VMS: Updates for 0740-0D1220
lib/setup-vms.h : VAX HP OpenSSL port is ancient, needs help. More defines to set symbols to uppercase. src/tool_main.c : Fix parameter to vms_special_exit() call. packages/vms/ : backup_gnv_curl_src.com : Fix the error message to have the correct package. build_curl-config_script.com : Rewrite to be more accurate. build_libcurl_pc.com : Use tool_version.h now. build_vms.com : Fix to handle lib/vtls directory. curl_gnv_build_steps.txt : Updated build procedure documentation. generate_config_vms_h_curl.com : * VAX does not support 64 bit ints, so no NTLM support for now. * VAX HP SSL port is ancient, needs some help. * Disable NGHTTP2 for now, not ported to VMS. * Disable UNIX_SOCKETS, not available on VMS yet. * HP GSSAPI port does not have gss_nt_service_name. gnv_link_curl.com : Update for new curl structure. pcsi_product_gnv_curl.com : Set up to optionally do a complete build.
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* | (__| |_| | _ <| |___
* \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
* Copyright (C) 1998 - 2013, Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al.
* Copyright (C) 1998 - 2014, Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al.
* This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
* you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
@ -203,6 +203,19 @@ char * unix_path;
#define CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data CRYPTO_CLEANUP_ALL_EX_DATA
#define CONF_modules_load_file CONF_MODULES_LOAD_FILE
#ifdef __VAX
# ifdef VMS_OLD_SSL
/* Ancient OpenSSL on VAX/VMS missing this constant */
# undef CONF_modules_load_file
static int CONF_modules_load_file(const char *filename,
const char *appname,
unsigned long flags) {
return 1;
# endif
#define DES_ecb_encrypt DES_ECB_ENCRYPT
#define DES_set_key DES_SET_KEY
#define DES_set_odd_parity DES_SET_ODD_PARITY
@ -228,6 +241,7 @@ char * unix_path;
#define EVP_cleanup EVP_CLEANUP
#define i2d_X509_PUBKEY I2D_X509_PUBKEY
#define MD4_Final MD4_FINAL
#define MD4_Init MD4_INIT
#define MD4_Update MD4_UPDATE
@ -274,6 +288,7 @@ char * unix_path;
#define SSL_get_peer_cert_chain SSL_GET_PEER_CERT_CHAIN
#define SSL_get_peer_certificate SSL_GET_PEER_CERTIFICATE
#define SSL_get_privatekey SSL_GET_PRIVATEKEY
#define SSL_get_session SSL_GET_SESSION
#define SSL_get_shutdown SSL_GET_SHUTDOWN
#define SSL_get_verify_result SSL_GET_VERIFY_RESULT
#define SSL_library_init SSL_LIBRARY_INIT
@ -291,7 +306,23 @@ char * unix_path;
#define SSLv23_client_method SSLV23_CLIENT_METHOD
#define SSLv3_client_method SSLV3_CLIENT_METHOD
#define TLSv1_client_method TLSV1_CLIENT_METHOD
#define UI_create_method UI_CREATE_METHOD
#define UI_destroy_method UI_DESTROY_METHOD
#define UI_get0_user_data UI_GET0_USER_DATA
#define UI_get_input_flags UI_GET_INPUT_FLAGS
#define UI_get_string_type UI_GET_STRING_TYPE
#define UI_create_method UI_CREATE_METHOD
#define UI_destroy_method UI_DESTROY_METHOD
#define UI_method_get_closer UI_METHOD_GET_CLOSER
#define UI_method_get_opener UI_METHOD_GET_OPENER
#define UI_method_get_reader UI_METHOD_GET_READER
#define UI_method_get_writer UI_METHOD_GET_WRITER
#define UI_method_set_closer UI_METHOD_SET_CLOSER
#define UI_method_set_opener UI_METHOD_SET_OPENER
#define UI_method_set_reader UI_METHOD_SET_READER
#define UI_method_set_writer UI_METHOD_SET_WRITER
#define UI_set_result UI_SET_RESULT
#define X509V3_EXT_print X509V3_EXT_PRINT
#define X509_EXTENSION_get_critical X509_EXTENSION_GET_CRITICAL
#define X509_EXTENSION_get_object X509_EXTENSION_GET_OBJECT
@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
$! File: build_libcurl_pc.com
$! build_curl-config_script.com
$! $Id:$
$! This generates the curl-config. script from the curl-config.in file.
$! Build the curl-config file from the config_curl.in file
$! Copyright 2013, John Malmberg
$! Copyright 2014, John Malmberg
$! Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
$! purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
$! 15-Jun-2013 J. Malmberg
$! 16-Dec-2014 J. Malmberg
$! Skip this if the curl-config. already exists.
$ if f$search("[--]curl-config.") .nes. "" then goto all_exit
$! Need to know the kit type.
$ kit_name = f$trnlnm("GNV_PCSI_KITNAME")
$ if kit_name .eqs. ""
$ then
$ write sys$output "@MAKE_PCSI_CURL_KIT_NAME.COM has not been run."
$ goto all_exit
$ endif
$! Parse the kit name into components.
$ producer = f$element(0, "-", kit_name)
$ base = f$element(1, "-", kit_name)
$ product = f$element(2, "-", kit_name)
$ mmversion = f$element(3, "-", kit_name)
$ majorver = f$extract(0, 3, mmversion)
$ minorver = f$extract(3, 2, mmversion)
$ updatepatch = f$element(4, "-", kit_name)
$ if updatepatch .eqs. "-" then updatepatch = ""
$! kit type of "D" means a daily build
$ kit_type = f$edit(f$extract(0, 1, majorver), "upcase")
$ cfg_file_in = "[--]curl-config.in"
$ if f$search(cfg_file_in) .eqs. ""
$ then
$ write sys$output "Can not find curl-config.in."
$ goto all_exit
$ endif
$ if (f$getsyi("HW_MODEL") .lt. 1024)
$ then
$ arch_name = "VAX"
@ -66,223 +33,122 @@ $ arch_name = arch_name + f$edit(f$getsyi("ARCH_NAME"), "UPCASE")
$ if (arch_name .eqs. "") then arch_name = "UNK"
$ endif
$ x_prefix = "/usr"
$ x_exec_prefix = "/usr"
$ x_includedir = "${prefix}/include"
$ x_cppflag_curl_staticlib = "-DCURL_STATICLIB"
$ x_enabled_shared = "no"
$ x_curl_ca_bundle = ""
$ x_cc = "cc"
$ x_support_features = "SSL IPv6 libz NTLM"
$ x_support_protocols2 = " LDAPS POP3 POP3S RTSP SMTP SMTPS TELNET TFTP"
$ x_support_protocols = x_support_protocols1 + x_support_protocols2
$ x_curlversion = ""
$ x_versionnum = ""
$ x_libdir = "${prefix}/lib"
$ x_require_lib_deps = ""
$ x_enable_static = ""
$ x_ldflags = ""
$ part1 = "-L/usr/lib -L/SSL_LIB -lssl -lcrypto -lz"
$ if arch_name .eqs. "VAX"
$ then
$ x_libcurl_libs = part1
$ else
$ x_libcurl_libs = part1 + " -lgssapi"
$ endif
$ x_libext = "a"
$ curl_version = "0.0.0"
$ open/read vf [--.include.curl]curlver.h
$ read vf/end=version_loop_end line_in
$! Get the version number
$ i = 0
$ open/read/error=version_loop_end vhf [--.include.curl]curlver.h
$ version_loop:
$ read/end=version_loop_end vhf line_in
$ if line_in .eqs. "" then goto version_loop
$ key = f$element(0, " ", line_in)
$ if key .nes. "#define" then goto version_loop
$ name = f$element(1, " ", line_in)
$ if name .eqs. "LIBCURL_VERSION"
$ if f$locate("#define LIBCURL_VERSION ", line_in) .eq. 0
$ then
$ curl_version = f$element(2, " ", line_in) - """" - """"
$ goto version_loop
$ x_curlversion = f$element(2," ", line_in) - """" - """"
$ i = i + 1
$ endif
$ if name .eqs. "LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM"
$ if f$locate("#define LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM ", line_in) .eq. 0
$ then
$ version_num_hex = f$element(2, " ", line_in)
$ version_num = version_num_hex - "0x"
$ goto version_loop
$ x_versionnum = f$element(2," ", line_in) - """" - """"
$ i = i + 1
$ endif
$ close vf
$ if i .lt 2 then goto version_loop
$ version_loop_end:
$ close vhf
$ create [--]curl-config.
$ open/append pco [--]curl-config.
$ open/read pci 'cfg_file_in'
$ read pci/end=cfg_file_loop_end line_in
$! blank lines
$ if line_in .eqs. ""
$ kit_type = "V"
$ if f$locate("-", x_curlversion) .lt. f$length(x_curlversion)
$ then
$ write pco ""
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ kit_type = "D"
$ x_prefix = "/beta"
$ x_exec_prefix = "/beta"
$ endif
$! comment lines
$ key = f$extract(0, 1, line_in)
$ if key .eqs. "#"
$ if kit_type .nes. "D"
$ then
$ write pco line_in
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ part1 = " echo "" '--prefix=/usr' '--exec-prefix=/usr' "
$ else
$ part1 = " echo "" '--prefix=/beta' '--exec_prefix=/beta' "
$ endif
$ if arch_name .eqs. "VAX"
$ then
$ part3 = ""
$ else
$ part3 = "'--with-gssapi' "
$ endif
$ part2 = "'--disable-dependency-tracking' '--disable-libtool-lock' "
$ part4 = "'--disable-ntlm-wb' '--with-ca-path=gnv$curl_ca_path'"""
$! No substitution line
$ line_in_len = f$length(line_in)
$ if f$locate("@", line_in) .ge. line_in_len
$ then
$ write pco line_in
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ endif
$ x_configure_options = part1 + part2 + part3 + part4
$ if f$locate("@prefix@", line_in) .lt line_in_len
$ then
$ if kit_type .nes. "D"
$ then
$ write pco "prefix=/usr"
$ else
$ write pco "prefix=/beta"
$ endif
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ endif
$ if f$locate("@exec_prefix@", line_in) .lt line_in_len
$ then
$ if kit_type .nes. "D"
$ then
$ write pco "exec_prefix=/usr"
$ else
$ write pco "exec_prefix=/beta"
$ endif
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ endif
$ if f$locate("=@includedir@", line_in) .lt line_in_len
$ then
$ write pco "includedir=$(prefix}/include"
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ endif
$ if f$locate("X@includedir@", line_in) .lt line_in_len
$ then
$ write pco " if test ""X$(prefix}/include""; then"
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ endif
$ if f$locate("I@includedir@", line_in) .lt line_in_len
$ then
$ write pco " echo "${CPPFLAG_CURL_STATICLIB}-I$(prefix}/include"
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ endif
$ if f$locate("@CPPFLAG_CURL_STATICLIB@", line_in) .lt line_in_len
$ then
$ write pco "cppflag_curl_staticlib=-DCURL_STATICLIB"
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ endif
$ if f$locate("@ENABLE_SHARED@", line_in) .lt line_in_len
$ then
$ write pco " echo no"
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ endif
$ if f$locate("@CURL_CA_BUNDLE@", line_in) .lt line_in_len
$ then
$ write pco " echo """""
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ endif
$ if f$locate("@CC@", line_in) .lt line_in_len
$ then
$ write pco " echo ""cc"""
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ endif
$ if f$locate("@SUPPORT_FEATURES@", line_in) .lt line_in_len
$ then
$ if arch_name .eqs. "VAX"
$ then
$ write pco " for feature in SSL libz NTLM ""; do"
$ else
$ write pco " for feature in SSL IPv6 libz NTLM ""; do"
$ endif
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ endif
$ if f$locate("@SUPPORT_PROTOCOLS@", line_in) .lt line_in_len
$ then
$ proto = proto1 + proto2
$ write pco " for protocol in " + proto + "; do"
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ endif
$ if f$locate("libcurl @CURLVERSION@", line_in) .lt line_in_len
$ then
$ write pco " echo libcurl ''curl_version'"
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ endif
$ if f$locate("existing @CURLVERSION@", line_in) .lt line_in_len
$ then
$ line_start = -
" echo ""requested version $checkfor is newer than existing"
$ write pco "''line_start' ''curl_version'"""
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ endif
$ if f$locate("`echo @versionnum@", line_in) .lt line_in_len
$ then
$ write pco " numuppercase=`echo ''version_num' | tr 'a-f' 'A-F'`"
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ endif
$ if f$locate(" echo @versionnum@", line_in) .lt line_in_len
$ then
$ write pco " echo ''version_num'"
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ endif
$ if f$locate("X@libdir@", line_in) .lt line_in_len
$ then
$ part1 = " if test ""$(exec_prefix}/lib"" != ""X/usr/lib"""
$ part2 = "-a ""X$(exec_prefix}/lib"" != ""X/usr/lib64""; then"
$ write pco part1,part2
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ endif
$ if f$locate("L@libdir@", line_in) .lt line_in_len
$ then
$ write pco " CURLLIBDIR=""$(exec_prefix}/lib """
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ endif
$ if f$locate("@REQUIRE_LIB_DEPS@", line_in) .lt line_in_len
$ then
$ write pco " if test "Xyes" = "Xyes"; then"
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ endif
$ if f$locate("@LIBCURL_LIBS@", line_in) .lt line_in_len
$ then
$ if arch_name .eqs. "VAX"
$ then
$ write pco " echo ${CURLLIBDIR}-lssl -lcrypto -lz"
$ else
$ write pco " echo ${CURLLIBDIR}-lssl -lcrypto -lgssapi -lz"
$ endif
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ endif
$ if f$locate("@ENABLE_STATIC@", line_in) .lt line_in_len
$ then
$ write pco " if test "Xyes" != "Xno" ; then"
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ endif
$ if f$locate("@LIBCURL_LIBS@", line_in) .lt line_in_len
$ then
$ part1 = " echo ${exec_prefix}/lib/libcurl.a"
$ part2 = "-L/usr/lib -L/SSL_LIB"
$ if arch_name .eqs. "VAX"
$ then
$ write pco "''part1' ''part2' -lssl -lcrypto -lz"
$ else
$ write pco "''part1' ''part2' -lssl -lcrypto -lgssapi -lz"
$ endif
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ endif
$ if f$locate("@CONFIGURE_OPTIONS@", line_in) .lt line_in_len
$ then
$ if kit_type .nes. "D"
$ then
$ part1 = " echo "" '--prefix=/usr' '--exec-prefix=/usr' "
$ else
$ part1 = " echo "" '--prefix=/beta' '--exec_prefix=/beta' "
$ endif
$ if arch_name .eqs. "VAX"
$ then
$ part3 = ""
$ else
$ part3 = "'--with-gssapi' "
$ endif
$ part2 = "'--disable-dependency-tracking' '--disable-libtool-lock' "
$ part4 = "'--disable-ntlm-wb' '--with-ca-path=gnv$curl_ca_path'"""
$ write pco part1,part2,part3,part4
$ goto cfg_file_loop
$ endif
$ close pco
$ close pci
$ exit
$ open/read/error=read_loop_end c_c_in sys$disk:[--]curl-config.in
$ create sys$disk:[--]curl-config.
$ open/append c_c_out sys$disk:[--]curl-config.
$ read/end=read_loop_end c_c_in line_in
$ line_in_len = f$length(line_in)
$ if f$locate("@", line_in) .ge. line_in_len
$ then
$ write c_c_out line_in
$ goto read_loop
$ endif
$ i = 0
$ line_out = ""
$ ! Replace between pairs of @ by alternating the elements.
$ ! If mis-matched pairs, do not substitute anything.
$ section1 = f$element(i, "@", line_in)
$ if section1 .eqs. "@"
$ then
$ goto sub_loop_end
$ endif
$ i = i + 1
$ section2 = f$element(i, "@", line_in)
$ if section2 .eqs. "@"
$ then
$ goto sub_loop_end
$ endif
$ i = i + 1
$ section3 = f$element(i, "@", line_in)
$ if section3 .eqs. "@"
$ then
$ if line_out .eqs. "" then line_out = line_in
$ goto sub_loop_end
$ endif
$ line_out = line_out + section1
$ if f$type(x_'section2') .eqs. "STRING"
$ then
$ line_out = line_out + x_'section2'
$ endif
$ goto sub_loop
$ write c_c_out line_out
$ goto read_loop
$ close c_c_in
$ close c_c_out
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ $ endif
$ curl_version = "0.0.0"
$ open/read vf [--.src]version.h
$ open/read vf [--.src]tool_version.h
$ read vf/end=version_loop_end line_in
$ if line_in .eqs. "" then goto version_loop
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ $! VAX must always use DFLOAT
$! NOLARGE Disable large-file support if large file support available.
$! (Non-VAX, VMS >= V7.2.)
$! NOLDAP Disable LDAP support if LDAP is available.
$! NOKERBEROS Disable Kerberos support if Kerberos is not available.
$! NOKERBEROS Disable Kerberos support if Kerberos is available.
$! LIST Create C compiler listings and linker maps.
$! /list/show=(expan,includ)/machine
$! FULLLIST Full detailed listing.
@ -148,6 +148,9 @@ $! * 3 spaces after $ for second level. Line start + 4.
$! * 7 spaces after $ for third level. Line start + 8.
$! * Each level after that indents 4 characters.
$! * then/else/endif same indentation as if statement.
$! 17-Nov-2014, Michael Steve
$! Modified build to handle new location of the VTLS lib
$! source within zip archive. Not a pretty fix.
@ -677,8 +680,6 @@ $! Form CC qualifiers.
$ cc_defs = "/define = (''cc_defs')"
$ cc_qual2 = cc_qual2 + " /object = ''objdir'"
$ cc_qual2 = cc_qual2 + " /include = ([-.lib], [-.src],"
$ cc_qual2 = cc_qual2 + " [-.packages.vms], [-.packages.vms.''arch_name'])"
$ cc_qual2 = cc_qual2 + "/nested_include_directory=none"
$ 'vo_c' "CC opts:", -
@ -806,7 +807,6 @@ $! set nover
$ endif
$ on control_y then goto Common_Exit
$ set default 'proc_dev_dir'
@ -819,10 +819,21 @@ $ if curl_sys_zlibinc .nes. ""
$ then
$ sys_inc = sys_inc + ",''curl_sys_zlibinc'"
$ endif
$! Build LIB
$ cc_include = "/include=([-.lib],[-.lib.vtls],[-.packages.vms]"
$ cc_include = cc_include + ",[-.packages.vms.''arch_name'])"
$ call build "[--.lib]" "*.c" "''objdir'CURLLIB.OLB" "amigaos, nwlib, nwos"
$ if ($status .eq. ctrl_y) then goto Common_Exit
$! Build VTLS
$ cc_include = "/include=([--.lib.vtls],[--.lib],[--.src]"
$ cc_include = cc_include + ",[--.packages.vms],[--.packages.vms.''arch_name'])"
$ call build "[--.lib.vtls]" "*.c" "''objdir'CURLLIB.OLB" "amigaos, nwlib, nwos"
$! Build SRC
$ cc_include = "/include=([-.src],[-.lib],[-.lib.vtls]"
$ cc_include = cc_include + ",[-.packages.vms],[-.packages.vms.''arch_name'])"
$ call build "[--.src]" "*.c" "''objdir'CURLSRC.OLB"
$ if ($status .eq. ctrl_y) then goto Common_Exit
$! Build MSG
$ call build "[]" "*.msg" "''objdir'CURLSRC.OLB"
$ if ($status .eq. ctrl_y) then goto Common_Exit
@ -920,7 +931,7 @@ $ on control_y then goto EndLoop ! SS$_CONTROLY
$ sts = 1 ! SS$_NORMAL.
$! set noon
$ set default 'p1'
$ search = p2
$ search = "sys$disk:" + p2
$ reset = f$search("reset")
$ if f$search( p3) .eqs. ""
$ then
@ -994,6 +1005,7 @@ $ define/user decc$system_include 'sys_inc'
$ CC 'cc_defs' -
'cc_qual1' -
'cc_qual2' -
'cc_include' -
$ else
$ cmd_msg = "MESSAGE " + msg_qual
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ LCL_ROOT:,VMS_ROOT:,SRC_ROOT:
For the make install process to work, it must have write access to the
directories referenced by the GNU: logical name.
In future releases of GNV, and with GNV Bash 4.2.45 installed, this name
In future releases of GNV, and with GNV Bash 4.3.30 installed, this name
should be GNV$GNU:
As directly updating those directories would probably be disruptive to other
@ -99,10 +99,6 @@ Note to builders:
GNV currently has a bug where configure scripts take a long time to run.
Some of the configure steps take a while to complete, and on a 600 Mhz
DS10 with IDE disks, taking an hour to run the CURL configure is normal.
The bug appears to be in the SED for GNV 2.1.3 and GNV 3.0.1 where it
is taking far longer than it should to do I/O. In addition, there are
reports that the SED in GNV 3.0.1 is broken so the SED from GNV 2.1.3
should be used instead.
The following messages can be ignored and may get fixed in a future version
of GNV. The GNV$*.OPT files are used to find the libraries as many have
@ -119,12 +115,50 @@ u unimplemented switch - ignored
With these search lists set up and the properly, curl can be built by
setting your default to PRJ_ROOT:[curl.packages.vms] where the * is
replaced by the actual version of curl, and then issuing the command:
setting your default to PRJ_ROOT:[curl.packages.vms] and then issuing
either the command:
$ @pcsi_product_gnv_curl.com
$ @build_gnv_curl.com.
This command procedure does the following:
The GNV configure procedure takes considerably longer than the DCL build
procecure takes. It is of use for testing the GNV build environment, and
may not have been kept up to date.
The pcsi_product_gnv_curl.com needs the following logical names which
are described in the section below:
vms_root1 (Optional if vms_root is on a NFS volume)
src_root1 (Optional if src_root is on a NFS volume)
The pcsi_product_gnv_curl.com is described in more detail below. It does
the following steps. The build steps are only done if they are needed to
allow using either DCL or GNV based building procedures.
$ @build_vms list
$ @gnv_link_curl.com
$ @build_gnv_curl_release_notes.com
$ @backup_gnv_curl_src.com
$ @build_gnv_curl_pcsi_desc.com
$ @build_gnv_curl_pcsi_text.com
$ @stage_curl_install remove
$ @stage_curl_install
Then builds the kit.
The build_gnv_curl.com command procedure does the following:
$ @setup_gnv_curl_build.com
@ -140,7 +174,8 @@ This command procedure does the following:
$ purge new_gnu:[*...]/log
To clean up after a build to start over, the following commands are used:
To clean up after a GNV based build to start over, the following commands are
$ bash
bash$ cd ../..
@ -277,6 +277,18 @@ $endif
$write cvh "#endif"
$write cvh "#ifndef __VAX"
$write cvh "#ifdef CURL_DISABLE_NTLM"
$write cvh "#undef CURL_DISABLE_NTLM"
$write cvh "#endif"
$write cvh "#else"
$! NTLM needs long long or int64 support, missing from DECC C.
$write cvh "#ifdef __DECC
$write cvh "#ifndef CURL_DISABLE_NTLM"
$write cvh "#define CURL_DISABLE_NTLM 1"
$write cvh "#endif"
$write cvh "#endif"
$write cvh "#endif"
$write cvh "#ifdef CURL_DISABLE_POP3"
$write cvh "#undef CURL_DISABLE_POP3"
$write cvh "#endif"
@ -334,6 +346,9 @@ $write cvh "#endif"
$write cvh "#ifdef USE_MANUAL"
$write cvh "#undef USE_MANUAL"
$write cvh "#endif"
$write cvh "#ifdef USE_NGHTTP2"
$write cvh "#undef USE_NGHTTP2"
$write cvh "#endif"
$write cvh "#ifdef USE_NSS"
$write cvh "#undef USE_NSS"
$write cvh "#endif"
@ -352,10 +367,17 @@ $write cvh "#endif"
$write cvh "#ifdef USE_TLS_SRP"
$write cvh "#undef USE_TLS_SRP"
$write cvh "#endif"
$write cvh "#ifdef USE_UNIX_SOCKETS"
$write cvh "#undef USE_UNIX_SOCKETS"
$write cvh "#endif"
$write cvh "#ifdef USE_WINDOWS_SSPI"
$write cvh "#undef USE_WINDOWS_SSPI"
$write cvh "#endif"
$write cvh "#ifndef HAVE_OLD_GSSMIT"
$write cvh "#define gss_nt_service_name GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE"
$write cvh "#endif"
$! Note:
$! The CURL_EXTERN_SYMBOL is used for platforms that need the compiler
@ -388,6 +410,18 @@ $ write cvh "#endif"
$ write cvh "#ifndef USE_SSLEAY"
$ write cvh "#define USE_SSLEAY 1"
$ write cvh "#endif"
$ if arch_name .eqs. "VAX"
$ then
$ old_mes = f$enviroment("message")
$ set message/notext/nofaci/noseve/noident
$ search/output=nla0: ssl$include:*.h CONF_MFLAGS_IGNORE_MISSING_FILE
$ status = $severity
$ set message'old_mes'
$ if status .nes. "1"
$ then
$ write cvh "#define VMS_OLD_SSL 1"
$ endif
$ endif
@ -406,6 +440,7 @@ $ write cvh "#undef HAVE_LIBIDN"
$ write cvh "#endif"
$! LibSSH2 not ported to VMS at this time.
$! Allow explicit experimentation.
$if libssh2
@ -428,6 +463,7 @@ $ write cvh "#endif"
$if .not. nozlib
$ write cvh "#define HAVE_LIBZ 1"
@ -435,6 +471,9 @@ $ write cvh "#define HAVE_ZLIB_H 1"
$! Suppress a message in curl_gssapi.c compile.
$write cvh "#pragma message disable notconstqual"
$! Close out the file
$write cvh ""
@ -354,7 +354,6 @@ $ endif
$gnv_libcurl_share = "''default_dir'gnv$libcurl.exe"
$set ver
$ if f$search(gnv_libcurl_share) .eqs. ""
$ then
$ if arch_name .nes. "VAX"
@ -420,19 +419,17 @@ $ curl_dsf = "[.src]curl.dsf"
$ curl_main = "[.packages.vms.''arch_name']tool_main.obj"
$ curl_src = "[.packages.vms.''arch_name']curlsrc.olb"
$ curl_lib = "[.packages.vms.''arch_name']curllib.olb"
$ strtoofft = "strtoofft"
$ strdup = "strdup"
$ rawstr = "rawstr"
$ nonblock = "nonblock"
$ warnless = "warnless"
$! Extended parse style requires special quoting
$ if (arch_name .nes. "VAX") .and. (parse_style .eqs. "EXTENDED")
$ then
$ strtoofft = """strtoofft"""
$ strdup = """strdup"""
$ rawstr = """rawstr"""
$ nonblock = """nonblock"""
$ warnless = """warnless"""
$ endif
$ if f$search(curl_exe) .eqs. ""
$ then
@ -440,7 +437,7 @@ $ define/user gnv$libcurl 'gnv_libcurl_share'
$ link'ldebug'/exe='curl_exe'/dsf='curl_dsf' -
'curl_main','curl_src'/lib, -
('strtoofft', 'strdup', 'rawstr', 'nonblock'),-
@ -448,7 +445,7 @@ gnv_packages_vms:curl_crtl_init.obj
$ endif
$ endif
$set nover
$! in6addr_missing so skip building:
$! [.server]sws.o
@ -61,6 +61,32 @@ $! Make sure that the kit name is up to date for this build
$! Make sure that the image is built
$ arch_name = f$edit(f$getsyi("arch_name"),"UPCASE")
$ if f$search("[--.src]curl.exe") .eqs. ""
$ then
$ build_it = 1
$ libfile = "[.packages.vms.''arch_name']curllib.olb"
$ if f$search(libfile) .nes. ""
$ then
$ build_it = 0
$ else
$ ! GNV based build
$ libfile = "[.lib.^.libs]libcurl.a"
$ if f$search(libfile) .nes. ""
$ then
$ build_it = 0;
$ endif
$ endif
$ if build_it .eq. 1
$ then
$ @build_vms list
$ endif
$ @gnv_link_curl.com
$ endif
$! Make sure that the release note file name is up to date
@ -107,6 +133,8 @@ $ else
$ version = "''mmversion'"
$ endif
$ @stage_curl_install remove
$ @stage_curl_install
$! Move to the base directories
$ set def [--]
@ -114,6 +142,7 @@ $ current_default = f$environment("DEFAULT")
$ my_dir = f$parse(current_default,,,"DIRECTORY") - "[" - "<" - ">" - "]"
$ source = "''default_dir'"
$ src1 = "new_gnu:[usr.bin],"
$ src2 = "new_gnu:[usr.include.curl],"
@ -128,7 +157,6 @@ $ gnu_src = src1 + src2 + src3 + src4 + src5 + src6 + src7 + src8 + src9
$ base = ""
$ arch_name = f$edit(f$getsyi("arch_name"),"UPCASE")
$ if arch_name .eqs. "ALPHA" then base = "AXPVMS"
$ if arch_name .eqs. "IA64" then base = "I64VMS"
$ if arch_name .eqs. "VAX" then base = "VAXVMS"
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef __VMS
vms_special_exit(res, vms_show);
vms_special_exit(result, vms_show);
return (int)result;
Reference in New Issue
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