Added support for detecting the supported SASL authentication mechanisms
via the AUTH command. There are two ways of detecting them, either by
using the AUTH command, that will return -ERR if not supported or by
using the CAPA command which will return SASL and the list of mechanisms
if supported, not include SASL if SASL authentication is not supported
or -ERR if the CAPA command is not supported. As such it seems simpler
to use the AUTH command and fallback to normal clear text authentication
if the the command is not supported.
Additionally updated the test cases to return -ERR when the AUTH command
is encountered. Additional test cases will be added when support for the
individual authentication mechanisms is added.
Curl_pop3_write() now has a state machine that scans for the end of a
POP3 body so that the CR LF '.' CR LF sequence can come in everything
from one up to five subsequent packets.
Test case 810 is modified to use SLOWDOWN which makes the server pause
between each single byte and thus makes the POP3 body get sent to curl
basically one byte at a time.