called with
CURL_GLOBAL_SSL or CURL_GLOBAL_ALL. That's necessary because NSS needs
to be initialized globally and we do so only when the NSS library is
actually required by protocol. The mentioned call of curl_global_init()
is responsible for creating of the initialization mutex.
There was also slightly changed the NSS initialization scenario, in
particular, loading of the NSS PEM module. It used to be loaded always
right after the NSS library was initialized. Now the library is
initialized as soon as any SSL or NTLM is required, while the PEM module
is prevented from being loaded until the SSL is actually required.
When a hostname resolves to multiple IP addresses and the first one
tried doesn't work, the socket for the second attempt may get dropped on
the floor, causing the request to eventually time out. The issue is that
when using kqueue (as on mac and bsd platforms) instead of select, the
kernel removes the first fd from kqueue when it is closed (in trynextip,
connect.c:503). Trynextip() then goes on to open a new socket, which
gets assigned the same number as the one it just closed. Later in
multi.c, socket_cb is not called because the fd is already in
multi->sockhash, so the new socket is never added to kqueue.
The correct fix is to ensure that socket_cb is called to remove the fd
when trynextip() closes the socket, and again to re-add it after
singleipsocket(). I'm not sure how to cleanly do that, but the attached
patch works around the problem in an admittedly kludgy way by delaying
the close to ensure that the newly-opened socket gets a different fd.
Daniel's added comment: I didn't spot a way to easily do a nicer fix so
I've proceeded with Ben's patch.
Patch by: Ben Darnell
For example the libssh2 based functions return other negative
values than -1 to signal errors and it is important that we catch
them properly. Right before this, various failures from libssh2
were treated as negative download amounts which caused havoc.
My additional call to Curl_pgrsUpdate() would sometimes get
called even though there's no connection (left) so a NULL pointer
would get passed, causing a segfault.
1) no need to call the progress function twice when in the
2) Make sure that the progress callback's return code is
acknowledged when used
As long as no error is reported, the progress function can get
called. This may be a little TOO often so we should keep an eye
on this and possibly make this conditional somehow.
Older unixes want an 'int' instead of 'size_t' as the 3rd
argumment so before this change it would cause warnings such as:
There is an implicit conversion from "unsigned long" to "int";
rounding, sign extension, or loss of accuracy may result.
Was seeing spurious SSL connection aborts using libcurl and
OpenSSL. I tracked it down to uncleared error state on the
OpenSSL error stack - patch attached deals with that.
Rough idea of problem:
Code that uses libcurl calls some library that uses OpenSSL but
don't clear the OpenSSL error stack after an error.
ssluse.c calls SSL_read which eventually gets an EWOULDBLOCK from
the OS. Returns -1 to indicate an error
ssluse.c calls SSL_get_error. First thing, SSL_get_error calls
ERR_get_error to check the OpenSSL error stack, finds an old
error and returns SSL_ERROR_SSL instead of SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ or
ssluse.c returns an error and aborts the connection
Clear the openssl error stack before calling SSL_* operation if
we're going to call SSL_get_error afterwards.
This is much more likely to happen with multi because it's easier
to intersperse other calls to the OpenSSL library in the same
Enable OpenLDAP support for cygwin builds. This support was disabled back
in 2008 due to incompatibilities between OpenSSL and OpenLDAP headers.
cygwin's OpenSSL 0.9.8l and OpenLDAP 2.3.43 versions on cygwin 1.5.25
allow building an OpenLDAP enabled libcurl supporting back to Windows 95.
Remove non-functional CURL_LDAP_HYBRID code and references.
Jason McDonald posted bug report #3006786 when he found that the
SFTP code didn't timeout properly in several places in the code
even if a timeout was set properly.
Based on his suggested patch, I wrote a different implementation
that I think addressed the issue better and also uses the connect
timeout for the initial part of the SSH/SFTP done during the
"protocol connect" phase.
Igor Novoseltsev reported a problem with the multi socket API and
using timeouts and timers. It boiled down to a problem with
libcurl's use of GetTickCount() interally to figure out the
current time, while Igor's own application code used another
function call.
It made his app call the socket API timeout function a bit
_before_ libcurl would consider the timeout to trigger, and that
could easily lead to timeouts or stalls in the app. It seems
GetTickCount() in general often has no better resolution than
16ms and switching to the alternative function
QueryPerformanceCounter has its share of problems:
We address this problem by simply having libcurl treat timers
that already has occured or will occur within 40ms subject for
treatment. I'm confident that there are other implementations and
operating systems with similarly in accurate timer functions so
it makes sense to have applied generically and I don't believe we
sacrifice much by adding a 40ms inaccuracy on these timeouts.