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$! DEFINES.COMI$! Define where to look for the curl include directory, where to put the J$! exes and objects, and the openssl stuff. If you have hp's SSL product H$! installed you won't need these openssl, libssl and libcrypto defines.$!I$! Be cautioned, though. If you build using these defines at the processJ$! level and then try to build against hp's SSL product, you will need to J$! deassign the openssl logical at the process level or the link will most$! probably fail.$!$$ proc = f$environment( "PROCEDURE")%$ thisdev = f$parse( proc,,,"DEVICE");$ thisdir = f$parse( proc,,,"DIRECTORY") - ".PACKAGES.VMS]"D$ newdir = f$parse( proc,,,"DEVICE") + f$parse( proc,,,"DIRECTORY")$ exedir = newdir - "]"$!$ arch = f$getsyi("ARCH_TYPE")$ if ( arch .eq. 1) $ then$ exedir = exedir + ".VAX]"$ ssldir = "VAX"$ else$ if ( arch .eq. 2) $ then!$ exedir = exedir + ".AXP]"$ ssldir = "AXP" $ else"$ exedir = exedir + ".IA64]"$ ssldir = "IA64"
$ endif$ endif$ define/nolog exedir 'exedir'$ define/nolog objdir 'exedir'$ define/nolog lisdir 'exedir'$!6$ def/nolog curl 'THISDEV''THISDIR'.INCLUDE.CURL]-$ def/nolog libsrc 'THISDEV''THISDIR'.LIB]-$ def/nolog src 'THISDEV''THISDIR'.SRC]?$ def/nolog openssl 'THISDEV'[OPENSSL-0_9_7C.INCLUDE.OPENSSL]J$ def/nolog libssl 'THISDEV'[OPENSSL-0_9_7C.'ssldir'.EXE.SSL]LIBSSL.OLBP$ def/nolog libcrypto 'THISDEV'[OPENSSL-0_9_7C.'ssldir'.EXE.CRYPTO]LIBCRYPTO.OLB$!$ exit