mk-ca-bundle.vbs: switch to new certdata.txt url.

This commit is contained in:
Guenter Knauf 2014-11-07 10:27:26 +01:00
parent b7daa665ba
commit f28c856e33

View File

@ -26,10 +26,9 @@
'* Hacked by Guenter Knauf '* Hacked by Guenter Knauf
'*************************************************************************** '***************************************************************************
Option Explicit Option Explicit
Const myVersion = "0.3.8" Const myVersion = "0.3.9"
Const myUrl = ""
Const myUrl = ""
Const myOpenssl = "openssl.exe" Const myOpenssl = "openssl.exe"
Const myCdSavF = FALSE ' Flag: save downloaded data to file certdata.txt Const myCdSavF = FALSE ' Flag: save downloaded data to file certdata.txt
@ -48,7 +47,7 @@ Set objHttp = WScript.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
If objHttp Is Nothing Then Set objHttp = WScript.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest") If objHttp Is Nothing Then Set objHttp = WScript.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest")
myBase = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\")) myBase = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, InstrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName, "\"))
mySelf = Left(WScript.ScriptName, InstrRev(WScript.ScriptName, ".") - 1) & " " & myVersion mySelf = Left(WScript.ScriptName, InstrRev(WScript.ScriptName, ".") - 1) & " " & myVersion
myCdFile = Mid(myUrl, InstrRev(myUrl, "/") + 1, InstrRev(myUrl, "?") - InstrRev(myUrl, "/") - 1) myCdFile = Mid(myUrl, InstrRev(myUrl, "/") + 1)
myCaFile = "ca-bundle.crt" myCaFile = "ca-bundle.crt"
myTmpName = InputBox("Enter output filename:", mySelf, myCaFile) myTmpName = InputBox("Enter output filename:", mySelf, myCaFile)
If Not (myTmpName = "") Then If Not (myTmpName = "") Then
@ -60,8 +59,8 @@ objHttp.SetTimeouts 0, 5000, 10000, 10000
objHttp.Open "GET", myUrl, FALSE objHttp.Open "GET", myUrl, FALSE
objHttp.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", WScript.ScriptName & "/" & myVersion objHttp.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", WScript.ScriptName & "/" & myVersion
objHttp.Send "" objHttp.Send ""
If Not (objHttp.statusText = "OK") Then If Not (objHttp.Status = 200) Then
MsgBox("Failed to download '" & myCdFile & "': " & objHttp.statusText), vbCritical, mySelf MsgBox("Failed to download '" & myCdFile & "': " & objHttp.Status & " - " & objHttp.StatusText), vbCritical, mySelf
WScript.Quit 1 WScript.Quit 1
End If End If
' Convert data from ResponseBody instead of using ResponseText because of UTF-8 ' Convert data from ResponseBody instead of using ResponseText because of UTF-8